Last Chances-Slater

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I drum my fingers on the table in my lab as I wait for the latest results to show up. Frustration eats at my veins as I think about the other results that I have been able to produce. I look at the vials that litter around the lab in disgust as I look at the products of all my hard work. I have been out of practice much too long if this simple formula is proving to get the best of me.

My mind flashes back to almost ten years earlier when I received that call. It was the call that changed everything for me including the path that I would take in the experiments that I started. The very person that gave the order is now dead by my hand because he thought that he could tell me what to do. He said that a mind such as mine would prove more useful outside of the confines of a lab.

I was so irritated when he sent his goons to remove me that I had no choice but to take matters into my own hands. The other doctors in the lab were happy to be keeping their place at the Pfizer Pharmaceutical Company that none would interfere on my behalf. In anger I went up to the head offices and struck a deal to my benefit. The man was so excited by my research that he agreed to give me anything I wanted.

In a way he had no choice considering that I had a way to cure his daughter of a cancer that was eating her alive at such a fast rate. He merely suggested that the person that he had in charge of me would stop the procedures so I would need to get him out of the way. He wanted his brother gone to save his daughter but refused to do the dirty work himself.

It took days for me to get his brother to meet me. A simple ingredient inside of his drink made sure that he had a heart attack so severe that he died right at the bar where I took him. In that moment as I watched him clutching his chest and fighting for air, I felt something. It was the first time since they left me that I felt powerful. I have made sure since that time that I have felt powerful ever since. It also made me realize that he was right. If I was capable of doing something so powerful then I had outgrown my space in the lab.

Of course I took my cue from then and took the information of the conversations with the man in the company and brought it before him. He was so happy that I cured his daughter that he didn't care about me trying to blackmail him. He signed the company over to me for the proof that I had of him ordering the murder of his brother. Every plan that I have made from then on has been of my own making.

The machine finally goes off and I turn back to it eagerly. I sigh as I lift out the vial waiting for another bad result. Just as I go to lift the lid on the machine a chuckle from behind me has me whirling to face it. As I look at her in all her glory I am unable to muster up good feelings. My heart thrums as that pull in my chest that has lessened over the years comes back with full force. Instead of paying attention to it, I give her the same treatment that she gave me all those years ago and I turn my back on her.

"Go home to your mate, Avery" I spit as I said her name. The very thought of it has become like a curse to me all this time after her betrayal. I should be surprised that she has shown up in my secret lab of all places. I should be furious that I have been found and yet the only thing that I can do is drag a hand down my face. I don't have time for this. I have a mission that must be completed.

"After all this time, that is what you have to say to me slay" she asks in her angelic voice. That voice used to be like music to my ears. Everything that came out of it I was ready to follow without a thought. I couldn't even go a day of my life without hearing it. Now it makes me feel as if someone is scratching their nails down a chalkboard. To make matters worse, that old nickname that was given to me by him causes me nothing but anger.

"You made the choice for both of us. I am sticking to it. Now Leave!" I scream at her as I fiddle with my machines.

My hands itch to see the results but she is here. With her here I can not do this. This weak feeling that she brings out in me is one that I know all too well. I have worked tirelessly for decades to rid myself of the feelings that they left me with. Her being in my lab now makes no difference.

"I can't!" she yells back at me. With a heavy sigh I turned to face her. For the first time in years I really take a look at the only women in the world who has ever had my heart. The one that I used to have anyway. I can see the changes over time that her body has made. It suits her. The thought of how those changes were made by carrying his child brings on another bout of irritation to me.

"You already have before! You can leave because you choose him every time. You choose Salvatore every time "I yell at her as my hand swipes through the air. She steps toward me as the tears pull in my eyes and I hold up a hand to halt her. Inside I make a plea for her to stay away from me. I won't let her touch me and have me believe that everything will be okay again. I can not have her comfort me knowing that she will go back to him.

"I want to fix it, Slay. You can stop all of this and come home with me now. We can try to make things right. It has been too long already" She says as the tears fall down her cheeks.

Laughter bubbles up from my chest at her theatrics. She really has got to be kidding me. Why on earth would I want to quit this now? She is right when she says that it is too late. It was too late when she allowed those words to leave her lips. It was too late when they left me alone and refused contact with me. It was too late when I felt her bond with him happen. It was too late when I waited for years for either of them to return or when they moved every time I felt close to them.

"Yeah babe.That ship that you are high on is way too late. I don't want you and I don't want him "I state with all the conviction that I feel. My shoulders rise and fall rapidly in relief as I get the words out. I have wanted to say them for much too long. Deciding that I am done with this conversation I walk back over to my machine. I lift the lid and smile when the contents inside of it glow.

Lifting it to the light I have no other reaction but to smile. It looks as if I have finally got it right. Everything that I have been working for will finally happen. Now as I look at her it is with a smile. The small amount of emotions that she has caused me to feel in this short amount of time vanish as I step closer to her. She smiles at me in return like a fool as she has no idea what I am thinking. I wait to speak until the very scent of her fills my nostrils and the heat of her body slowly seeps into mine. I look her dead in her eyes as I state the last words that I ever will to her.

"You are going to be just like the rest of your kind very soon. Years ago your little innocent act might have worked on me. The love that I had for you and Salvatore was still rushing through my veins. But, now that it doesn't, I can't wait to see you cold and lifeless just like every other beast out there that has the nerves to call themselves a benevolent dragon "I put harshly into her ear.

She gasps as she releases a sob and I smile at her pain. This is exactly what I wanted. The only thing that could make this better would be if he were here and in pain soon. It's no bother anyhow soon enough he will also feel this pain. I push her away from me as I walk back over to my table.

I know her and I know that my words will finally be enough for her to leave. It's what I wanted anyway. There is a part of me that wants to pine and take one last look but I have ignored it. I have been ignoring the things that they made me feel for years. The more time that i spent away from them, the more my hatred for the happy couple grew. As I hear her steps through, I know that there is one more thing that I have to do.

"Her Avery" I called out behind me. I hear her steps halt as I start typing the working formula into my computer. With a deep breath I say the final words that I have held in since the very moment I gave up on them over a decade ago. "I Slater Monroe accepts the rejection of your love and your soul" I state.

The scream that echoes from her is loud and deafening in such a small place. I am forced to brace a hand on the table as a pain hits me in the chest. This time is different from when she first delivered her rejection however. This time I don't pass out and wake up all alone with just a note. This time I am able to keep myself standing as I breathe harshly. This time I won't have to live with the pain that she caused me. This time i get to make sure she dies instead of leaving me with a life of nothing but torture.

I start to hum as I am finally able to turn back to my work. The silence in the room lets me know that she has finally gone. I start to move quickly because I know what this means. If she can find me then it means that the others can too. Now that i have finally severed the last connection that i had to her she would be able to easily tell them where i am. I start the mass creation of the formula and step back as the glowing vials start to produce.

Project Orgasm is back on it seems and this time, i wont be the only one who gets fucked over.....

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