Banging in Bacon-Morbius

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Things around me are so surreal at the moment. All of my senses are heightened farther than they ever have been before. As my breathing increases and I take everything in however, my brain is only able to focus on one thing. Its only able to focus on the scent of my mate as she stands here before me.

Seeing through my dragon eyes, I look at her in awe. She looks as she has always looked to me. Almost as if she is of ethereal beauty. However, now she shines. There seem to be these lights around her that shine red in the center but fade to a scalding silver. As I look at the colors while she lays her hand upon my new form I bask in its glow.

Her aura proves that she belongs to us.

In appreciation my chest rumbles at her touch. The tingles that I feel from her in this form make it as if the bond was never broken. I never even got to touch her as the bond was formed. Regret lines my features as I think of all the things that I have never gotten to do with my mate. She looks lost in a moment of joy as she discovers me in this form. I try to think of something to say to her but my words are stuck as I want to enjoy the moment too.

"I want to apologize to you both for the joke that I made earlier. I only had the intention of clearing the air. I didn't mean to make you so upset" She says once i have lowered my form to her. Unable to allow her to feel like this is entirely her fault, I push forward as Apollo allows me to. Being in the forefront in his body is odd as the weight of him settles with me but I push past the odd changes I feel so that I can speak to her.

"I am not upset," I say as I speak into her mind.. The words to describe what I am feeling are difficult to find as she looks at me with confusion. With everything that has happened with my first shift I feel a sense of freedom that I have not found since I sank my teeth into her neck. Now that it has officially happened I have to admit that I am at a loss. It changes things. The look of confusion on her face has me nudging her away from me.

As I take steps backward I keep eye contact with her as she looks at me curiously. I want her to know that I am not leaving but I am finding it hard to communicate with her in this form. When I feel that I am far enough away from her I turn my mind inward so that I can address Apollo.

"I want to be me. I need to be me so that i can talk to our mate" i tell him.

"We are the same Morbius. I know that this is something you now feel since you have now felt my physical form. I will give you back yours for the time being. However, I must warn you. If I feel that in any way you are screwing things up with our mate, I will take back the helm, '' he says as a threat. I nod my head in understanding and then things change.

The skin of his body that feels tight and powerful now starts to fade as the world around me moves. The trees become larger as our mate increases in size. Where seconds ago she looked tiny to our size she now looks as if she fits us perfectly. When the feeling all but disappears I smile at her. Instead of smiling back however she gasps and turns her back on me. In confusion I looked around to see what could have frightened her from me.

Immediately thinking that there is danger I rush to her and turn her toward me. "What is it? Tell me what is wrong?" I beg as she avoids eye contact with me. A heavy sigh leaves her lips as she bites the lower one. The movement is entrancing to me and I stare at the motion with added attention.

"You um....Yeah. Your uh..clothes didn't make the transformation" She stutters out. I frown as her words hit me and quickly look down. Finding myself to be stark naked I curse as I look for something to cover myself as my dragon's laughter sounds out in my head. Seeing that there is nothing that would cover me I decide to just go with it as Apollo's laughter gets annoying. Before I can stop myself I blurt out words that I have never expected myself to say this soon.

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