Hatred in Spades-Morbius

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My body hums as I awaken the next morning. The air in the room is chilly as I feel the nakedness of my skin. However the warm bout of flesh that surrounds one of my sides from my mate makes that chill irrelevant. I snuggle into her hair as her scent hits my nose and my hand trails along her side. I fight to open my eyes as I just enjoy the moment. The tingles that rush through me from her are beautiful. It is a feeling that I will never grow tired of.

As my hands swims up on her sider her moan catches my ear and I smirk into her hair. However as my hand ascends on her body the tingles disappear as a warm hand touches mine. My eyes flare open as my head lifts and I snatch my hand away. Looking up I make eye contact with Jefferson and I have to admit that I am happy to see the look that he is wearing on his face. As we exchange a look of what I would call disdain I sigh in relief as we give each other a nod. Nothing will ever happen between us.

Julia moves in between us and we both turn to look at her as she stretches. My eyes trail to the mark that has reopened on her neck. Remembering the sounds that she made as I did cause my cock to harden against her backside once more. She wiggles against it and I groan as I pull her closer.

"The one moment that your thoughts are in sink and the only thing the two of you can talk about is how unattracted you are to each other" She says with a chuckle as she looks at the both of us. "I guess it is a good thing" she states as we look at her. It had better be a good thing. "It means more for me...whenever...i ....want" She says as she punctuates her words with kisses to each of us. My lips land on her lips as she kisses me briefly before turning to Jefferson and doing the same thing.

She rises from between us and I lay back and watch as she moves around the room. She gathers her robe and I groan as she picks the thing up from the floor. The view of her ass as she reaches down has me palming myself as Jefferson adjusts himself under the blanket. She turns toward us with a smirk and I know that she knows what she is doing. I just don't care.

"Right now, what i want though is food" She says as she chuckles and walks out of the room briefly. Not expecting her quick departure I nearly jump out of the bed as I go to follow her. Jefferson and I move around the room and find robes as we quickly put them on.

"You know that she will keep doing this as long as we act like we act like love sick puppies right?" Jefferson asks as we pause in the doorway.

"Yup. I really don't mind it though "I state to him. "It seems that it has some benefits" I remind him as I smile at the thought.

"I don't mind it too much either. But one of these days we are going to have to put a foot down" he says as he scratches his head. I quirk a brow at his statement because I don't understand what our foot has to do with anything. "One of these days she won't be able to get her way brother. We need to find a way to stick together when that day comes" he says.

I don't really understand why he believes this. Right now I just want to get down stairs to our mate. I nod my head in agreement so that he will allow me to leave the room. I groan when his hand stops me once more and look at him in frustration.

"We still haven't discussed what happened yesterday. Don't think that i forgot" He says. The thought is immediately sobering and I focus on the conversation from yesterday with Xander and Maximus.

"I will be meeting with someone today who can give me his whereabouts. I think it would be best if I were to speak of this in front of Julia. I may need her help with it after all" I tell him. He looks happy at the thought of finding his whereabouts but I can see his confusion when I mention our mate. He nods his head and follows me out the room.

When we enter the kitchen downstairs we both groan as we stare at our mate. She stands in front of the fridge with her head tilted back as she squirts a sweet smelling substance into it. The action seems so simple but it immediately reminds me of how she takes my cock into her mouth. As I watch her swallow the substance with a soft moan my brother's words play through my mind. Our little mate is certainly dangerous. If she keeps this up, I don't know how I will be able to focus on anything else. Hell,seeing the glow spark higher around her as her happiness grows just makes me want her more.

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