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Kim shooted but an asshole to Dan's right threw a small smoke bomb on the ground.


Anon threw himself in the center of the garage, actively looking for his master, there were gunshots everywhere:


"BOSS GETS ANON OUT!" Kit growled.

Kit was shooting from the roof, he managed to kill a first guy.
But very quickly, the smoke became much too thick.
The situation was getting out of control.
Boss tried to help Pol who was fighting with two guys.
He took a stab in the shoulder and screamed in pain before shooting his assailant right in the chest.


"TOO MUCH !" replied Pol, running towards the exit.

There were detonation sounds all over the garage.
The storm rumbled, the rain fell...And...Kimhan too.


Kim was on his knees, his face bleeding, he spat on the ground: a mixture of dust and blood.
Dan in front of him, grabbed him by the hair, panting:

"Ohhhh....Are you disadvantaged by the smoke bro? Poor you....I've been living in the dark for two fucking years thanks to you !"

Dan hit Kim, he kicked him several times, forcing Kimhan to collapse on the ground.
The asphalt was cold, the smoke burned his eyes and above all his weapon was far from him.

"I'll...make you pay...!"

Kim kicked Dan down and both brothers rolled to the ground.
In his black cane, Dan had a huge sharp blade and he opened Kim's chest with a single gesture.


Kim screamed as he felt his skin tear and Dan took the opportunity to push him away violently.
He got up from the ground and Kimhan crawled a little further, hoping to catch his breath despite the pain.
He burst into a delirious laugh:

"Do you're going to live? If I don't kill you...You'll still die!"

Dan crushed Kim's knee, nearly breaking his bone, before responding sharply:


Kimhan let out a howl of rage, his body was nothing more than a giant wound.
Out of breath and tired, Dan grabbed his hair and forced him to squat in front of him before bringing his blade to Kim's throat.

"You owe me...vocal cords,I believe, my little singer..."

Pol had managed to open the huge garage door and Tankhun drived the car inside, the headlights illuminating the garage.

"P'Kim!" Porchay cried out.

"Chay NO! DO NOT ..."

Tankhun had no time to restrain the young boy, he climbed out of the car and ran straight in front of Dan raising his hands:


Dan recognized Porchay's voice and a chilling smile crossed his disfigured face.
Kim froze, he shot a terrified look at his little angel. No, no, no....NOT NOW !

"Chay, LEAVE ! RUN AWAY !"

"Dan !!! Please stop! I'll do what you want ! please... I am begging you...have mercy..." cried Porchay, raising his arms.

Porchay was crying, he was really crying hard.
His whole body was invaded by loud sobbing.
Dan burst into an evil laugh before whispering:

"Oh yeah...What you like the most in this world...Apart from singing...Isn't that kid right? What a kind offer...Chaychay."

"Son of a bitch..Do...not touch him..." Kim snarled but the blade on his throat sank slowly.

Porchay's eyes widened as he screamed, Kim's throat was bleeding ! Kimhan was in pain ! He needed help ! What could Porchay do ?! He didn't know...
He knelt in front of Dan, begging him to stop again.

"Please...let him go... I'll do anything..."

"Very well, Porchay." his calm tone was agonizing. "Do you want to save him so much...? So we're going to have a good time."

Dan threw Kim to the ground and he grabbed Porchay by the arm, threatening the boy with his blade, he whispered to him:

"I want you to break him..."


"Tell him how much he disgusts you...TELL HIM YOU HATE HIM!"

Porchay cried louder and a gunshot stopped everyone.
Anon fell to the ground and Tankhun threw himself on Dan.
Anon....Anon was...He tried to save time...
A heart-rending scream rose through the air, and Tankhun was on top of Dan on the ground.

"KHUN NO!" Pol was in a bad state but he wanted to save his master.

Tankhun unfortunately had a gaping hole in his stomach.
He clenched his teeth and growled with all his might:

"Don't…hurt Porchay!"

In shock, Dan did not react immediately.
He didn't understand...What had just happened?
In his fall, he had buried his own blade pretty close his own heart...and he began to shakes.

"Porchay!" Kim held out his hand to the young boy but Porchay had his eyes on Tankhun and Dan.

He stammered out Tankhun's name while shaking and his brain hurt, a powerful, sonorous pain.
How could his own brain be so painful ?!?
Was Anon alright?
Why did Tankhun saved him ??
Where was the others..?!
He was about to collapse again.

Someone took him in his arms and he recognized the familiar warmth of his brother...Porsche was there.
But the fight was not over.

"KILL THEM !" Screamed Kinn furious voice. "THEY KILLED ANON !"

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