Chasing the Sun-Julia

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My feet go to race after him but I am jerked to a hard stop as tingles rush up my arm. I look back to see a look of apprehension on Jefferson's face. He tugs me to him as he holds me close. Through our newly made bond I can sense something from him that I thought that I wouldn't again. I can sense his fear.

"Chasing after him is not a good idea right now. He is losing control of his beast. I can hear it" He states as he holds my face in his hands.

"I'm the reason that he is like this Jefferson. I didn't know how he would react to the joke. You heard what he said. If he can take a leap of faith, then so can i" I say to him honestly.

There is a still pause in the air as I listen to him breathing. His eyes flash back and forth between him and his dragon and I know that they are discussing it. My skin itches as I wait. Everything in me is telling me to go after Morbius now. I don't want to fight after we have reconnected but at this moment I will if I have to. Just as I go to pull away I feel as his arms unwind around me slowly.

"I don't like the thought of it.....but we understand" He says as he steps back. Not willing to mince words at this moment, I give him a brief nod and then I am dragging off into the forest. When I reach the edge of the trees I have to pause as a sound of pure pain reaches me. I don't even have to hear the sound again to know that it is Morbius. Terrified that something terrible has happened to him, I take off into the trees without a second thought.

"Morbius" I scream as I run through the trees.

"GO AWAY!" I hear him shout roughly. With this feeling in my chest I refuse to listen. My feet slow as they carry me forward. He sounds close as my gaze razes through the tree looking for him. When I finally spot his figure I see him on the ground and I am running once more.

His body shifts on the ground as squirms and groans. Wondering what is wrong with him, I pause as I look for danger in the trees. With my new abilities, I sense nothing around and I continue forward. When I am just a few feet away from him, he whirls around to face me and I immediately see what's wrong.

"Leave from here mate" He says as I look into his eyes.

"You–you're shifting" I say as I look at his lengthened talons and his longer facial features. In reply he groans and turns away from me as I watch him spit.

My steps are slow as they get closer. I have to admit that I am out of my element at the moment. I have never seen a dragon shift so close. Xander has forbidden humans on the landing pad as someone shifts and normally when I see a dragon the process has taken seconds.

As I look at him now I have no idea what to do when he is only partially shifted like this. His face is distorted as it twists in displeasure and pain. His skin flickers yellow as it flashes with his scales and he collapses to the ground. I take a deep breath as I run over to him. My hands touch his back and the skin in the area rips as it moves. I snatch my hands away once more and see that they are shaking.

"What can I do?" I ask him as I reach for him once more.

"Move away. I need to...fight this. I need to....fight him" he says with rough breaths. His skin has started to sweat as he clenches his eyes closed. I wish that I had been more interested in this area of their anatomy while I have been here. Maybe then I would know how to help him in this instance. It seems like this is taking much longer than it needs to.

"What do you mean? Aren't you guys supposed to let your dragons out?" I scream at him in panic as his leg snaps.

"I don't know!!" He shouts as he screams in pain. The answer that he gives, makes my body still as I realize the gravity of what he is saying. Looking at the plea in his eyes I know that my first thought is true. That this is his first shift and he has never done this before. Okay, this is no biggie. We can do this, I say to myself. The thought doesn't bring me much comfort as I have it.

We need to calm him or he can hurt them both!

"Just breathe Morbius" I tell him as I pat his head. "You can do this. I know you can "I tell him. He closes his eyes as I say the word but I can see that nothing changes. "You have to listen to me, Morbius. When dragons change it's quick. You fighting Apollo is probably only making the pain worse. You have to relax" I told him once more.

"I don't know how!" He yells as his back bows. The worst break yet comes as his scream pierces the air and tears fill my eyes for him. His eyes swim around the forest in panic as he starts to move. I can feel his need to run away from me but I can't allow him to. There is no one else here who can help him.

Call forth my mate. He will know what to do!

"Talk to Apollo" I say as a distraction. "This is him who is doing this. He can help you Morbius" I finish as he looks at me. "He is a part of you right. You can both work together to make it through. He knows his form just like you know your own body. You just have to give him a chance "I remind him.

His eyes flash immediately and his body goes still beneath me. I panic for a moment as it does. His chest still rising and falling is the only solace I have at the moment. When his head turns to me all I see is Apollo as he looks out at me. "Thank you mate. Now you must move back" He states as he speaks to me. Hearing his voice makes me smile at his deepened baritone. I release him slowly as I step away.

I take the steps slowly as I keep my eyes on him. Knowing that this is something that I will have to go through eventually I am unable to keep my eyes off of him. When he feels that I have finally stepped far enough away he gives a nod and then closes his eyes. I watch with rapt attention as the transformation begins.

The first thing to change is the face. The way that a snout pops up as his nostril widens is almost eerie to watch this close. His neck spreads far and wide as the talons on his hands change to really large claws. His legs snap as they change to match into forearms and claws just as big as the yellow of his scales spread. His belly distends as he crouches low.

With a shake of his large enormous body, large and beautiful wings spread from his back. That long snout of his turns around to look behind him and I see as he swishes his tail. With a snap of its length a large boulder-like spade forms on tip. My breathing is heavy as I watch the entire process in fascination. I stare at the beauty of his dragon in awe as it lifts his head to give a mighty roar to the sky. The sound scares me as I stumble backwards. The sound must catch his ears because he swings that large head around to me with its mouth wide open, I gulp loudly as I shuffle back further in fear.

"Do not be afraid of a little kiss" a voice says in my head. The sound of it makes me jump as I look at the dragon before me.

"Apollo" I ask aloud and my feet freeze. The large dragon nods his head and I chuckle as I move toward him slowly. He stands still as he watches me come to him. I take it as a good sign as I look at his form closely.

"Like what you see, little kiss. It is all yours if you wish to touch" He says with a wink of its large eye. Seeing the playfulness that he displays, I finally decide to relax.

"Little Kiss huh. Now why would you be calling me that?" I ask him playfully as I reach him. My hand reaches up to feel his scales and a rumbling sound comes from him as he closes his eyes. When they open once more and he lowers his head they are heated.

"Because mate. You are tiny and chocolate with the sweetest kiss. It reminds us of a candy we had when we were but a boy" he states. The answer is so unexpected that I laugh aloud as I think about it. Of course I would be considered tiny to him.

"Nice nickname Sunny. Now why don't you lower down a bit so I can get a good look at those wings" I say as I rub my hands together. A chuckle from him fills my mind as he lowers his body down to me.

"Ha Ha Ha, Sunny for Apollo the sun god. How cute." He says as he teases me. To see him so relaxed at the moment reminds me of how they were earlier. It reminds me of how I was with him earlier. As I pet his scales I decide that now is as good a time as any to deliver my apology.

"I want to apologize to you both for the joke that I made earlier. I only had the intention of clearing the air. I didn't mean to make you so upset" I say as I look into those beautiful, yellow dragon eyes. As he stares at me there is nothing but silence between us. His eyes close for a brief moment and when he opens them, Morbius is the one staring back at me.

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