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Tankhun had already seized the whole hotel. He had placed several guards at every doors, it was now impossible to get out of it, it was like a real fortress.
Their home was now a jail.

"How is Porsche?"

Kim dropped off a glass of rum for his older brother on his desk, Kinn looked tired and anxious.
He was mad, very,very mad.

"Top won't do anything without orders from Tankhun, he just stopped the blood...The bullet is still lodged in his chest. Porsche..My Porsche is strong, he'll be fine."

Kinn drank his glass in one go, before sprawling on his seat, his gaze was empty.
Kimhan crossed his arms, the cold leather of his jacket reflecting his expression:

"I don't understand why he does this... Tankhun loves us. He always says that his family is important why would he hurt you ? He knows how important is Porsche to you."

Kinn frowned, his hair was a mess, usually, Porsche would always moved his lock carefully.
But now Porsche was fighting for his life in their own bedroom.


A door opened, Pol and Arm were so embarrassed that they didn't dare to speak.
Kinn encouraged Arm, with an authoritative wave of his finger.


"Khun Kinn...Khun Kim. We're sorry..."

"Really...Sorry." Pol whispered. "Is Porsche all right?"

Pol's worry-filled face softened Kinn, who looked more fragile than ever.
Porsche was his strength but also his weak point, without him, this life no longer interested him.
Without Porsche, there was no Kinn anymore.

"He'll be fine." Affirmed Kim, raising his head, trying to help his brother. "He'll never leave me alone as long as I'm around Porchay."

Anon, who was close to his master, smiled tenderly as he nodded.
Behind them, lying on a sofa, was young Chay, the shock had overwhelmed him.

"Hia will be fine...fine...fine.." repeated Porchay in a voice so low it was almost inaudible.

Anon pursed his lips before gently picking up a blanket and placing it on his young master's trembling shoulders.


Arm clenched his fist, his gaze fixed on the floor, then Pol cleared his throat.

"Your.. Your father, Khun Korn, he is ill."

Kim, who was gently stroking Chay's knee, listened carefully to the guard's words.

"Sick ?" Kinn hissed, his face growing darkly angry. "We're so rich we can afford the best treatment in the damn world, it doesn't make sense."

"Well, actually..." Confessed gravely Arm, who looked much more serious. "Khun No... He was desperate, I searched, really, everywhere. But only the blood of the Kittisawasd can save Khun Korn. So in exchange for a service... Doctor Top agreed to save Khun Korn. He was practicing blood transfusions but... Things started to be more difficult. "

Kim almost had a cruel grin on his lips.
A service ? Providing a network of traffickers to enrich a fraudulent doctor was far from a simple service.
Porchay started shaking again, and Kim put a hand on his back.

"But mum...mum...mum..."

Porchay's mental state was deteriorating, he was shaking and constantly repeating his words three times.
Anon had tears in his eyes, he had to take a step back to stop himself from bursting into tears. Anon had been in the military for a while, he recognized the symptoms of a man scarred for life by the horrors they had witnessed.

"Nong Chay is not wrong." resumed Kinn, whose alcohol had already dissipated in his organism. "Father has kept this woman close to him for all his years, right?! Why would you want Porsche and Chay now...?"

Pol nervously played with his hands. It was difficult for them to explain the situation, especially since they were simple bodyguards, he hadn't signed up for that!
Anon lost patience, he wanted to go back to the studio, shelter his masters and even see the two other idiots Kit and boss.

"Pol, explain this shitty mess."


"Pol !"

"Anon, there's no point yelling at him!" Arm groaned, noticing that his colleague was starting to turn pale. "We're all stressed ok? Khun Korn...He loses a lot of blood. When he coughs and sometimes when he has a nosebleed...But Mrs. Kittisawasd was also weakening, so...Porsche and Chay were really needed! But Porsche would never agree to save Khun Korn! And Khun No were stressed, he couldn't... Think."

"Tankhun could have asked me!" yelled Kinn, smashing his glass against a wall. '' I WOULD HAVE TALKED WITH PORSCHE !"

Porchay hid his ears, his breath caught, and Kim gritted his teeth. He had to get the young boy out of here as soon as possible, otherwise he would lose him.
The more time passed, the more Porchay sank into madness.

"No no no..."

"It was...really impossible, Khun Kinn. We're sorry! But Porsche was so stubborn! He wanted his mother back so badly already, he would never have accepted!"

Kinn was furious, but lucid. He knew that both guards were right.

"...But Tankhun almost killed Porsche, and he's not even saving him...Why? That doesn't make any sense, he need Porsche right ? Wait..." Kim hissed.

However, Kimhan knew.
Both Arm and Pol's gaze fell on Porchay.
They were actually trying to make him the next Nam Phueng Kittisawasd.

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