Tea ?

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Warning : torture & death.

"Hello, someone is looking for you, dear Vermin."

Anon trembled upon hearing his master's cold voice.
Kimhan sat quietly in front of the injured man.
Vermin was bleeding to death, Anon carefully ripping out every fingernail of this guy, before opening gaping wounds in his back.
Kim seemed satisfied, but his jaw was clenched.

"Y-you l-little shit..." roared Vermin, whose pain was starting to drive him crazy. "Mommy...Mom..ARghhhh..."

"What? The mum thing? Really pathetic." Kimhan breathed, rolling his eyes. "Aren't you ashamed of yourself?...I bet you told the same thing at the people you kidnapped in the past !"

He raised his hand, and Anon gave him a rusty claw of blackened blood.
A first tooth fell out with ease, under Vermin's chilling howl.


"My father was probably planning to kill you with a lot less....delicacy..." Kim whispered, he looked at his hand filled with drool and blood, with a lot of disgust, and threw the tool on the ground.

Anon then offered a screwdriver to his master, but Kimhan arched an eyebrow, so the young bodyguard gulped and shoved the tool into Vermin's left eye, making him scream again.


Vermin's last breath reeked of a mixture of blood and drugs.


Wait a minute...

Anon frowned as he leaned over, sniffing the scent despite himself.

"Khun Kim..."


Kim had finished collecting information on Vermin's life, and he was burning everything next to the still warm body.

"That smell...I know it."

"The smell ?"

"Yes. The drug one. I'm sure I already have .... But where ? Damn... I can't..."

Kim froze, before looking slowly at his bodyguard.
Anon sat up confidently, hands at his sides, looking very serious, yet he was unable to remember the smell....Or at least where he had smelled it.
So Kimhan ordered him to investigate, then he left.

It was almost time for Porchay to go out.
Lately, the young boy slept a lot during the day, then he went to a cafe near his neighborhood.
Kim sat down at a back table, there was a sort of thin, red curtain that allowed him to watch.

"Good morning !"


The young boy usually chatted with the old lady who was the owner, but today his grandson was in charge.

"What can I serve you ?"

The server had a very sweet voice, like honey. His voice didn't match his bad boy appearance at all.
Kim frowned: this guy was nothing special, and yet Porchay smiled.
He was smiling at this guy.

"I....Uh....Just some tea please....Madame Tamako isn't here today?" Porchay asked shyly, still adorable.

"No, she's been having back problems lately, I'm Nao, nice to meet you....Sir?"

"Chay...Porchay. No need for sir,you can call me Porchay."

Kimhan's coffee was as hot as his breath.
He glared at the scene, aware that no one could see him.

"Mr. Porchay, thank you for worrying about my grandmother, you are the only one who asked me about her health, I offer you this tea, go sit down."

Porchay then insisted on paying, and a small argument began. They looked like an adorable little couple.

....As if they were flirting.

Kimhan's hatred boiling in him, he had just killed Vermin and all his murderous senses were on the alert.

Kill, kill, kill, kill....

Crossing his arms, he made sure that waiter didn't dare touch Chay. Because that would have been his last straw.
Kimhan was a patient guy, most of the time. He was the one who had pushed Porchay away, he knew. But he still had a very possessive nature.
No one was allowed to mess with Porchay.

"I...thank you." Porchay whispered, in a small voice, he sure had that beautiful rosy tint on his cheeks.

The young boy finished his drink quickly, before going out, and Kimhan decided to come out of his hiding place, to better analyze this Nao.

This guy was tall, with bleached blond hair, and his typical Japanese physique, he really looked like a character straight out of the ALICE IN BORDERLAND series.
Kimhan clenched his fists, coldly putting his money on the counter, before leaving the little coffee shop, without a word.

"Thank you for your visit!" exclaimed the poor confused waiter.


"Ah ?"

Anon raised his arms, as if he was going crazy too.
Tankhun immediately did the same :

"What the hell are you trying to do ? You dumbass..."

"Khun No!" Pol was laughing bitterly.

"What ? Anon as been acting strange since the past few hours..."

"Ah ? I am sorry, Khun No."

Anon sighed, he needed coffee. But lately, talking about coffee in front of Khun Kim was a sensitive topic.
Hell, why ?!
The poor bodyguard wanted to cry, but Khun No was ready to smack his head again.

"Explain what you are looking for."

"Khun Kim gave me a secret mission."

"Ohhhh...." Both Arm and Pol were impressed.

Tankhun slowly turned towards them. His gaze could kill.

"If my brother is putting his nose into my dear doctor Top business, I am gonna rip the world apart!"

Arm gulped.
Pol backed away slowly.
They had been too much on the nerves of their young master lately.

"Humhum..." Scoffed Anon. "I...I think...Wait. Yeah, oh my goodness! This is where I smelled it for the first time !"

"What smell ?!"

"Ugh...Khun No...You are not going to like it."

Anon tried to ran away, but Tankhun stopped him with a pillow.
The bodyguard fell on the floor, crying for help, but neither Arm or Pol did.




Tankhun had his feet on Anon's back and he slowly let go...

"The drug smell...I am looking for it. Now, let me go."

"What does it have to do with my...."

"It's at the hospital. I remember now. I smelled it, at doctor Top's hospital."

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