Let the Record Show-Xander

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  My mouth gapes open in disbelief as I listen to Dr. Snow on the other end of the phone. I can't say that I was expecting these results. In fact I would have thought that we would have gotten the exact opposite. For months she has been running her test on our species. We needed to know as much as possible about ourselves if we were to win in the war against the humans that hold us captured. I'd ordered these test personally because of the list of names my mate had gotten off of my skin.
  "Wait, so you're saying that there is no tie in our DNA?" I ask her again for clarification.
  "There are no ties at all alpha. Even though you were all informed that you were birthed from the same woman, your DNA suggest that different. Besides the gene that we have identified for your species its as if you are all perfect strangers. The only similarities I found were between the new babes and their parents" She states.
  "And what of your findings for the test from the other species? Did they show the same?" I asked in excitement.
  "Well, I have only had the time to test two other species but my findings are also the same in that. You do know what this means right?" she ask. She must have just come to the same conclusion that I have. I nearly whisper the words as they come out of my mouth in disbelief.
  "There could be mates between species" I utter. My mind races at the news as I start to consider the possibilities. Would fate really do something like this? If there were a babe born from two different species is their dominance. Inside I am panicking at all the trouble this will bring once it gets out. "You are to tell no one else of your findings just yet Dr. Snow. We may have to play this carefully. We have no idea how the others will react" I warn her.
  "Yes, alpha. I do believe that is wise" She agrees immediately. " I will let you know what else I discover in my findings" she says as she hangs up the phone.
  My back hits the back of my computer chair and I rub my temples. This is new that I really didn't need right now. Not to mention that as I looked up some of the names, I realized that I had met them. One of my dragons is mated to a fairy and I don't believe that he has the slightest idea. I wouldn't even know where to begin in trying to get people together. Not to mention the amount of new comers we have had show up to the clan sense my beacon rang out with the completion of my mate bond. We cant even build houses fast enough.
  The cry of my son pulls me from my swirling mind and a smile lands on my face. I open them immediately as I zero in on the sound of him in my mates arm. I rise to greet her as I give her a gentle kiss on the lips and take our boy from her. The cry from him instantly quiets as my dragon and I start our purr to calm him. once he quiets we look into the eyes of our beautiful mate as hers glimmer. She bites her lips as she starts to fidget with our hands.
  Oh boy. We know that look. What is our dear mate up to now? Better yet how are we going to punish her this time.
  Tuning in to our bond I sense nervousness form her as she quickly removes her gaze from mine. Knowing that whatever she has to tell me might be bad, I decide to take my seat once more in my chair. I look down at Zeus and realize that he has been lulled to sleep by our purr. I decide to keep the sound going through whatever she has to tell me. it just might be what stops me from having a loud reaction.
  Come on, it may not be that bad.
  "So, I don't believe that what I did was wrong but it might have consequences" She says as she still refuses to meet our gaze. I feel my eyebrow raises as I wait for her to continue. If she has decided that it wasn't wrong then it may not be that bad. I feel the tension that I was carrying in my shoulders disappear as I prepare to listen. "I will ask you to listen to all that I have to say though. I need you to understand why I did what I did" She says. I nod in reply and she takes a deep breath.
  "In just a few moment someone, a human, is going to be showing up to our lands. There may be others later but I'm afraid that I have run out of time to tell you. I probably should have told you sooner but it was just an idea." She rushes to say as she starts pacing the room. My eyes track her movements as I start to worry. I have never seen her like this. "I was just tired Xander. Tired of seeing how you worry about Jefferson and the others in the facilities. I needed to do something and I did. I just didn't expect it to be on the television" She says in a huff as she bites her lips and her eyes grow wide.
  I rise form my chair in a hurry as I rush to the den to grab the remote. With all my patience gone, I hold my son just a little tighter as the new immediately comes on. As soon as I read the headline, I growl as I turn toward my mate and my dragon rushes forward. "Breaking news at noon "The Dragons Finally Speak Up".  "Mate, you better get to the point and do it fast" I warn her as I hear them talking about our lands.
  "Emily and I have been doing a little recon and it turns out that there are many who are curious about us and who would like to help. We reached out to a few of her connections and did a few phone interviews. We were careful in the information that we gave but it got bigger than we imagined. It seems that as sources we are no longer staying anonymous" She says as she backs away from me.
