The Pull-Morbius

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When my dragon finally releases the hold that he had on me I can hardly breathe. His excitement thrums in my chest from the conversation that he just had with our brother. I shake my head as I watch his glee play out in my mind. Pushing up to my elbows I rise from the forest floor as I look around. The sky has gone dark and considering how stiff my body is, I know that I have been out here a while.

Getting to my feet is done slowly as my muscles ache and crack. I'm left standing still in the forest as my mind races.Images of her pool in my mind as the urge to go to her grows. My head swivels over in the direction as I imagine the scenarios that would play out if I do. A part of me knows that it isn't a good idea but my feet want to pull me in that direction anyway. Just as I take the step in that direction I am halted by my dragon.

She has just taken her mate after being rejected by you. The ether from the soul bond still runs through her veins. I would imagine that that is not something that we want to ruin.

Knowing that he is right, I turn in the other direction and begin to walk once more. If I am unable to go to her at this moment then I must find something else to focus on. With each step the thoughts of what I could do run through my mind but the sensation that I feel has not removed itself. If anything it feels as if with each step that I take it gets stronger.

As I walk, I focus on it. A smile comes to my face as it heats. The feeling is raw and untamed as it fuels the blood in my veins. My feet pause once more as I look in that direction to where I know that she is. It's almost as if I can feel her even though she is not here. I find this calling to be irritating in the movement since i cannot answer it but i do believe that when the time comes that it will come in handy.

I force my feet to move again. If I am going to do this then I need to do it right. Winning her back will be everything. I barely even have an idea of where I want to start. Hell this may even be harder than the missions that I used to plan with over twenty operatives. This tugging in my chest gives me hope though. Hope that she will still feel a connection to me as I have one for her.

I slam the door to my cabin as I walk through it. My hands run through my hair in irritation as I look at the mess that was left. If its one thing that I hate, it is for things to be unorganized. Walking to the kitchen I grab the trash and broom and head to get started on the mess. As I enter my makeshift office I growl as the scent from another hits my nose.

"If you all just keep popping up here my hospitality might change to something despicable" i warn Maximus as i begin to pick up pieces of the desk i shattered. As usual I do the same routine and ignore him as I get done what I need to get done. I can feel the tension in the air as he stares at me and it's different from the normal times that he and Xander have paid a visit.

"What?" I asked him in pure irritation. As I pause in my cleaning my hand rubs the spot over my chest as it continues to call to her.

"I'm not one to mince words so i'm just going to state things plain and true. You are fucking up with your mate" he says.

I look him in his eyes as he says the words. I know that what he is saying is true but I want to know what really gave him the audacity. I lean my weight against the broom as I ponder how to take this conversation. He is happy with his mate. I have even heard that they have a child. Everyone here who has met their mate seems to be happy. It may not be too bad to have a conversation. Hell, at this point I pretty much need all the help that I can get.

So stop staring at him and ask already.

"Fine, what do you suggest that I do?" I ask him through gritted teeth. Im forced to roll my eyes as a look of shock comes over his features before he can cover it up. I silently curse my dragon for giving me the ridiculous idea. I go back to cleaning to give myself something else to do.

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