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Porchay's back hit the piano behind him. Kim's hands were against his hips, and the young boy gasped.

He gasped again and again, but no comprehensible sound could come out of his mouth, as Kim's tongue kept attacking him.

Porchay tried to kick him away, but he only felt a mocking grin from the singer against his lips.

Kimhan pressed his torso a little harder against the younger's chest, and Porchay was unable to resist any longer.
Slowly Kim moved his right hand up, he grabbed Chay's hair, then he pressed it lightly, forcing the young boy to open his mouth even wider in a choking cry.


Once again, Porchay tried to push Kim with his shoulder, but the mobster was much stronger than the young boy under him, he only let him breathe in short ten-second sessions.

He wanted that power: being the one in control and to show Porchay who he was. He was Kimhan Theerapanyakul, a mafia heir. And Porchay's was his.
He would learn the consequence of it. Slowly... Like their kiss.

"P'Kim!" Ended up screaming the young boy, stepping back, his lips were swollen.

"You took a step forward !" Kim replied innocently, touching his  bottom lips with his tongue, which Porchay had bitten and was bleeding now.

"Yes to slap you! Not kis...kiss !"

Kimhan burst out laughing.
A sweet feeling invaded his body for a long time. His nong was adorable, as always.
Chay finally moaned even more, he sat up, went to the back of the room and pointed to a single piano.

"That one."

"Great, good choice."

Kim nodded, then the two left.
The singer only needed to ask one of his staff to pick up the piano.
Then he returned to his private studio, that was where they currently lived.
Porchay seemed really confused, he preferred to pretend to be asleep rather than confront his feelings for Kim.


The day after :

"Hello, Mr. Kim. This is Anon. Here is the first report: Khun Top got up at four in the morning, he drank a coffee then he left for the hospital and went to the toil...."

"Anon. I don't give a fuck about what he eats or how often he goes to the bathroom..."

"Ah yes... sorry, Khun Kim, this is my first time stalking someone..."

Porchay who was lying on the sofa in the studio, shot a look at Kim, before chuckling.
Kimhan was about to hang up: why was his bodyguard so incompetent!

"Was there at least something interesting?"

"Um... A K&Care truck came... And it was the doctor who signed the authorization for him to park in the parking lot."

"...he signed the authorization? So he is one of them."

Top was therefore a trafficker. The organs... A doctor... His father's hospital.
Kimhan hung up.
He crossed his hands in front of his chin, and his gaze hardened. He still had trouble understanding: why Porchay? Why Porsche? What was his father's plan ?

"You look older when you wrinkle your brow.." Porchay remarked.

"And...You look at me so much that you notice this kind of detail." Kim replied.

"What the...No way !" Annoyed the young boy, embarrassed to have been caught red handed.

Porchay wanted to leave the room, but finally he turned his head towards Kim:

"Why are you spying on Doctor Top? He's nice though. Not like you..."

"Nice? Wait...Do you know him Chay? When did you two met ?!"

Porchay shrugged, he didn't really want to tell his senior.
The kid that he was refused to help Kim, but the nong in love wanted to tell Kimhan everything... Chay gritted his teeth, hating himself for being so weak in front of Kim's sulky face.

"No need to look at me like that!No need to act like a lost puppy, you are not so handso..."

"Porchay, please help your P' Be my good boy."

Kim stood up and approached Porchay like a snake. He was seductive, manipulative...and far too sexy.
Chay gulped, rolled his eyes but let Kim approach him. They looked at each other then, for a long, long time, and Kim's lips brushed against Chay's.

"P'Kim...too close..."

" angel."

Porchay's breathing hitched, then accelerated to such a mad speed that his lungs hurt.
The young boy closed his eyes, smelling the scent of Kim, the object of all his desires.

A living god.
His idol.
Right there, in front of him, begging him.

Porchay was clearly being manipulated and the worst part of it all was that he let himself be manipulated. He didn't hate it so much... Because he felt like Kim's really needed him.

"I-I d-o not..."

Too late, Kim's hands fell around his neck.


Kimhan's gaze was dark, he pressed slightly while choking the young boy, and Porchay was unable to think.
He kissed him. Allowing his nong to breathe only thank to him. Porchay's body started to shake, and he rolled his eyes, before whispering:

"E-enough... I'll tell... you.."

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