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The little weird man that smells like death leaves the room in a flash after making eye contact with my brother. I turn my head to look at the three men holding me and it turns out that they are looking at each other. It appears that no one knows what to do, when they are all listening to him. What are they doing listening to a human anyway? I smirk as an idea comes to mind.

"So I take it that he has something on all of you right?" I ask the question loudly to insure that everyone hears me. They keep on looking at eachother as if they don't know what I mean. This makes me laugh aloud as i shake my head at them. "Well, its obvious right. Okay, fine. He has a way of ending your life in a split second no matter where in the world you are, right" I ask them again. Some of them start to shuffle around where they stand. "I am right aren't i?" I ask incredulously. They really are just some dumb creatures. No wonder the little man has no respect for us.

"Trust me brother. You are barking up the wrong tree. None of these idiots are able to think for themselves" Morbius says. I have to hide my shock that he called me that. I make eye contact with him and watch as his dragon flashes in our eyes. They must have understood what we were trying to do.

"Oh, brother" I say with a laugh once more. "So, they don't have a reason for following a human that is so much weaker than any of the people with interspecies DNA" I say as I fight to hold in my laughter. As I think about it the thought is actually hilarious.

Morbius begins to laugh too as he responds. "They wouldn't know their own strength if it hit them in the face. They don't even know that he is keeping half of their mates in the bottom cells so that they never find them" he says through his chuckle.

"Lies" One of them demands as he steps forward. As he does all the laughter leaves the room. I was still trying to find a way to cause their descent. It looks like my brother and I were on the same page for once.

"You ever walk down there and smell something absolutely amazing on your patrol. I bet that you have never even made it to the end of the corridor to find where the scent is coming from. Each time any of you get close, they call you on your radio with some emergency. I bet they hardly schedule many of you to do rounds down there?" He states as he looks at them. A few of them nod there heads as what he says makes sense.

"Now, I can think of a few ways that you can all find out if what we say is true? Wouldn't you like that boys?" I ask as I watch them. I feel the holds they have on me loosen as I wait for the moment to tell them what will make them leave.

The door to the outside burst open as the little man comes into the room in a rush. His face is beet red and everyone can clearly see his anger. The holds that had just began to loosen around me tighten as he grabs a stick from the wall before coming over to me. A hard hit swings at my face and I brace myself for the blow. For a human I have to say that he has more strength than I thought. He hits me again and he is breathing hard as I keep a straight face.

This is a lot of anger for a human. There is more going on here than we know.

He pauses in his hits as I start to lose some of the vision in my left eye. My skin may be hard to penetrate but the soft tissue is different. "You are going to make a choice. It is either him or your mate that will receive what is in this needle. YOU have five seconds to choose. ONE!" He screams as I look between them.

Julia cowers over in the corner as tears fill her eyes. I feel his name on the tip of my tongue as I see how scared she is. She is my mate and it is my job to protect her. My brother can handle herself. TWO, the little man shouts as his face turns redder. I open my mouth to say his name when my dragon stops me.

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