Gesture of Faith-Morbius

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As I stare at the door for the first time since I was a child I get nervous. The door is here only inches in front of me and yet I cannot bring myself to knock. I turn away from it as I begin to pace the length of the porch. My heart beats so rapidly in my chest at this moment that I find it hard to swallow. If I'm being honest with myself, then I know this feeling is because if this doesn't go right, then I have no reason to live.

You do know that that seems a bit melodramatic right. It could just mean that we have to work for our mate. You know like we should have had to do before giving her our mark.

My feet pause in my pacing as I ponder the truth of the words of my beast. I've been dreading this moment and excited all at once because I thought that I would only have one shot to do this. The fact that I could keep on trying actually hadn't occurred to me. I've been thinking of this as if it is my last mission. In the missions that I take you only have one chance to gain what you set out to do.

This isn't a mission, Morbius. This is real life. We may not get as many chances as we may like but we get them. In life the most important thing is to try until you can try no more. For our mate, we should never stop trying to win her heart.

My pacing resumes on the porch again as I practice what I was going to say to her once more. I was up all night making plans with the way that I wanted things to go today. I know that I have to do this just right in order for her to even hear me out. If I can just get her to understand where I was coming from then maybe, just maybe, I can gain the chance to show her. So, with a deep breath I stand before the door once more and prepare myself to knock for my future.

"If you don't tell him to stop the persistent pacing that is ringing through my new ears in the next ten seconds I won't be held responsible for castrating him where he stands" I hear as my mate shouts. The threat makes my dragon chuckle inside my head as all the air leaves my lungs in a woosh.

The door swings open just a few moments later and I come face to face with my brother. Noticing that my hand is still stuck midair as if I am prepared to knock, I immediately turn it into a light wave as I take a step back away from the door.The smile that he returns to my wave is small and awkward but I know that it is a start.

The silence from the doorway between us is certainly deafening. I fiddle with my knives at my side as I try to think of something to say to him. I had only planned on the speech that I would be giving to Julia. I Know that I also have issues with him and yet I didn't prepare myself to talk to him even though it is his home. Now that they have bonded it has become hers too.

"Would you like to come in?" He asks as he issues an invitation. I am unable to hide my surprise as I nod my head quickly in answer. He steps aside and allows me to pass him. The room that I enter is spacious and dim as my eyes immediately begin to search for her. When my eyes finally land on her form there is no way that I am able to hide my joy at seeing her. Even though the smile that spreads across my face feels awkward I make no moves to hide it.

It does however dim a bit when I see that the look on her face is one of anger. She has every right to be angry but I still wish for a different reaction. I spend the next few moments studying her from this distance as I prepare myself to make my speech. Her hair is pinned up unlike it was in the facilities. My dragon growls in my head as he sees the new mark that is on the opposite side of ours. It looks vibrant and tender whereas ours looks faded and as if it doesn't belong.

Shaking the thought away I take a step toward her direction as my mouth runs dry. The fact that she is only wearing a robe over her smooth chocolate flesh is an intoxicating site. Her nipples are tightened beneath the thin fabric and immediately draw my eyes.

"That's close enough" She says when i am within five feet of the couch in which she seats. My feet stop automatically as I swallow. She unfolds her legs from underneath her and she rises to stand. Not expecting that action from her, I unknowingly take a step back as I wait for her to make an action. Instead however her eyes move over my form as she takes me in. I nearly fidget in my gear as she spends so long looking at me.

"So, here you are coming to grovel. You didn't even have the audacity to bring me flowers. It doesn't seem like you are trying that hard to win me over" She states as I pale.

Flowers. Why didn't we think of flowers? We know that women like stuff like that. Hell, we didn't bring her any kind of gift at all. 

My dragon's thoughts coincide with mine as we both start to panic. Perhaps we shouldn't have spent so much time trying to figure out what we were going to say. We probably should have spent more time on the gestures that we needed to make to win her over. Now here we are not even in her presence for more than five minutes and we have already royally screwed up. Our thought pattern is broken as she starts to laugh. She laughs so hard that she bends a bit to hold her thighs as I look at her confused.

When I look back in the direction of my brother and see that he is laughing silently I blank. It takes me just a few minutes to realize that she was making a joke on my behalf. Uncomfortable with them laughing at me I take a step away as the anger starts to pour through me. Here I am for the first time in my life choosing to make an effort and yet she is making me the butt of her joke. This was obviously a mistake to do on this day. I think it's time that I took my leave. My feet spin as I head toward the door while they still laugh.

"Wait, Morbius. Wait" I hear her voice call out as I reach the doorway. My heart and dragon want my feet to stop as they hear her call out for us. Hell,my name coming from her lips makes my heart pound and my blood heat but I won't be a laughing stock to anyone. I really can't stomach being one for my mate.

I hear what must be her footsteps as they move quickly toward me. I still can't seem to turn around as I try to process what this feeling is in my chest. My feet continue to move even though I haven't chosen a destination. Just as the sounds of those steps come all but too close I spin around on my heel just as I know it's coming. My hand grabs her wrist through her robe as she reaches out to touch me. I hiss as the tingles from our bond light up my body and I am no longer able to hold myself back as I toss her hand away from me.

"Have you no idea how hard it was for me to come here? How hard it was to stop doing something that I believed in my soul was right just for you? And yet I am a laughing stock. You sit here and you make jokes about my actions as if this is simple for me mate. And yet as I stand here looking at you afraid of your very touch because of how you make me feel, I can do nothing because I FAILED" I shout at her.

I can hear how other footsteps stop around us and I can also smell my brother's scent telling me that he is here and yet I can't stop myself. "I FAILED by entrapping my mate in the very hell that I grew up in. I failed by refusing the only thing in this life that was ever meant for someone like me. You can laugh at it just as you did. You can make a joke of me all you want. But failure is not a joke to me. In the world i grew up in a failure means your death and i have made the biggest failure of all by rejecting you as my mate"

My breath huffs out of my chest as I get it all out. It was in no way what I wanted to say to her. I don't even know where the words I spoke came from and yet nothing else I have said in my life has meant so much. I take a step away from her as I see the tears on her face. It's the one expression I never wanted to see on her face ever again and once more I am the cause of it. As my dragon angers and begins to take over my body, I decide to let him.

I see the destruction that I cause each time I am near her and i can no longer face her. Turning on my heel I ran into the nearby trees as fast as I could. I feel as my body starts to morph and I shout in pain as I am pushed back in my mind. My vision swirls and tumbles as my first shift begins. The pain is like nothing I have ever known. I fight inside my mind and just as the rest of this day has gone I am unheard.....

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