Feeling it All-Julia

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As we enter the bedroom, the tension around us comes to a sweet pause. Wondering what the problem is, I take a look at his face. The desire that he has for me can still be seen however in his eyes as he looks at the bed I see apprehension. With everything that we have already experienced together it somehow slipped my mind that he has never done this before. His hands tighten on my waist as I move.

I wasn't going anywhere. I just wanted to take a step back so he had room to breathe if he needed it. Grabbing his hands from my waist I bring them higher as I guide them to my breast. He licks his lips as he eyes my supple mounds in his hands and I know that he has come back to me. As his hands move on their own volition I try to think of something to say to ease his fears.

"There is no judgment from either of us here. We use our body to show our words. As long as you love me with every touch as I will love you with mine, then nothing can go wrong "I remind him as I start a trail of kisses on his chest. A rumbling purr elicits from his mouth as tingles rush across my skin. I grow wet between my thighs as he pinches my nipples with the slightest movements.

Taking another step back I bend before him as I trail my kisses lower. My mouth follows the shape of his v-line and I can't help the feminine sigh that leaves my throat as his cocks jerks before me. Just as I go to put my mouth on him, he stops me with a tap to my shoulder. I look at him and watch as he has to swallow deeply.

"Don't look at me like that. I want that mouth of yours Julia. I really do but if you start that right now, things will end far sooner than either of us likes" He states with a growl. He swings me into his arms and carries me over the bed. He tosses me into the center of it as he slides in after me. His hands caress my legs as he joins me slowly. A shiver runs through my body as his big hands finally reach my thighs.

He licks his lips as he stares at the apex of my thighs and I know that he can see just how ready for him I am. As I take another look at his hard cock as it bobs between his legs I am truly happy that he turns me on so much. I may not be a virgin but extra lubrication is definitely needed with the size of my mate. When he reaches the top of my thighs he replaces his hands with his mouth and I moan aloud as I allow my head to drop back.

As he slides his tongue through my cleft I want to scream. What comes out instead is a long drawn out moan. My hands fist the sheets at my sides as he immediately quickened his pace and I am forced to clench my thighs around his head as my hands go to his hair. I reach near the peak of my pleasure so fast that I feel as if I toss my head to the side.

It's just at that heated moment when the pleasure is both too much and not enough. My breath saw out of my chest as so many sounds combined with his name left my mouth. Just as my legs start to shake and my eyes nearly roll into the back of my head he pulls away as I whine. The way that he just ate me for all that I am worth was perfection in its own art form.

As my eyes open, my arms reach through the air as I search for him. I Need him. As my hands lay upon his flesh it's as if the tingles from the bond have grown stronger. His lean waist settles in between my legs and I use my hands to brush away the hair from his eyes. His human eyes look back at me but it's as if I can sense the beast right below the surface. I can sense the question that they both have and I am unafraid to answer it.

"I choose you" I say simply. My breath is harsh as the tension in his shoulders loosen. When his gaze flicks down I don't need to be told twice. He hissed as my hands wrapped around his cock. I give him a smooth, teasing jerk as I bring him to my entrance. As the head of him presses against the very heart of me I take his lips in mine as I kiss him.

He eases into me and my breath leaves my chest at the stretch. By the looks of him, I knew he would be big. I force myself to take a few deep breaths as I adjust and tighten my legs around him. I pull away from the kiss and look into his eyes. I can see his concern for me so I nod to tell him that I am fine. With the heels of my feet I apply pressure as I ask for more. He takes the cue and he slides into the hilt. A simultaneous groan leaves us both as I smile wide at the fullness. I flex around the length of him as he gives a harsh curse and closes his eyes.

He pulls out of me slowly as he slides back in. A moan leaves his lips at the motion as he test himself. His hand swims along the line of my hip as his arm wraps around my back. His lips start to trail across my skin to my breast and I lose myself in the pleasure that he gives me. His angle changes as his confidence grows and I can no longer keep myself quiet.

"Jefferson, oh yes. Gods yes" I chant as he hits that perfect spot inside of me. His head comes down to the crook of my neck and I turn it for him. I bite my lips as my hands go to his back. I know that I am probably gripping him too tight but at the moment I can't seem to help myself. I feel as his teeth sharpen against my vein and I bite my lip just as the first spasm of my orgasm thunders out of me in a blinding light.

The bite feels like a harsh pinch as it forces the scream out of me and he growls against me as I come so hard I see stars. His hips pause as his cock kicks inside of me and his heat bathes my insides. Something snaps inside me and I am left breathless as I am left to feel. My entire body tingles as I feel his teeth slip out of my skin. Tears fill my eyes at the emotions that now run through my mind as they come from him.

His tongue sweeps across my neck as I feel the wound close with a shiver and his gaze finally meets my teary one. The smile that graces his face is full of so much joy that my tears finally flow over as I finally understand.

"Now, you will always have the proof you need my love. You are more than enough. You. Are. Everything" He promises as he kisses me with each word. He slips his cock out of me with a tender groan as my breath catches. He lays down beside me as he pulls me into his arms. My head goes to his chest as I hear the heart that now beats for me. I feel as if he yawns above me when I do the same. There are so many things that I still want to say. So many plans that I want to speak of and do and yet I can not stop my eyes from closing. This time as they do, I know what's to come and I'm prepared for it.

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