009 | sounds like it'll be fun

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Coming home from rehearsals and letting himself into his girlfriend's apartment, he sent the girl sat at her kitchen island in front of an easel a smile while watching her dip her brush into a cup of water, swirling it around as he walked over to her.

"What are you painting?" Jack asked, loosely draping his arms around her from behind and placing a few kiss on her neck.

"I don't know.." she softly shrugged, drying her brush off and dipping it into the white to lighten the blue she had just painted on the yet to be decided artwork's background. "How was rehearsals?"

"Same as always," he sighed.

"Is your manager still mad at you?"

"Probably.. he wasn't there today though."

"When are you leaving that band?"

"Adalyn.." he chuckled softly. "How was therapy?"

She shook her head, "it's tomorrow."

"Is it only Wednesday?" he spoke through another sigh as he received a small hum. "That means I have rehearsals again tomorrow.."

"What are you doing on Friday?"

"It's my birthday.."

"I know, that's why I'm asking.."

"oh um.. my friends are gonna come over my place," he replied, causing her to put her brush back into the water cup and turn around to look at him, a confused expression on her face.

"Don't you see them enough?" she furrowed. "I thought you didn't want to be around them.."

"No not the band, my friends that I went to school with," he explained, making her even more confused. "You haven't met them before."


"You're invited of course, we were discussing it a couple weeks ago now and of course we weren't really talking then so it just went completely over my mind till you mentioned my birthday," he babbled in defence as she turned back to her painting. "Was there something that you wanted to do?"

"I was gonna ask if you wanted to go away for the weekend.." she mumbled, "but if you want to be with your friends instead go ahead we just had a week together so I understand.."

"We can go somewhere if you want," he quickly agreed. "I'll just tell them that we'll do the Forth of July only, instead of both, I can celebrate my birthday with them then, I don't care, it's not like it a major one."

"No.. be with you friends, you already made the plans, we don't have to be together for everything."

"No Adalyn," he moved to leaning against the counter beside her, gently lifting her chin up with his finger so she'd look at him. "You clearly want to do something together so we will, okay?"

"But you already-"

"They'll understand," he politely interrupted her before she got too overwhelmed. "Where do you want to go, you have me all to yourself Friday, Saturday and Sunday."

"What if we went somewhere close by.. like, I don't know, Malibu, for a night and your friends come as well?" she more so suggested. "Then you won't be letting them down. I'll pay of course- only for a AirBnB though, they can find their own way there."

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