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One day, when the heat was stifling and the sun's rays were hidden by the pollution, Kim was summoned by his father.

"We see each other often, Pa, these days." Kimhan's detached voice held a hint of irony that made the old fox smile.

"Well, I'll have a something to talk with you... Father is sorry to take your little time when you are so busy."

Korn was peacefully drinking tea, in front of an old newspaper, looking totally serene and not sorry at all.
Kim arched an eyebrow, before crossing his arms. You could still smell the burnt corpse that Kimhan had anonymously delivered to his father, out of politeness, so Korn no longer needed to search for Vermin.

"Kinn's not here to do your dirty work?"

"Your big brother is very busy with the purchase of several properties...and with Porsche."

"Just Porsche would have sufficed as an answer... This guy is no joke. I wonder if he is able to do his job correctly..." The youngest son quipped.

Korn had a soft look, but a spark of mischief shone constantly. He was an old man who always had a plan. He knew people, the poor people, the police, the big politicians... Korn knew how to control an entire town if not a whole country, he had started with small islands, like that of Pete's grandparents.
Kim's saying was like an insult for his father.

"Pa is getting old... I thought you could give me a hand. If you want"

"For what kind of work?"

Kim already knew.

He looked casual, taking off his leather jacket, his long hair was deliberately loose: his father hated his rock'n'roll look.

With a smirk, Korn replied:

"I have clients, interested in buying shares, about our new hospital...I know you don't like all things financial, but maybe you can oversee the transactions."

Kim frowned: of course he was capable, all Korn's children had the attitudes of a perfect businessman.
It was almost a trivial job. Korn was clearly hiding something and he wanted Kim to be busy enough so that he wouldn't meddle with his business anymore.
Too bad for you, old man.

"If you accept this opportunity, I could appoint you to the head of our special branch K&Care company... What do you think? It's sound good, right ?"

An heir.


A puppet. Easy to control.

Kimhan clenched his jaw, luckily his gesture was hidden by his long hair. He lowered his head slightly.

"Kinn knows? Maybe he would like to take care of it? He's your heir, after all."

"Kinn would agree with me, he thinks it's time for you to quit your little... hobby. For more important work. We believe that you are an adult now. Not a child anymore."

Korn not only hated his style of dress, but also his passion for music. He yearned for a better future for his son than that of a pathetic idol.
Kimhan kept a smirk from sliding across his lips.

Then he pretended to cough:

", I don't think this role would suit me..."

"Oh...Really ?"

This time, Korn's voice had no warmth. His face was expressionless. The old fox still had his calculating gaze. He tapped his finger on his oak table, then he shrugged:

"Well, I guess Pa can't force you, just ask you to think about it...You're a smart boy, Kim."

"Thank you, father."

"...But tell your old father something....I am just a little curious, what happened with Nong Porchay?"


Kimhan's blood froze.
His demeanor changed immediately, colder and more distant.
Korn had him cornered, like a cat with a mouse.
The youngest son tried to remain calm, but it was too late.


Korn Theerapanyakul knew.

"I don't know what you're talking about, father."

"Really ?" He had taken the same tone as Tankhun, and that annoyed Kim. "Well, nevermind, I was just happy at the thought of you all being friends... You are so precious to me."

Korn finished his tea, he put it down gracefully. Everything about this man radiated power and authority.
Kim ran a hand through his hair, feeling the cold silver of his rings against his scalp.

"If that's all, I'll go."

"Well, if you're interested by this job, come and see your old father... Otherwise, Pa will find another person for this work."

Kim nodded, he was already pensive.
With a quick movement, he grabbed his jacket, and slipped out of the office.
Usually, Tankhun was at the door, asking lots of stupid questions, but this time, Kimhan took a different hallway.
He went straight to the bodyguard floor.


The poor guard was finishing his breakfast in front of a football match, when he jumped up, terrified:


Kim arched an eyebrow, intrigued by this strange guy who always seemed on his guard.

"Ah...hello, sir, it's rare to see you here."

"You're the third person to tell me that since this morning. Tell me something I don't know for once."


"I'll give you five minutes, meet me in the parking lot, we're leaving."

"Huh? Where to...? Khun Kim?!"

Kimhan had already left.
He was going to go hunting.
On the hunt for corpses.

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