Second Chances-Julia

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The lecture that he gives me ends on a whisper as I stare at him. He cant even look at me as he goes into the rant. I don't even think that he is thinking as he speaks. However, I do see his pain. He paints such a vivid picture that I can imagine it. Without meaning too he tells me everything that he has seen or gone through while he was here.

My heart hurts as I look at the broken man in front of me. He seems so different from how everyone at the clan described him. Instead of strong and talented, he looks defeated. Instead of happy and jolly, he just looks sad. Instead of larger and boisterous, he looks smaller in my presence. I don't even know what to say to him.

"I'm sorry about what you have gone through Jefferson" I say lowly as I crouch in my corner. The room seems down right freezing now with out my clothes. I don't even know why the bastard felt the need to take them in the first place.

"I don't want you to be sorry Julia. I want you to not go through it. Don't make me watch you go through it. Despite all the torture that I have seen and been through here, I am still here. If I had to watch my mate, the only good thing that I will ever have go through it, then he gets what he wants. I will be broken just like him" he states.

The words that he speaks are so sad. It sounds as if he lacks all hope. I frown as I ponder his statements. He doesn't even know me. I cant mean anything to him. There is no mate bond here. He should just be able to let me go now that I have rejected me. He shouldn't feel anything at all or care for me just like every other man I have come across. I should feel no guilt at his words but I do.

I don't understand what he wants me to say after such a confession. I don't even know what to do. I don't want to be the reason that someone breaks. All my life I have seen the women in my family break. I have even promised myself not to become one of them.

"I don't mean anything to you Jefferson. I have denied the mate bond. If something happens to me, you wont feel it. You can still get out of here and enjoy a good life. You can get away from you asshole brother" I tell him as I stare at the wall. His laughter shocks me and I end up looking at him as his eyes shine yellow.

"You have been in my clan. You have seen the mates and you say you mean nothing to me. You are everything to a dragon. You are our future. A reason to get up everyday and fulfill a purpose. You are the reason we are okay walking this world alone for so long, just so that we have a chance of meeting you. You are the very hope for us that humans look for in every partner. Its not a life sentence, it's the ultimate gift. The gift of unconditional love that knows no bounds and has no limits. You are everything" He demands.

My heart pounds in my chest as I hear the value of his words. I can hear how much he believes them. They send me and my brain into a panic and I break the eye contact that we had. The room plunges into silence as I try to find anything in it to look at beside him. I cant be all that to a person. Hell I definitely cant be it to two. What do I even know about being with anyone? I have ended every relationship in my life before anyone grew too attached.

I cant be everything that someone needs because I don't know what it is that someone needs. The only people in my life I have ever truly cared about are my mom and Emily. I don't do people. I don't do attachments. My breath saws in and out of my chest as I start to panic. I have to get out of here. I cant do this. Words are just words at the end of the day. They will be better off once they don't know me just like every one else. Its only a matter of time before I am alone again.

"Julia....Julia... JULIA!!" He shouts. My eyes fill with tears as he snaps me out of the trance that my mind has gone in. My eyes fly to his as I try to calm down but I cant seem to. I rise from the corner in which I had crumpled in and start to pace the room in a frenzy. My hands bang against the wall as I try to find a way out. I cant breathe in here I have to get out.

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