Sweet Temptation of Chocolate-Jefferson

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The night was a long one. I could barely get her to speak a word with me when I attempted to start a conversation. I thought that things were going so well at first. I thought this was a chance that...well I really don't know. I just didn't expect her rejection.

We are not rejected.

I roll my eyes at his comment. We have been having the same argument all night as we stared at her. Being trapped in a room with her scent was torture itself. I have had to smell it so much that now I can almost taste it. The thoughts from my dragon seem almost barbaric as he sends images in my mind.

I find that the images make it hard to concentrate on all except her. I hoped to find my mate. I had plans to woo her with the food I prepare. Back home in our clan, I had even collected recipes that I wanted to make just for her.

When she finally falls asleep, I can tell the her rest isn't peaceful. She tosses and turns in her little corner. I want to tell her to move but there isn't anywhere else in the room that would be more comfortable. Done debating the fact with myself, I close my eyes to try to get some rest myself. Just as I do start to fall asleep, I hear the door open.

My eyes spring open as I track the white coated figure that walks into the room. He pays me no mind as he locates my mate in the room and heads over to her. As he gets close to her, he throws a look my way and I see his intentions. A growl leaves my chest as he bends over to touch her. The shake he gives her shoulder is gentle but she doesn't take it as that.

My tiny mate nearly jumps off the floor as she looks around the room. When she spies the doctor she immediately starts to back away from him. He holds his hands in the air immediately as she backs toward me. My chest swells with pride at her actions. At least she trust me more than this buffoon.

"I only have a few questions for you miss. After that I will be out of your way and you can go back to resting" he states evenly.

"I don't have to answer your questions. I would just like you to leave me alone and never touch me again" she states with weight behind her voice.

The doctor ignores what she said and he takes out his clipboard. "Name?" He ask.

"Go to hell" she answers.

"Fine. Moving on. When was the last time you had sexual intercourse"? He ask next.

"None of your fucking business" she says as she places her hands along her lips.

"Are you going to be difficult for every question I ask"? He ask her as he meets her gaze.

"Undeniably difficult" she states. A rumbling sound of approval leaves my chest as I watch her fight back. She looks strong and sure of herself in this situation. I'm glad that she's not allowing herself to just give in. She's perfect.

Instead of replying to her answer he turns around and starts to walk away. He placed the clip board on the exam table and then turns to face her.

"If you won't give me the answers, I will have to find a new way to take them" He warns.

Just as he lunges to go near my mate I move forward as far as my chains will allow. The growl that rips from my chest is a deep warning. He better not lay a finger on her. My mate grabs the stool that she used in front of me and starts wielding it as a weapon to keep the doctor away. They yell back and forth as he still tries to get her to answer his bullshit questions.

We need to get out of these chains. As soon as we do all bets are off.

My head snaps to left as I hear the door open and someone coming in quietly. Since she seems to have this part handled I focus on the new person in the room. I'm not even surprised that its my brother. I watch as he reads the situation with a bored space. In mere minutes he gives the doctors majority of the answers that he wants to the questions and then he faces our mate. They have a stare off as she responds to him smartly.

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