A Closed Mouth-Avery

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The walk that i take after leaving Xanders office is a blind one. I pay no attention to where i am going as the past haunts me. Memories and moments that i wish that i could change. Conversations that could have gone different. Things that were hidden and secrets that were kept. They are all the ways that i could have save the mate that now disgust me.

The scenes from the dragon that they call Morbius will haunt me for ever. I would have never know my Slay to be capable of such things. Things that are beyond horrific. Things that i know that he can never be forgiven for. My dragon has yet to say a word after witnessing his atrocious acts. It so unlike the normally lively beast to be pouting in my head. We truly didnt know just how bad things were.

What makes matters worst is that we could have found him all this time. We could have searched for him through our bond and put a stop to this. And yet we did not. We used to say that it was in fear of how our other mate would respond. With his deeply loving nature though, we know that it was a lie. We have lied to ourselves for way to long. In truth, we are both still hunted from the day that we rejected him. It is a memory that we have never been able to forget and the one thing in this life that we regret the most.

Living in the foster home with Big Jim was never easy. He was a hard ass and we knew to stay out of his way. It wasn't always bad living there. Once he lost his wife however, we lost both of the parents that the three of us have ever known. Marla, our adoptive mother was the sweetest woman you could ever meet. The kind that made Sunday dinner and baked you cookies as a reward. Jim loved his wife of eighteen years more than anything in the world. He could never fulfill her one wish to become a mother so adopting it was.

Slater was already in the home when arrived. I was barely three years old but he took me under his wing. I was happy to have someone to play with everyday and to be loved. I remembered being so hurt before i got there. The night that the eggs hatched is when things started to change. It was the one item in the house that Marla and Jim wouldnt let us touch. So many of them had been collected around the world that they coveted theirs.

As we waited for ours to hatch like everyone around the world i was excited. It still makes me laugh at the level of disappoint that i felt when i realized that it was a boy. I wanted a sister who would play dolls with me so bad. When Salvatore popped out that egg he was the most beautiful thing that i had ever seen. His golden eyes were a wonder as he stared at me. He was always staring.

With a new baby in the house Slater and i started to receive less attention. He used to complain that now that they had a real baby to raise it was only a matter of time before they sent us back. I cried one time from his words so hard that Marla punished him. She had never laid a hand on one of us before that day. Slater's' cheek was red for an entire day from that one slap but Slate never uttered the words again. We still watched as Salvatore was doted on for every little thing.

For six years things went that way. Slater would get into trouble for hating the new baby and i would be the one that stayed quiet. Marla and Jim used to call me Salvatores favorite because he never cried if i was in the room. He would always laugh so hard as i played with him too. The day he shifted is when things started to go bad. Marla and Jim freaked out so much that they believe he needed an exorcism. They yelled about having brought a demon home as they locked him in the basement.

The cries of the creature i called brother broke my heart. Marla drove fast down the street to get a priest. We waited hat entire day as Jim held a gun in front of the basement door. We didnt find out until well past the time the sun went down that Marla had barely made it to the next street over. Jim became convinced that Salvatore had done something to her with his unknown powers and that he would be next.

He went up to his room and ignored us for days. I let Salvatore come out of the basement. He hugged me so hard as he cried that i didnt know what to do. It was also the first time that Slater showed any care toward the boy. From the stories i heard from him about before this i know that he had experienced being locked away. He wouldn't want it for anyone else. Jim avoided us all when he would come out of that room. He would take bottles that were always left on the porch and stay up there for days.

Slater being the oldest helped to take care of us. He was the only one that Jim would really talk to any how. When notices started being delivered almost everyday, Slater got a job down the street. Jim had started spending time away from home and would always come home covered in lipstick. The smile on his face would be sickly sweet as he cursed at us and told us to get out of his way.

However, he did start paying attention to me. When he would bring his lady friends to the house they all thought that i was so adorable. He would boast about how smart and pretty i was even though he didnt really know. I used to feel pride as he showed me off to his friends and actually acknowledged that i was still there. He was the only father i knew and this was the only time that he acted like it.

Slater would always say to be careful as i grew. That i i should watch Jim because something was off. I used to ignore him because i thought he was jealous because i was Jim's new favorite. When i turned eighteen though, Jims lady friends stopped coming around. The boys had found their jobs and i tried to be home only when they were. It was under the instructions from them both. As a girl who grew up with them i knew that they had started competing for my attention.

We had never discussed exactly how we felt about each other but i knew. As a teenager and hormonal i decided to avoid them both in that way. I didnt want to hurt either of them when i cared so much about them. That all changed however one day when Jim was particular mad. Both of the boys decided that it was a bad time to be at home and that we would go out. Slater didnt run with a great crowd then and took us to a party.

As a typical teenager, i tried my first few cups of alcohol. Slater was worried for me and we found ourselves in one of the bed rooms upstairs so that i could sober up. It was then that he kissed me for the first time. I returned his kiss and just as i did Salvatore entered the room and he and Slater started fighting. I screamed as other came into the room to break it up and a shouting match ensued.

"We had an agreement. Neither of us was to ever touch her!" Salvatore yelled.

"I never agreed to that. Just because you were afraid and chose to hide your love doesn't mean that i have to. Even you don't understand this weird connection that we all seem to have" Slater shouted.

I can still remember the look on Salvatores face as he looked at Slater head on. The tears in his eyes spoke volumes as his secret was shared. I was so hopeful hearing what he said that i couldnt even comprehend the words that came out of Salvatores mouth next.

"Because its wrong for me to love you both. No one would ever approve of me taking you and her for my very own. No one would approve of me loving you both so damn much that i could never choose" The whole party was silent as the words were shared and Salvatore left the room.

All the mutterings from others about Slater being gay and people saying that they knew something was weird with our family was too much. I ran from the party as Slater called after me. I ran into the forest and didnt look where i was going in my tears. As i landed in that clearing i didnt even know that i was headin right in Salvatores direction. When i saw him sitting on a rock i approached him slowly as my heart ached.

"Have you come here to reject me too? Or are you to laugh at me like everyone else has done?" he asked with a bitter laugh. Untl this day i have no idea where i came up with my answers to his question but i still know deep down that they were right.

"No Salvatore. I am here to love you just as you have done for so many years for me" I tell him. At my confession it was like a dam broke between us. For so long i hid what was in my heart and both of them got hurt. No longer would i allow things to continue this way. Under the stars and the moon Salvatore and i truly bonded for the first time. My virginity and my soul wer shared that night with no regrets.

When we awoke days later in that forest we were happy and confused. When we returned home Slater was so worried and so happy to see us. It was like he had mourned us. I had also learned why he wore such dark clothing and always a jacket. It seems that he and Salvatore had a mutual exchange a few months earlier. We both belonged to him and had shared our soul with him. It became the beginning of our story.

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