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The room is silent after Avery leaves. Salvatore stands there lost as he looks in the direction that his mate has gone. A pang of sadness hits my chest as I feel for the guy. Seeing what he saw could not have been easy. With the way that she screamed I wouldn't want to see it. Julia has yet to let go of my arm as she looks at Morbius with tears in his eyes. Having walked through his soul I know that she has seen everything he has shown. Taking her with me we walk over to my brother as we embrace him.

A throat clears and we all turn to look at Salvatore. The sadness in his eyes has not gone away but determination can also be seen there. Everyone in the room looks at him in pity now but he holds his head high as alpha. We can all see that he will get done what needs to be done. If not for us then for the sake of his mates.

"We will follow your lead" Salvatore says as he addresses Morbius.

My brother doesn't break the hold that he has on I and Julia as he takes a step forward. Everyone in the room looks in his direction as they wait for instruction. Through my bond I can feel how nervous this makes him. It has every right to make him nervous too. There are so many lives at stake that if she were to make a mistake it could cost many.

"We are all going to go to lunch," he says simply. I watch as others in the room take a look at him as if he is joking. I wait for him to explain because that can't be it. "Adam here will go to the kitchen and prepare it as he was supposed to do. Other dragons that you trust will need to be contacted. We need ones who can act and who can go along with the ruse" he says as he looks around the room.

"We all need to head to the cafeteria at different times. I will head there with my mates first because we are one of his main targets. It is our every move that he will want to watch. Maximus gives you the time you need to check out the landing pads. No one can do this faster than you. Any differences that you notice at all need to be reported. And do your best not to touch anything that you see there. Since he knows the ways the clan works try to make it seem as if you are doing one of your normal duties" He tells him.

"Now ladies. It seems that all of you are the ones that seem to eat the chocolate mainly. I have noticed that my mate loves it particularly. So, whatever you see that is chocolate at the buffet, grab it. You are going to need to give the performance of your lives today. Whatever you have eaten is supposed to affect you and your mate. Men you cannot put anything on your plate that is made with fruits or chocolate" he orders as we nod.

"Salvatore, you and Avery are also his targets. With the personal connection that he has to you both, I don't want you to see. The men will take our mates to the clinic as they come into harm's way. You and Avery need to be waiting for us there because it is closest to the forest. Since he can't see inside the clinic it gives us an advantage. He won't know that the men have left and are in the forest looking for him. He will be close enough to watch the experiment and that his tricks have worked" he says as he looks around the room.

There are so many looks of trepidation in the room. As I listen to the plan I know that it sounds great. If this works then we will be able to catch him today. There is something that doesn't make sense though.

"Why do we need others?" I ask.

"If only our mates are affected then he could suspect something. We need to make the ones who get sick look sporadic. We can't tell everyone who eats the chocolate or the fruit so we need others. It just makes the plan more believable" he says.

"Now I will need to change and gather more weapons before we head to the cafeteria. Xander i will do the mind talk thing when we make it so you and Tika know when to show. Then you can tell Maximus when to arrive. This is going to cause a scene but it's what we want" he says.

He turns then and swoops Julia into his arms. We exit the cabin and head to our own quickly. I watch as Julia leans into his chest and I know that she is worried. As we walk she reaches out her other hand to grab mine as we walk. Needing the comfort that she is still okay, I hold her hand tightly. When we walked into the cabin I still didn't let her hand go.

Morbius takes a seat on the couch with her in his arms and I sit beside them. As he looks at her I wish that I could read his expression but I can't. I will admit that he looks lost. She cups his face with her hand and I watch their exchange as no words are said. He lifts his head and makes eye contact with me and the look he has is saddened.

"I need you both to do something for me" he says as he looks at us both. " I know that it is something that you wont like but I know you will understand it" he says.

"What?" I ask him as he sighs heavily.

"We all know that this is a dangerous situation. What I failed to convey back there is that he always has a back up plan. This is where you come in." He says as he looks away from us. "I know that there is a strong chance that I won't walk away from this for betraying him. He would see me dead just for that alone. If this happens, then I cannot allow it to affect you" he says. I start to shake my head immediately as I see where this is going. I wont allow him to do this to her again.

"If a mate dies then the other can too with a soulbond. If this happens or you see it happening then you will both need to reject me" he says as he finally looks at us again. Julia fights to rise as she tries to get off his lap and I am tempted to help her. He can't be serious with this. However in his next action i understand why he came to the decision. He places a hand on top of her robe right over her stomach as his eyes fill with tears. "For them. It's for our children. You cannot let them die because of me" he says as he pleads.

"You are not going to die!" Julia screams at him as she finally gets up. I rise to try to touch her but she pushes me away as tears fill her eyes. "None of us are going to die," she says. " I would never reject either of you"

"I know, baby. He just wants to have a plan in case it can happen. He is not saying that it will" i tell her. "Why don't you go and change. There should be a delivery of freshly washed laundry. We will be right behind you "I tell her as I hold onto her. She returns my embrace with a hard hug before turning toward the stairs. I wait until I hear the door close to our bedroom before addressing my brother.

"We can not have her stressing more than normal. She is carrying our children for christ sakes. I know that this can go badly for Morbius but there is no need for you to scare her "I whisper and shout as I scold him.

"I don't want to scare her but she needs to be prepared. At any cost she should save herself and our children. Don't forget that I can read you to my brother. I know that you agree with me" he says to my face. I can't argue with his reasoning. He is right and I do agree but I would never tell her that.

"If it comes to that then we will do what we have to do. She could understand that someday. But you know her Morbius. She would still believe that we would make it through even if we are already dead. If that decision has to be made then we would have to be the ones to do it" i remind him. It's at that moment that I know we are truly on the same page. We would both do anything to save our mate and children.

With nothing left to be said. We both turn toward the stairs. Julia sits on the edge of the bed in a new robe. The tears that were on her face are now gone but I can still sense her emotions. She hates the thought of anything happening to one of us. I hate the thought of it too. Morbius and I both change our robes quickly. There is no missing the desire in her gaze as we beared to her but none of us is up to the task of doing anything about it right now.

With new robes on, Morbius and I both approach her as we pull her up from the bed. His lips land on hers in a searing kiss as the smell of her desire permeates the air. As he breaks her kiss with her, I take her lips for myself. I kiss her back in sweet tandem as I simply enjoy the feeling of my mate.

"Later mate. We will definitely be finishing this later" Morbius promises her as the kiss is broken.The smile that lights her face is one that brings me joy also. I grab her hand in mine as she uses the other to take hold of Morbius. We leave the cabin silently as we head to the cafeteria. As we walk I can help but to repeat the mantra in my head.

Everything is going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay.

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