  Sensing her fear. My dragon immediately calms our growl and I take a deep voice as I pinch the bridge of my nose. When she continues I raise a brow. "There's more" She says quietly. "What more could their possible be?" I whisper shout so that I do not wake up our boy. I rock him gently in my arms as he stirs.
  "Emily had an old reporter fan that went missing. We found out a few days ago that she had some information. So, we sent her a map on how to get here. She has insider knowledge on some of the facilities where our kinds are being held. In fact she should be here any moment" She says and then there is a knock at the door in which she rushed to answer. Before she can make it to the door I grab her arm and pull her in to me as gently as I can.
  "We will be discussing this mate. Don't you think that for one moment I am going to let you get away with doing this behind my back. You may share the alpha title with me but this is a decision that we should have made together" I remind her.
  Her only reply is to take a hard swallow and nod her head. I let her go so that she can answer the door. Turning away from it, I go to lay our Zeus in the bassinet over in the corner and then I take a seat at my desk. Voices hit my ears immediately just as the room fills with different scents. As the door closes behind them, I growl and the noise stops. I flick my gaze over to my son so that they can see that I have a sleeping child. Guilty looks cross their faces as everyone waits.
  I zero my gaze in on the red head human in the room just as Emily appears. The redhead jumps with a yelp and her face flushes red as she flicks a gaze at the baby. Her heart beat is so loud in the room that we can all hear it. She squares her shoulders and walks up to my desk. She reaches to take her bag off her shoulder and Maximus moves fast as he halts her movements. The fairy in the room rushes forward and grabs his arm as he tries to get in the grill of my beta. Maximus growls at him in warning as the women rolls her eyes.
  "I am just reaching to get my laptop. I cant show you what the world is going to see in exactly fifteen minutes if I don't" She says with a huff. Both men have a stare off as she blows some of her hair out of her eyes.
  "Tika, why don't you take our son to lay down since you are privy to the situation going on here. I have a feeling that things may get to loud and I don't want his nap time interrupted" I tell her. She must sense the tension in the room because she moves fast and she grabs our son and makes a smooth exit. I open the link that I have to her so that she can still be apart of the meeting as I gesture for Maximus to move.
  "Be careful human. One move of harm toward any dragon here and I make no promises on how far I will go to get revenge" He warns her as he backs away. She swallows as she nods at him.
  "There is no need for you to threaten my mate dragon" The fairy says as he steps between them. I raise my eyebrow in question and decide to shake it away. we don't have time for this.
  "I am not your mate" She says as she pulls a lap top from her bag. He smirks at her as he steps closer.
  This is asinine. Make them get to the point.
  "Your evidence please" I say as I gesture to the laptop.
  She taps a few keys and then voices fill the room. As the conversation plays aloud the rumbling in my chest gets louder in louder until I am no longer sitting down in my chair. As the first one completes, my claws have slipped out as the growl of my beta joins mine.
  "How in the hell did you get that?" I scream at the red head as she takes a step back. Her eyes swim around the room as the fairy goes to step in front of her. The recording that she just played was one that happened to have happened in this very office just a few weeks ago. I open the link wider to my mate so that I can feel her emotions but she seems just as confused.
  "The dragon woman there. She gave me a few recordings to prove that you could be trusted. What she showed me is the only reason that I have willingly come here after what I have gone through" She says quickly as she shares a gaze with Emily. The dragon women turns red as my alpha command pushes out and her head bows.
  "Explain" I order her. Maximus growls at the treatment of his mate but knows better than to interfere.
  "I have always shut the bug off during anything that I deemed personal. I only need proof of the type of man you are. I needed to show her that you aren't like the dragons bred in the facilities. We needed her help, alpha" she rushes to say. I eyes her carefully as I push my command on her more fully to make sure that there are no lies.  "That's all, I swear" She screams as she drops to her knees.
  "She's not lying Xander. Let up" Maximus says in my head. I release my command as I start to pace the room.
  "Now that you know part of it, I need to show you what will be on the news" The red head says as she steps forward to her laptop once again. I pinch the bridge of my nose as a voice starts to speak that I have heard before. For the first few seconds of conversation, I cant place the voice. When it clicks I meet the gaze of Maximus and the anger in the room becomes palpable. The feeling of being betrayed by our own has me roaring my outrage as the rest of my clan echoes my call. Things are about to get violent.

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