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Porchay had a gaping hole in his chest.
He felt devoured from within. Kimhan was no longer the one he had known. He had become darker, authoritarian and above all dominant.
There was nothing healthy about them anymore.

"Please," whined Anon, "...leave me alone... You could hurt me, na na... You don't want to hurt this poor Anon ? Right...?"

The poor bodyguard was wearing his total black uniform...with a long black wig and a leather jacket.
Porchay shrugged before sending a dart just past Anon's face.

"Shut up, Anon ! More to the right, kid!" Boss exclaimed.

Anon groaned, he wanted to die. Why the hell did he had to cosplay Khun Kimhan in the first place?!
Kit judged the little group with his old gray eyes.
He was the calmest of them all, though Porchay's anger was amusing.

"P'Kim wouldn't be so polite to me." Chay demanded dryly.

"Yeah...And he wouldn't let you throw darts at him!" Anon shouted, hiding his face.

Boss burst into a cruel laugh, before leaning towards Anon:

"The kid's orders are the orders, my friend. You obey, that's all. Hey, Nong, aim a little more between his eyes. That could be funny !"

''This is NOT funny at all, fucking Boss !"

Anon yelled at Boss, and Kit was the only one who suddenly noticed Porchay's gaze.
He held out his hand, demanding Kit's phone.

"Hello, P'Kim."

"...Chay? Why are you answering Kit's phone?"

Porchay clenched his jaw before replying:

"Oh he's in the shower, it's true, we had fun, he kept me busy all night...."

Kit coughed, giving the younger boy a stern look but Porchay rolled his eyes.

"Stop saying nonsense. Where is Kit ?"

"Where are you ?"

"In China."

"In ....China ??"

Porchay was furious, he threw the poor phone against the sofa, before feeling guilty.
Kit arched an eyebrow as he saw the young boy return his phone to him.

"I...sorry, I didn't mean to."

"It's okay," Kit looked quickly at his black phone, "'s not broken."

"Besides, it's phones provided by Khun Kim. So who cares ? You can keep throwing a tantrum, it's funny !" Boss added, yawning.

"I never want to hear from him again." Chay growled.

Anon pinched his nose, he was always stressed when his two masters argued.
Porchay grabbed a gray jacket, before going to the main door, followed immediately by the three guards.

"Wow wow, take it easy kid, where do you think you're going?" Boss took a cigarette nonchalantly from his pocket.

"I want a coffee."

Anon immediately clenched his jaws.
He had already had to explain billions of times that it was impossible.
Kimhan was serious: he refused to let Porchay go out.
But the young boy grabbed his guitar to keep the guards at a distance.

"You, you stay here. I'm tired of seeing your faces! I just want to go home, and then I'll go have a coffee. No one will care, P'Kim is in China right now, he won't be back soon ! I won't fucking stay here forever !"

"You know we can't do that!" Anon grumbled.

Kit quietly wrote on his phone, a quick report to his boss, Kimhan. Fortunately, the latter was already on his way back.

"Okay, let's do something, kid." Boss tried to negotiate with the young brat, scratching his bald head. "You go where you want, but you let us come with you."

"It's blackmail!"

"It's a compromise." Kit snapped, he was tougher than the other two, and he impressed Porchay.

The latter swallowed, before nodding shyly.
Then he takes out his wallet before frowning:

"Okay, but you pay for your own coffees."

"Hey? You little piece of shit, I'm sure Khun Kim is a real sugar daddy with you and we don't have such a great salary..." Boss was offended.

Kit nearly slapped Boss on the shoulder, and Boss backed away, chuckling.
Only Anon was really stressed. He knew why the coffee in particular interested Chay...Two days earlier, the young guard had confessed to Porchay that he had seen Nao, the waiter, working.

"Okay, so it's decided. Here we go."

Porchay sighed and the whole group wisely followed him.
The young boy felt like a star surrounded by guards, and everyone was watching them.
His favorite cafe was open, there was a sweet smell of hot chocolate in the whole street and Porchay felt his stomach growl.

"Ah finally a familiar feeling! It's smell so good !"

The young boy chose a table at the back of the room, before greeting Nao and his grandmother.

"Oh ma'am, are you okay?"

"How kind of you to worry about me, my lovely boy!" exclaimed the grandmother.

The three guards exchanged a look, before wincing slightly.

"Lovely, my ass..." Boss whispered.

"Boss." Kit scoffed.

But Porchay didn't care, he happily drank a Buble tea, and ordered a slice of fruitcake.

"Wow, it's been so long since we have seen each oth-...!" Nao exclaimed.

"Not enough." Anon replied.

Nao was suddenly caught of guard, before coughing... Now, why was he shy ?!
He tried again :

"Uh, last time I was so scared when that scary guy came...Are you okay ?"

"He is doing very well." Boss replied with a provocative smile.

Porchay rolled his eyes, and he wanted to apologize but Nao smiled:

''It's reassuring then, I missed you!"

"Nong Porchay is very busy lately." Kit's cold voice startled the young boys.

A bit confused, Nao nodded gently, before serving the group and leaving, looking sad.
Porchay almost died of embarrassment.

"Why the hell are you acting like this ?!"

"Because you belong to Khun Kimhan."

Kit was trying to be nice, but his patience was not so great.

"What a joke !"

"Please think before you act. If Khun Kimhan want, he can kill this waiter, the owner, us and even you.... Could you realise how dangerous he is ? Please. For everyone sake."

Porchay was speechless. Especially because Kit had never spoke so much.
Yes, of course he knew. He wasn't stupid...but also wanted just some freedom, damn it !

Under his eyes.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora