Unleash the beast 🔞

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[ Trigger warning: non consent scene coming. Please if you are sensitive, do not read. ]

Kimhan Theerapanyakul went into a strange trance.
He was tired, tired of doing everything to save his little angel... Even if it means suffering. Tired of being away from Porchay Kittisawasd. Tired of being just his guardian from a distance...What the use when the world is against you ?

Fuck it.

Screw the nice guy image. He was done trying to protect Porchay from danger....from himself. He felt something changed inside him, a monster breaking free.

''Good evening, I am sorry, dear customer, we're closed...'' exclaimed the tired voice of the young boy who was cleaning a table at the back of the shop.

Kim had just opened the door and the sound of the little bell rang in his ear.
He could not leave now. Not anymore.
His boy would be his again.
Slowly, he lifted his gaze to meet Porchay's. The young boy had turned around surprised, his big doe eyes still shining intensely.

''Sir..? May I help you ..? Do you need something..? Wait, are you Phi...?''

Porchay seemed to hesitate. Of course he looked so much like that asshole Dan.
Kim let his face bend forward, a delirious laugh rumbling in his chest. He hated looking like that asshole so fucking much.
He wasn't him. Porchay would learn that.

"I'm tired, so fucking tired..I promise you my angel...Those assholes will pay."

''I am...Sorry ? I don't understand...?''

Porchay backed up quickly against a wall but Kimhan was already against him, his hand on the frightened young boy's throat and he put one of his fingers, manicured with black varnish, on Chay's parted lips :

''He's still here to hurt you, my angel, but I won't let him anymore. I won't let him broke you again...Trust me, angel.''

''W-who the hell are ....y-you?'' whispered Porchay in a voice shaking with fear.

Kim sneered cruelly: he hated everything, this world, this situation, his twin... He preferred to destroy everything.
No. He would do it.
He would destroy everything about Dan.
Even the whole world would burn if Kim had too.
Porchay tried to push Kim's hand away, but Kim simply gripped his throat harder. He was looking like a beast and his voice was icy :


''Argh...you're hurting me...Let..me..g-go..''

"What did that asshole Dan do to you? I have seen it... Did he kiss you ?!"

Porchay frowned, he was having trouble breathing and the stranger in front of him seemed... dangerous.
What the hell was wrong this guy ?!
He opened his lips again to speak but the man kissed him....He kissed him ! Kim was sliding his tongue against the young boy's palate. It was a hot and wet deep frenck kiss...


The man was so...angry.


He was enraged.

Porchay could feel every vibration of the man kissing him and his skin was as hot as the sun.
Very quickly, Porchay's brain tried to push the man's mouth away: he was running out of air!
Kim's tongue began a mad dance against Porchay's, he managed to bring the young boy to his knees.

''Chay...Chay...'' growled Kim whose voice was distorted with madness.

He crouched down in front of the young boy whose legs had given way.
Kim slipped his finger under the young man's chin, his lip were bleeding.

''I..I will protect you, my angel. And then nothing will separate us anymore...''

''Us..? Who...who are you? Why are you saying all this ?!''

Porchay couldn't quite believe what was happening to him, or why his body was submitting so naturally to this man.
He couldn't stop his own heart and he felt his body heat with a burning desire.
Kim licked the blood running down the youngest's chin before smiling at him:

''I tried to be patient for you...But you know what my love ? I am not a very patient person anymore, I guess.''

''W-what ? My love ? I don't even know who you are...! Explain to me ! Tell me !'' growled Porchay.

He pushed the man again and got up from the ground, but he was immediately slammed back against the wall.
Kim was laughing, but his laughter had no joy, it was a bestial and dangerous sound.
He grabbed Chay's waist and one of his hands slid down the young man's back.
Slowly he undid the knot of Chay's brown apron.

''N-nooo...stop... What are you doing ? Please do not...'' begged Porchay who was really terrified now.

But Kim's left hand rested on his mouth, preventing the young man from speaking.
Ah..Porchay begging him...that felt so good to ear.
He wanted so much more. He needed his boy under his body, crying from his every thrust.

Porchay's brain kept hurting, it was like he was screaming with all his might.
He couldn't understand his feelings but his fucking body kept wanting this man in front of him ! Very mad and dangerous...and also sexy man. Damn.


''Hushhhh....My angel. Don't be afraid of me.''

Porchay's jerky breathing had calmed Kim's nerves a little, as he waited for the young boy to relax in his arms.
He gently removed his hand and blew lightly on Chay's nose before placing a soft kiss there.

''He wants to hurt you because you're mine...'' Kim whispered in an almost sad voice. But his gaze hardened. ''He will hurt you again....''

"W-who..? No one will hurt me... Please let me go...I need...air...argh.." Porchay manages to whisper.

''My twin.'' replied Kim.

Porchay gazed confusedly into the man's.
The man was fucking handsome, as tall as Porchay, his long hair was all over his shoulders but above all he had a terrifying and attractive expression.
Why were psychopaths always good-looking?!
Porchay tried to breathe but the man kept kissing him until he was shaking again.

''S...Stop...I..don't understand anything....I beg you..Tell me everything I need to know.''

Kim laughed again, feeling a new wave of madness wash over him. He couldn't bear the thought that his good boy had forgotten about him.
Porchay's body at least remembered his touches.

''My angel.. the only thing you need to know....It's that you belong to me.''

The information echoed in Chay's mind, and although it was stupid, his heart almost purred.
Unlike earlier with his blind customer, Porchay wasn't feeling so off...
Slowly Porchay looked down at the lips stained red with his own blood.

It was too hot in the shop...Porchay didn't know why... But...

He kissed the stranger.

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