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Porchay's stomach growled.
He had left without having breakfast...
Luckily for him, Macau jumped happily up to him, with a package in his hands:

''Here mister grumpy ! Nao thought it would make us happy! But he is still mad at you for not showing up...''

"Thank you... I'll go see him after." Porchay grabbed the bag and a sweet smell of chocolate cakes rose in the air.

Chay's stomach rumbled louder and Macau laughed. His poor friend was starving.

''It's so cool, we have the same class...By the way, do you know who is our teach-..''

"Everyone, silence, class is about to start."

Dan entered the room, with his stern voice, he made each student obey.
Porchay frowned, feeling the man's gaze on him and Macau happily took care of writing the lesson. For Macau, English was easy !

''He's too serious....'' whispered Macau.

''That's not so unusual...'' nodded Porchay. ''Isn't he always serious...''

Macau chuckled a bit before rolling his eyes.
He kept bouncing towards his friend :

''He has a sugar daddy vibe, don't you think so ?!...''

''Shut up !'' scolded Chay, who continued to quietly eat his piece of cake.

Sure, he was trying to listen because he had always been a good student, but English wasn't his thing. Neither books... so books in English?! No thanks.
Porchay loved music, art, sport and
When the hour ended, the other students left while our two friends waited for P'Dan.

''Yo, P'Dan!'' greeted Macau.

''Everything's good ?''

"Yep...Chaychay, did you thank him for the last time?"

Porchay frowned, he couldn't remember much more.
But he had vomited on Dan's shirt, so he looked down in shame.

''Sorry... I can wash your shirt if you want...''

"It's nothing." Dan pushed his glasses up his nose, before casting a quick glance at Porchay's neck. ''You seem to be doing better.''

''My friend is strong!'' exclaimed Macau happily, before patting Chay on the shoulder friendly.

Porchay winced suddenly as he felt Macau's arm rest on his bandaged arm.
He still had a huge cut and he could feel the nasty device under his skin. Of course, no one else would know, because Chay had a long sleeve shirt.

''I'm going to the cafeteria to get a coffee! Wait for me, na na!''

Macau searched actively for his wallet in his bag, but Dan raised an eyebrow before handing the young boy some money.

''Oh no, P'Dan, I can't accept it...''

''It's normal, I'm your senior.''

''Thank you !''

Porchay watched Macau acting shy and he went off.
He found himself alone with Dan and that stressed him out.
It was as if his brain wanted to run away.

"You look somewhere your mind is preoccupied." Dan said, he crossed his arms, and his black t-shirt hugged every muscle. ''Is there any problems at home?''

''What ? No-no...''

''Relationship problem ?''

Porchay immediately lowered his gaze. His trust in Kimhan was shattered, he never wanted to speak to the singer again.
Dan cleared his throat.

''You deserve someone good. I dare to hope that your partner treats you well.''

Chay's heart quivered. Dan's voice could really sound like Kim's sometimes. It was easy to open up to him... It was like talking to the nice P'Wik. But Porchay still had a strange feeling.

"P'Kim is just...a bit paranoid."

"He doesn't trust you? Trust is the basis of any relationship...if you want my opinion, you should end your relationship with this guy.''

The violence of Dan's words surprised Porchay. He felt like throwing up his cake... Even Porsche had never been so direct.
Porchay pursed his lips to keep from crying and his gaze fell on his arm.
Dan noticed it immediately and he leaned towards Chay, his black eyes sparkling with an eerie glow and his voice soften :

"He hurt you, didn't he? Here...'' Dan brushed against Chay's arm and the young boy stopped breathing. ''This guy is toxic for you...Especially if he used violence...You should run away before something worse happens...Maybe someone else would treat you better.''

A second later, Dan straightened and then Macau entered the room again.
He had three hot coffees in his hands and his usual teasing smile:

"I know, I know, you have to go to a meeting, but hey, I got you a coffee !" he handed Dan a cup and Dan thanked him before leaving the classroom, giving Porchay one last look.

Macau put the second glass in front of Chay but suddenly he frowned :

''Your necklace is shines..A blue light. What the fuck ?''

Porchay froze.
His necklace had just been turned on again.
That meant Kimhan was trying to know his position...But that was stupid. He had a bloody chip in his arm, didn't he?! Why would Kim still use that fucking necklace ?

''It's nothing. Thanks for the coffee.''

Porchay stood up and with a gesture filled with anger, he threw his necklace in the trash.
Macau applauds him with his thumbs up:

''Oiii...You are so cool, that's right buddy, I've always found this necklace ugly anyway ! Cheer up !''

''Cau ?''

''Hm ?''

''Can I stay over tonight?''


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