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''Chaychay... Do you remember this BubleTea? It was your favorite flavor...'' Nao's sad look was heartbreaking.

Porchay tilted his head slightly, he took a first sip and enjoyed the tea.
It was true, the fruity and refreshing taste pleased Chay. Maybe that was really is favourite drink...

''Thank you, P'Nao...''

Nao, a tall man with bleached blond hair and numerous piercings, offer him a sad smile.
They had been friends, apparently.
Nao was nice and patient, with a pure heart, ready to help.
It was easy to like him.
Porchay had no memories left...He even sometimes doubted what people were telling him...As if they were hiding something from him.
Something was off....or missing.

''Porsche keeps texting me to know how you're doing... He is so annoying...'' grumbled Anon.

''Aren't you just like him...?'' joked Nao.

Porchay shrugged.
His...big brother, was a nice man but maybe too protective. Sometimes he looked scary, not as much as his boyfriend though : Kinn.

The young boy turned on the small television in the shop: he could choose the music as a << new >> member of the shop. A small privilege, but a cute one.
Porchay really started to like Nao's gentle attitude.

''Put something chill !'' asked Nao, taking out the trash cans.

Porchay began scrolling through the various television channels, and a voice suddenly made him stop, he was confused for a moment. This voice... He felt like he had heard it before :

''....Ahaha you are so funny....And yet your songs are so sad....''

''Really ? Haha, thanks....''

''But who dared hurt you, P'Wik? You are so handsome !''

Porchay left this program on the TV, without really knowing why.
He went back to a table and started cleaning it.
Anon at the back of the shop, it was completely frozen, he no longer spoke and it was rare.
Something was off again, but Chay didn't seem to care.

''You know...We can interpret my songs in different ways...For some it's sad but for me it just reflects who I am...This is me and what I have been through...''

"So let's talk about your new song...It's a breakup song isn't it?"

The man on the TV suddenly seemed more serious, as if genuinely hurt by a painful memory.

''It's something like that yes...I suffered in the past and in truth I didn't want this breakup but I choose...to fade away.''

The journalist made a sad face before joking again with the heartbroken singer.
Porchay looked away from the TV thoughtfully...He liked that guy's voice.
Today was tiring but at least Porchay was now able to understand himself better : he liked BubleTea and this guy's voice.

''Oh this is P'K...'' exclaimed Nao coming back to the shop but Anon's gaze silenced him.

Porchay correctly repositioned a chair, then he welcomed a first customer:

''Hello, what can I get you?''

He was a policeman, tall and he had brown hair, with almond-shaped eyes. The man looked like a true gentleman and his name tag indicated : Dion.

"Hello, can I have a hot coffee please?"

Porchay glanced at Nao, as he had no memory of how to make coffee.
He sometimes felt like a child... Well, worse than a child actually, because Venice could do more things than him...and he was only two years old.
The nice waiter smiled at his client and he gently slipped his hand on Chay's back:

"I'll do that, officer, you can follow my colleague, he'll find you a nice table! Please go sit and enjoy the atmosphere."

Dion nodded with a friendly smile, then gave Anon a light nod.
Porchay pulled him towards a window before politely asking him to wait but the policeman gently grabbed his hand:

"Oh, excuse me...young man."

Porchay frowned, he was confused by the soft shade in those big brown pupils:

''...W-would you like anything else?''

''In truth, I'm in the middle of an investigation...Maybe you can help me. I have some questions...''

Immediately Anon stood up, clearing his throat and catching Porchay's attention.
He gestured that his cup was empty so Chay smiled shyly before whispering:

''Ask my friend...He knows the people here better than me!''

Nao served the policeman immediately and Porchay left to join Anon. He gave him a stern look before placing his hands on his hips, imitating his brother's boyfriend:

"You can't disturb me while I'm working! P'Anon, this is bad !"

"Ah.. Sorry...I..."

Porchay rolled his eyes, then he went to the kitchen to bake some cookies.
It was almost Christmas, according to Porsche, it was Chay's favorite holiday. He couldn't really remember, but here, everything smelled good.

''Thank you, handsome customer ! Here, I am giving you this for free, thank you for your visit and please come back often!''

Nao handed a packet of cookies to the policeman, and he slowly turned to his friend before crossing his arms.

''He just arrived here...He's nice, right? He reminds me of P'Da...''

''Nao!'' exclaimed Anon suddenly who intentionally spilled his eighth coffee of the day.

Porchay frowned...Da..? A friend of Nao?
The young man suddenly had a pain behind his right eye. Instinctively, he put his hands on his belly: there were two huge scars that Porsche had refused to explain to him...

''G-guys...Can I ask you something...?''

''Hum!'' said Nao while cleaning up Anon's coffee on the ground.

The young guard hesitated, begging Nao to shut up.
Anon wasn't ready to face Porsche's anger, especially if Porchay asked too much... Not to even mention Khun Kimhan.

"The accident...Do you know what happened to me?"

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