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The commotion from the cabin can be heard before we approach it. Feet pound against the forest floor as everyone rushes forward. A feminine scream lets off into the air as growls and fighting can be heard. A sigh of relief fills my chest as I hear the distinctive growl of my brother. To know that he is alive is what I need as I listen to the words of my dragon.

He is still lost to us in the grief of the mate that he believes we have lost. We can not let him succumb to it, or he will be lost to us forever.

The words make me move even faster as I burst through the door of the cabin. I spot him as he faces off with Salvatore as the dragon man stands in front of Slater. It looks as if my brother has already had a few rounds with him and as if someone has also had a few rounds with my brother. I rush forward just as he goes to attack Salvatore once more. I fly through the air as I tackle him but it barely diminishes his momentum. He hits Salvatore square in the chest.

Salvatore goes flying out of the way and he gets Slater in his grasp. He smiles dementedly as he squeezes the man's throat and starts to choke the light out of him.  I grab his arms to stop him but it is useless. I can't get his hands to let the man go as his face starts to change colors. The brother that I know starts to fade before my eyes as I watch his soul start to darken.

"Jefferson!!" Julia yells as she walks into the room. He seems to be in focus of the act of killing the man and hardly notices her.

"Touch him '' I scream at her. Her hands come around his waist and it's what finally gets through to him. Slater falls to the floor in a coughing fit as he is finally released. As he holds onto Julia for dear life the words get to me.

"Why didn't you let me kill him? Why? He deserves to die'' He screams as he holds her. "I lost you. I felt it, baby. I felt it" he cries as he holds her. However, it's not Julia that needs to answer this time. It's me.

"Because I wanted her too. I needed her brother too. This is not your cross to bear. It is not something that could ever be taken lightly or forgotten "I state as I embrace him too. I whisper into his ear. "Never will I let you become lost as I have been in a life without love. Never will my demons be your cross to bear" I let him know. The tears in my eyes are in relief as I watch him with our mate.

I can hear as others enter the room and several growls sound. I know that they have all spotted Slater. There is nothing that I can do to stop this. It's something that needs to happen. I just won't allow my brother to be the one that commits the act.

"Wait" Salvatore yells. We all turn in his direction as he stands in front of Slater. Several of us exchange a look because we can see his change of heart. He has to know that things will end here. His mate will die today but we all have taken a pause for what he has to say.

"Allow me to do this. There are things that have been unleashed here. I don't have time to explain. But amends need to be made" he yells.

"This is a trick. You are going to let him live and this we can not allow. He will never stop his vengeance of our race for as long as he lives" Xander states.

"He's right, you know," Slater says with a laugh from behind Salvatore. The bastard leans against the stone wall relaxed. You would think that after someone tried to choke the life from him he would be a bit more cooperable.

"You are not helping," Salvatore says to him without turning around.

"You have never helped. I knew I was going to die for this. I just wanted to take as many as I could with me. It seems that i failed in that so it is what it is" He says as he looks at his fingernails.

"See he can not be changed. He admits it" Maximus yells as he goes forth again.

"For the last year we have held an alliance. Do not make me break it now" Salvatore threatens as he stops Maximus.

"Enough!" Xander yells. We all look over to our alpha as he and his women enter the room. His commanding presence stills the action of all those in the room as we wait for his instruction. He looks outside the door and I look on in confusion.

"I think now is the time to make your entrance Kawa" He states. The woman from the other world walks into the room and looks around. Spotting Slater she walks over to him and he looks uninterested.

"Am I supposed to know who this is?" he asks.

"No, child. You do not. I am the creator of all who stand here. I am the only one here who can release what you were never meant to hold" she says to him. She reaches out to touch him and we all look on as he starts to glow a deep red shade. He screams as he is surrounded by light why she looks on. Light flows up from in a blinding blue tone that starts to take shape. A young man appears before our eyes and looks around the room as he floats to the ground.

"Draco" She says in wonder.

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