Hunting down

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''You're suffocating me...'' said Macau with difficulty. "I.. can't breathe..."

Nao hugged him so tightly that the poor boy's cheeks were flushed.
it was stronger than him, Nao loved people with all his heart and with sincerity: especially Macau, who worried him so much.

''I missed you too...'' whispered Macau shyly.

''Cau....'' whimpered Nao a little louder.

Porchay looked at his two friends...To be honest, Kimhan had told him that Macau was an idiot, but he felt like maybe that was just some jealous statement.
He smiled before rolling his eyes.
If he was completely honest, nothing made sense in his brain anymore, it was a huge mess but if he just listened to what people were telling him and accepted it, Chay didn't have a headache anymore.
Life could be simple, so why would he fight against it ?

"Guys...Do you remember the plan?"

''Yes...'' stated Nao as he slowly moved away from Macau.

He took his hand slowly, you could see the deep cuts being scarred... Nao wrinkled his brow then he pulled Macau against him again before whispering into Cau's ear :

"If you hurt yourself Cau, you hurt me too... Remember that."

Macau blushed in amazement and he pushed Nao away, laughing a little...Since when had his friend become so strange?
He cleared his throat and found a place at the back of the shop to hide.

"Well, I'm watching you from afar."

''I'm going to the kitchen!'' said Nao proudly.

''And we're waiting for Officer Dion to arrive...'' nodded Porchay.

The young boy began to work normally, greeting certain neighbors, smiling at customers and washing tables.
Of course, part of his brain could feel Kimhan's burning gaze on his every move.

''Hello, welcome...Oh! P'Kim!"

The fake Kim walked into the room, he had on a long black coat and his hair was tied in a half ponytail.
For the first time Porchay actually saw the man's face, he had huge red scars running down his cheeks, up to his forehead and his eyes were closed.

''Hello, little Chay... It's nice te be here again.''

Somewhat shocked by what Vegas had inflicted on this man, he didn't dare answer right away.
Dan approached, he ordered a coffee as usual and Porchay prayed that the plan would go well.

''How are you doing today ?"

"Well... I have a job to finish...Maybe we could talk after...I have so many things that I want to tell you." confessed Dan.

Porchay heard the door open and his gaze widened when he finally saw the person he had been waiting for returned.

"Hello Mr. Officer!"

"Young man, good morning !"

Dion waited quietly behind Dan.
The latter remained calm, he paid for his order and left.

"Coffee with lots of sugar?" asked Porchay happily.


Dion thanked him warmly before whistling.

"Oh I have some good news...The client just before you is the one you are looking for I believe...His name is Kimhan Theerapanyakul. I thought that you might want to know..."

The policeman nearly choked on his coffee.
He went for the door, said a quick << THANK YOU>>, before running after Dan.

''Wow what a good job!" exclaimed Macau coming out of his hiding place.

"This guy... I never really liked him..." Nao confessed coming out of the kitchen.

The tall blond had some flour on his nose and it made Macau laugh, he still wiped it with his finger.
Porchay could sense a strange vibe between the two of them and he cleared his throat:

"I have to join P'Kim in the car for the next...You, guys, you should spend some time together...Just saying !!"

Macau nodded, but he didn't even watch Porchay leave.
Nao was also smiling kindly, every felt finally right !



Kimhan had seen the whole scene at a good distance. He tried to be discreet so that Dan wouldn't notice him.
Porchay suddenly had a shock: Kimhan had to go to work this morning...And he didn't expect that.

"Porchay ? Are you all right?"

"..Oh yes...Oh my...Fuck."

He gazed at Kim with admiration. The singer wore military gear, and he had tattoos all over him, his hair was the color of ash, and his makeup was sexy.
When Kim understood what was happening, he smirked and Porchay stopped breathing.

"Not now, my angel..."

Kim blew on Chay's nose before placing a light kiss there.
Porchay closed his eyes and he started shaking his head.

"....And now...?"

"Now your dear cop friend is probably going to talk to Dan..."

" Eh ! It's not....MY dear friend..."

"Anyway.... Dan will surely join his two friends after their little talk. He is probably going to run away..."

Tankhun and Top.
Porchay didn't quite get it but he could see how much Kim and Kinn loved their older brother.

"Okay...So we're following him for now?"


Chay frowned.
Kimhan looked like he was having a lot of fun, he started the car and smiled again, showing his white teeth:

"The hunt can begin."

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