I am a sinner.

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''...And why is the house in such a state?''

Porchay shrugged nervously.
Kimhan sat cross-legged at his desk, his hair styled perfectly and he even wore silver jewelry.
The singer arched an eyebrow, his expression severe:

''I was gone for ONLY an hour and when I come back this house has become a swimming pool. What the fuck is wrong with you ?!''

His icy voice was like a slap in the face and his gaze glared at his bodyguards.
Kit leaned forward to apologize, but very quickly Chay stood in front of the guard.

"It's my fault so don't be mean to them!"

"Me-...Mean !?" Kim scolded, snapping his fingers in support of his every words. ''I'm their boss, their fucking boss, not their friend, my role is not to be the good guy here.''

Kit politely apologized, and one look was enough for Porchay to feel guilty.
On the desk was a huge birthday cake, a purple hue, with << HAPPY BIRTHDAY >> written all over it.

''What is it? It's not even my birthday.'' asked Kim in a cold voice.

Porchay laughed nervously before lowering his head to hide his embarrassment:

"We know... But Anon found this cake at the supermarket...I wanted to please you."

Kim waved his hand, and Kit walked out, accompanied by Boss and Anon.
The three guards managed to breathe normally once they got out of that damn office... But their poor young Chay... Damn the boy was in trouble.

Kim crossed his arms, looking down at the young boy:

"Why did you ask them that?"

''To make you happy...''

''Do not lie.''

''I do not lie !''

''Porchay they are bodyguards! They're not supposed to give in to your every childish tantrum !''

Kimhan scolded Porchay like the brat he was, and the latter got upset: basically, Kim was right but Porchay had never wanted this situation ! Why the hell did he have to live with bodyguards ?! He was a good guy !
He clenched his fists, before inflating his lips in a sulky pout. Kimhan was always so worried about everything lately...



Kim put his hands in front of his face, he sighed deeply: Wik had to go on tour and Kinn had asked him to manage a guy from the casino with big debts.
He had a lot of work and the young boy was always so careless about his safety.

''Porchay. Do you know how many people want to kill us?''

''I don't know.'' replied Chay dryly. "A lot, if you talk to them like that, I guess."

A chuckle from Boss echoed around the room and Kit rushed to pull him out of the hallway.
Followed by the footsteps of Anon who was dying of worry thank to his young Nong.

''I am sorry...'' apologized once again Porchay, biting his cheek.

Unsure of himself, Chay shyly walked up to Kim, patted his leg and sat down on his lap.
His face was completely flushed with embarrassment, and he refused to look up.
Intrigued, Kimhan raised an eyebrow, he was surprised by the unexpected gesture of the young boy.

"...I-..I was afraid you would scold me because I went out and forgot about our writing session... I really hoped that you would have loved a cake... Everything is my fault, I am sorry."

"Phi is wrong too...I wish you weren't so scared of me." Kim's voice was sincere but he had a small sneer on the corner of his lips that Chay didn't see. "But...I don't like cakes. I prefer omelets, to be honest.''

''Motherfuck-... !''

This time, Porchay lightly punched him in the chest and Kim laughed.
A sparkling chuckle, when Kimhan smiled, he looked younger.

Less handsome than a god, but more than just a man.

Nature was truly unfair to Porchay who often felt ugly around Kim.
Without him really realizing it, Chay slid his hand over Kim's cheek, his finger tracing the man's hollow cheekbone:

''You lost weight...'' remarked the latter whispering.

''Really..?'' responded in the same soft tone Kim. "Maybe I should really consider eating this sweetie then..."

But Kimhan's eyes didn't rest on the birthday cake. On the contrary, his black pupils kept looking at Porchay's luscious lips.
Very lightly, Chay felt Kim's skin warm under his finger and their mutual breathing stopped.

''P'Kim...'' stammered the young boy.

Tenderly, Kim slipped his arm behind Chay's waist and pulled the young boy closer to him.
He could feel the vibrations in hos body, of fear and excitement.
Kimhan had always been patient but he had tricks to provoke people.
He cocked his head slightly to the right, exposing his neck to Porchay's mouth.

''What is it...hum...? Nong Chay ?''

Kim's scent was intoxicating, as was the man beneath him: Porchay's brain went blank.
He was unable to think of anything else.

"P'Kim..." Chay's voice was pleading.

"If you want something, Chay...Take it."

The young boy swallowed, he closed his eyes tightly and gave in.
The temptation of Kimhan Theerapanyakul was truly... His greatest sin.

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