A normal day

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[ Sorry, I know, it's been a long moment since I wrote...But I was so happy and then everything started to be a mess... Today my feelings are super mixed... I am hurt because Barcode is hurting and also proud of Jeff...Well anyway, we have Wuju Bakery, right guys ?! 🤭🥺💖 So everything will be okay... Love you all, your dear writer Kam 🌸 !]

"..And you heard that story of a hotel blowing up? Shia, damn, that's was crazy dude..."


"I mean it's scary!"

Nao seemed offended by the information that was on television. Since a week now, the whole city was talking about the mystery of the Theerapanyakul's hotel.

Porchay nodded slowly, sometimes it was hard for him to speak.
His thoughts raced and one emotion reigned: fear.
He was afraid of everything... He wanted to stay alone but at the same time, he couldn't stand the sound of the silence.

"...Did we ask for a coffee or the weather?" Boss hissed.

"Oh sorry !" Nao apologized before fleeing to the kitchen. ''I'll be back in a second !''

Kit arched an eyebrow in disapproval, he was the oldest, and liked politeness. Nao was just a young boy, trying to be friendly... He didn't know a thing.
Anon in a corner of the shop, had his fists clenched.


"Yeah, we know, but it's Nong Chay order. Sorry !" Boss was laughing a little.

Poor Anon had tape on his mouth and was forbidden to speak, as he tended to annoy Porchay.
The young man, thanks to Porsche, had a little more freedom. The whole group rented a house, out of town, but Porchay often came back here. In this cafe: there were good memories. Memories of him, listening to music, trying to write a love song... Back when he was young and naive.

"Here for you !"

Nao happily handed out a nice package, with a green bunny shape.
Chay's gaze softened, he had always loved cute animals :

"It's cute..."

"Just like you, my dear customer !" Nao replied with a big smile.

Boss, who was already sipping his coffee, nearly choked. Kit stiffened but didn't say anything, and...Well, Anon wanted to scream, and he was banging his head against the wall, whimpering. Khun Kimhan will kill him for sure !

"That's enough." snarled Porchay, whose anger was easier to handle. "Get out. All of you."

"Khun Kim would not..."

"Kim's not here, Kit. Out, now."

Porchay's glare made Boss sigh.
The bodyguards leave to wait outside the door.
Anon was dragged by Boss, of course, the latter refused to die if Khun Kim learned that his little protect was flirting with a young waiter.
He was screaming like a little girl, making the two other men cringe.

"Oi...Anon stop being annoying ! What the hell are you ?! A bodyguard or a slave ?! Be proud, man."

Boss snatched the tape from his colleague's mouth, causing him to cry out in pain.

"AI FUCKING BOSS ! EH! I point out to you that if Khun Kim finds out about this, we are dead, the young waiter is dead, and the whole earth will be dead okay?!?"

"Oh relax... The kid just needs a friend, a normal guy. We can give him some space."

Kit grimaced, but for once Boss was right.
The young boy suffered from many traumas, and a little return to normal life could do him good...
So he avoided writing a report to his master, for once. Just this time. Because Nong Chay deserves this moment : simple and warm.

"We give him five minutes." Kit muttered, before pulling out a cigarette and leaning against the wall.

Inside the coffee shop, Porchay listened to Nao talking once again about all kinds of information he had seen on TV... It was like a breath of fresh air.
Nao had lousy jokes but Porchay got carried away by the good humor of the young waiter :

"...But I bet you know the answer..."

"No no...''

"....It's a string instrument hahahah..."

Porchay's cheeks hurt : he hadn't laugh since a good moment...But suddenly Nao leaned towards him.
His large gray eyes were locked into Porchay's black ones.
The young boy, was blushing in spite of himself, he was embarrassed and didn't like people approaching him like this. Ok, ok...Nao was quite good looking, he was also a good friend, making Porchay feels good...


''Don't move.''

Nao's hand, soft and delicate, rested on Porchay's cheek, he delicately removed a small eyelash. Then he blew on it straightening up before smiling again:

"Here you are again so cute!"


Chay pursed his lips before stammering out a little thank you.

He felt his heart race: shit.
Oi....fuck off... Please no.

Porchay didn't want to fall in love anymore. Never again.

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