Mafia world

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There were three guys kneeling in front of Kimhan.
The young man sighed, throwing his finished cigarette on the floor.

''P-please....'' cried a first man, his forehead was against the ground.

His two other comrades were already in bad shape: broken fingers, broken noses, a gouged out eye...
Kim arched an eyebrow, his face as expressive as a wall. He really hated being here...
Boss kicked the guy, who screamed and writhed in pain.

''Ohhh com'on, shut up, die like your dear friends over here, and we could all go home, huh?!''

''Boss...If they die, who's going to pay their debt?'' growled Kit.

Kimhan frowned, he liked Kit's seriousness: his bodyguard knew how to keep calm.
He always tortured with a certain appreciable elegance.
Kim had a grin:

''Make him silent. I am a musician. These cries are a disgrace for my ears.''

"Yes, Khun Kim."

Boss pulled a knife from his pocket, and Kit grabbed it nimbly. The man yelled insults and he wanted to run away but Kit broke his leg with a sharp blow and the sound echoed throughout the alley.


The man's tongue fell to the floor.
Blood spurted out and Kimhan gently wiped a drop of blood from his cheek.
Before making a face to roll his eyes at the sky:

''Kinn will be angry if we lose this money again...Too bad, the organ sales networks have been destroyed...Otherwise I wouldn't hesitate. Your rotten bodies would have paid your debt.''


The man on his right crawled up to Kim, he had his wrist twisted, as well as his nose and Boss had pulled out some teeth.


The man spat blood and Kim took a step back, before kneeling in front of the man:

''Oh your little family is all that's most precious to you? Really adorable.'' Kim looked once at Kit and Kit took a step forward.

Frightened by Kit, the man tried to flee, but he was unable.
So he holds up a photo, like a white flag, crying.

"Khun Kim."

Boss quickly slid over to Kit, frowning. A photo of a baby with big cheeks surprised him. The baby had big round eyes. As round as a certain young master has at home....
Kit didn't even look at the photo, he just strangled the man with a strong grip.

''Khun Kim...''

Boss was slightly confused by this photo and it ended up catching Kimhan's attention.
The singer leaned down, casting his dark gaze on the photo.

''A son ? Is that...your only thing of value?'' Kim crossed his arms, ignoring the complaints of pain from the other two men.

He took a menacing step forward and smiled, nodding thoughtfully:

''I may have clients who would be interested in children...but him? A baby... Um...''

Kit didn't react, but Boss pursed his lips slightly.
Khun Kim wouldn't dare to do that... right?
But Kimhan was Korn's son.
They were mafia.
No one could show mercy in this cruel world.


''...Khun Kim, he's dead.'' commented Kit while touching the man's jaw.

Kimhan groaned, before sighing. Well still casino debts that will never be repaid.
Boss grabbed his phone before reading:

''It was ... Khun Sniper. He had just finished his military service, he unfortunately fell into alcohol and gambling... according to our files, he has a son, but his wife is dead.''

"So the child no longer has a family?" Kim's calm voice was terrifying.

Boss nodded, slowly, almost regretting the fate of an innocent baby.
Kit seemed completely detached from the situation, he piled the bodies of the three guys in a corner.
Kimhan scratched his brow, already considering what kind of customer would be willing to pay for a baby.

''We're going back...''

In the villa's bright living room, Porchay was waiting for Kim, but the smell of blood and cigarettes suddenly pushed him away:

''Oi, are you back from a dump or what?'' grunted the young boy, wrinkling his nose.

Kim smiled, letting his young mobster mask fall. He took off his leather jacket and ruffled his hair.

''Sorry, Kinn is gone but he leaves all the work to me...''

''Did you have fun?'' hissed Anon's sulky voice.

Kit and Boss had their colleague in front of them... On their knees, in front of Nong Chay, with an open musical note book.
Kim looked questioningly at Porchay and the young boy shrugged.

''P'Anon makes himself useful..right?''

"Yes...nong Chay..." Anon's knees hurt but he preferred to keep quiet.

Kim left to take a shower and allowed Kit and Boss to rest for an hour.
Anon then begged his young master for a break too but Porchay had another plan:

"P'Kim has to go get hia and P'Kinn after his shower, right..?"

''Please...Nong Chay...please...''

Anon didn't like Porchay's tone and he closed his eyes and plugged his ears.
However Porchay shook him before smiling:

"We're going to swap clothes, I'm going to say I have a headache and I'm going to go to sleep and you just have to stay in bed...ok?''

''Not ok...''

''Perfect ! Thank you, P'Anon ! I love you a lot !''

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