Prove it.

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You were at home waiting for Thomas to get back from his weekend trip with Dylan. You were sitting on the couch watching TV and he walked trough the door. "Hey Tom! how was the trip?" you asked excitedly wanting to know the details. "Don't, 'how was the trip' me Y/N. I know what you did." He looked at you angrily. "What?" you asked in confusion getting up. "I saw on (insert celebrity gossip site here) that you were kissing another man!"
"What?! I did NOT do that Thomas!"
"Oh really? because it says so here!" he shoved his phone in your face. "Thomas! you know not to believe those stupid gossip sites! they're jut trying to start trouble! I PROMISE I didn't do it!"
"Whatever" he said scoffing. "Why don't you believe me?" you asked on the brink of tears. "IF YOU DONT BELIEVE ME THEN THAT MEANS YOU DONT TRUST ME! AND HOW ID THIS RELATIONSHIP GOING TO WORK WITHOUT TRUST?!" you shouted. "Y/N! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU! I LEAVE FOR TWO DAYS ADN YOU'RE ALREADY KISSING SOMEONE ELSE! AND THEN I COME HOME AND YOU LIE TO ME ABOUT IT!" He yells back. "THOMAS BRODIE SANGSTER. I DID NOT DO IT! JUST BELIEVE ME! I PROMISE!" you yelled back. Then you cried. "I- I promise. I promise I didn't do it. I just, I wish you would trust me. I would never hurt you like that. I LOVE YOU TOM. AND ONLY YOU!" You sobbed. "I DO trust you Y/N, I just- ugh I don't know hat I was thinking."
"If you trust me then prove it."
He grabbed your shoulders and pushed you against the wall. "Okay." He said. He kissed you deeply an passionately.

THE END. (No smut, sorry. Bye)

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