Macau ?

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Nao crossed his arms, ignoring Anon's pleas.
He wasn't going to lie to his little friend, Nao could feel Porchay's despair.
He looked serious, frowning with great application and then he simply smiled :

''Well, I can't tell you anything to be honest, because your brother didn't tell me what happened. But we have a common.''

Anon felt like banging his head against a wall, he looked horrified at Nao's proud smile.
Porchay advanced towards the two men, his mind set, he wanted to know who he was.
He needed to know.

''A... friend ?''

''Your best friend, in fact.'' Nao lowered his gaze, a new veil of sadness invaded his pretty gray eyes. ''Cau..Macau Theerapanyakul. He's our friend...and I'm worried about him, very worried, I haven't seen him for a long time...I miss him. If you could...go and see him, okay ? Ask him to come back here... Please. I'll give him everything for free...Just ask him to come back..."

Porchay frowned, Macau...? This name meant nothing to him at all.
He wanted to search inside his memory, but each time it was like facing a wall.

"I... Where can I find him ?"

''I never knew but...Anon take him to Cau's house !'' demanded Nao.

Anon looked at him sideways, he was furious. He wanted to refuse but Nao threatened to talk about Dan and Kim, so the young bodyguard had no choice.
He leads the young master to the villa with the green shutter.

''Please let Khun Vegas still be with Khun Kinn and Khun Porsche...'' murmured Anon like a prayer.

Porchay looked at him puzzled, he didn't find Vegas scary. He was a manipulative man, yes, he could feel it, but he wasn't afraid of him.
A fat guard greeted them:

''Ah dear Anon, why aren't you crying today?''

''Fuck off, Nop.''

Anon grimaced and unconsciously Porchay's brain reacted on its own, the guard let him pass without discussion but he prevented Anon from advancing.
Porchay climbed stairs, lots of stairs...It was as if he already knew this path.
He knocked on a door, softly then a little louder....

"I said no, Nop, I don't want to go..."

Porchay frowned, he slowly opened the bedroom door.
It was dark there, a human form was under a big blue blanket.
Chay saw black hair, and he really tried to remember the young boy's face... He imagined P'Vegas younger:

''I am sorry...''


The young boy immediately sat up and sat up in bed, his mischievous eyes resting on Porchay.
The room was a mess so Porchay didn't dare enter, he just tilted his head, trying to remember something...but nothing.
However, his chest felt slightly warmer.

"I...P'Nao thinks you can help me...Please..."

Macau got out of bed, he put on a t-shirt that was lying on the floor, and invited Porchay to go to his living room.
The young boy seemed disturbed by the sudden arrival of his friend.

"...Did you come alone? Chay this is not safe, you don't know, it's could be dangerous outside and I don't want anything to happen to you anymo-..."

"Anon is waiting outside. No worries."

''He stopped crying?'' sneered Macau.

His laugh...was similar to Vegas.
Porchay slid his gaze over the young man's arms: there were many cuts... Chay's heart sank and unconsciously he took Macau's hand.
He felt...worried ? Yeah. He was.
He was really worried about this new guy.

"Oh..." Macau looked at his wrists with confusion before looking away. ''It's nothing....It's moments of weakness... No need to worry...''

''I'm sorry...'' whispered Porchay.

"I'm the one who's sorry...Porchay you can hate me with all your's my fault if you were atta-..."

''Please...tell me...''

''No, nevermind... Forget it.''

Macau trembled slightly, he rolled his eyes to keep from crying and offered a piece of cake to Porchay.
The young boy spent the afternoon telling him stories about them: their first meetings, their favorite video games, their classes at the University....

"W-wait...I can play the guitar?" Porchay was confused.

Yet he had never learned, Porsche said they were poor... how could he have paid for a guitar teacher?
Macau shrugged before pursing his lips: no one mentioned the name of Kimhan Theerapanyakul.

"It's getting late...You should go home..."

''Hm...Thank you...''

Porchay hugged the young man before leaning gently towards Macau's wrists and he placed a tiny kiss there before whispering:

''Please heal quickly...''


Macau bit his cheek and lowered his head, ashamed of himself.
Even without any memory, Porchay's sweetness never left his heart.
This boy was an angel. Too sweet to be true. Macau had a hard time let him go...

''Nong!'' finally exclaimed Anon when Porchay came out of the villa.

The young boy patted the guard's shoulder.
This afternoon with Macau Theerapanyakul had done him good, he felt less like a robot and a little more human.

''Let's go home.''

'''s raining.'' observed Anon looking at the gray sky.


The next day, Porchay returned to work, alone this time.

''Hey, isn't P'Anon here? He is always with you...'' asked Nao, wiping a glass.

''Hmmm...He had a bad night...He says he has a cold and it's contagious. Kit and Boss didn't let him come with me. So I came alone.''

Nao frowned, that explained the presence of the man with the umbrella on the street.
Porchay was not unsupervised.
The server preferred to be silent, not wanting to scare Porchay.

"Well, you can start cleaning the room...''


It was still raining and Porchay finally noticed a man at the end of the street, smoking a cigarette under his umbrella, he was dressed all in black.
Now, Porchay was concerned...Was he really in danger ?

"Nao...Do you want me to take out the trash?"

Nao who was organizing the flavors of his teas, quickly glanced outside before sighing:

''Hurry, with this rain, you could get sick....''

''All right...''

Porchay grabbed a black garbage bag, he went outside and walked around the store. The trash cans were in a back street and out of curiosity Porchay glanced behind him.
The man was there, he hadn't moved. Porchay couldn't see his face, but he frowned...

"Ouch..." Porchay had just cut himself with a junk.

He bled a little from the finger and he grimaced: Nao nevertheless asked him to wear gloves all the time... Damn.
Suddenly he sensed someone behind him and Chay found himself face to face with a tall guy.


"Mr. Policeman?"

Dion smiled, always friendly, and searched into his coat pocket before handing the young waiter a bandage.

''Porchay... is that it?''


Dion could read it on the little rabbit-shaped badge Nao had given him.
Porchay smiled and accepted the bandage.

''Tell me... It may seem strange to you but... I'm investigating a family... A rich family and I think you're hanging out with some of them.''

Porchay stiffened before slowly looking up.

'' could help me... Do you know a guy named Kimhan Theerapanyakul?''

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