Let's go home.

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Kim was panting, he probably had several broken ribs. His nose was bleeding as well as his lips and his hair was a mess of blood and dust.


He felt Kinn's warm hand land on his shoulder but he hissed in pain.

"Get Porchay out of here..."

"Macau is with him, worry about your own ass !" Porsche spat.

The smoke was starting to clear but Vermin's gang was still there. They were ready to die for the memory of their old leader.
A guy with a machete tried to slice Porsche and he had to leap like a beast to avoid the blow.

"Get up !" barked Kinn, who ran over to help Porsche.

Kim was disoriented and his lungs hurt, but he got up.
He looked for his twin....And the latter was no longer moving, he was motionless, lifeless....
Dan was dead because of his own stupidity.
Good riddance.

"Argh...that son of a bitch shot me..." Tankhun whispered while growling.

Kim walked towards his brother he slowly helped him up, giving him a surprised look:

"Why did you do that? You...Idiot..."

Kim ripped off a piece of t-shirt, he slammed the fabric into Tankhun's hole and his big brother screamed.
The pain was so sharp that Tankhun gasped, he just said:


Kimhan nodded.
He left his brother in the hands of Arm who had come to help.
Gunshots rang out again, and a man on a motorbike swooped down on three guys, knocking them to the ground.

"VEGAS! THIS TIME: KILL EVERYONE!" yelled Kimhan, picking up a gun that was lying on the ground.


Vegas burst into beastly laughter, he jumped into the crowd, shooting at the mobsters.
Porsche fought with all his force while protecting Kinn, Boss tried to save Pol's life, but a gunshot knocked him off balance.

"BOSS!" roared Kim who rushed to his guard.

Boss had blood running down his mouth and the bullet he had received had hit a vital organ...he was shaking so much...

"Khun..Kim...It's getting cold all of a sudden..." Boss whispered.

"It's not the time to joke! Dumbass !" Kim snarled trying to stop the blood.

Slowly Boss put his hand on Kim's and he smiled before whispering:

"Take....care...of the kid...boss..."

"Boss...? Boss...No...If you die, Anon won't stop crying...B.. Boss..."

Pol watched the bald-headed guard smile one last time and he fainted too.
There was so many dead bodies on the ground... It was a pure horror scene.
Kimhan stopped pressing on his bodyguard's wounds. He closed Boss eyes and sighed...
In his heart, Boss would never be forgotten.

"ANON STOP PLAYING DEAD AND GET AWAY!" cried Kit who had just jumped off the roof.

Kim looked up, he saw blurry, but he noticed his oldest guard get up before staggering.
Anon looked confused, because this idiot had actually shoot himself in his own legs to distract Dan.
Thankfully, his stupid attempt had worked but now he was in the middle of the war !


Anon nodded, even half dead, he obeyed his master.
Kit joined Vegas, with his military uniform, he was one of the best protected.
He did not hesitate to pass in front of Vegas, shooting more and more at people.

"VEGAS!" snarled Porsche, who will know of an old car to land near Vegas.

The two friends fought together, they had the same fighting rage.
Kinn punched a guy in the face and he turned to his little brother:

"Kim! Some fuckers followed Macau and Chay! GO RIGHT NOW !"

A gunshot outside the garage made it clear to Kim that the situation was serious, he jumped over several corpses and rushed outside.

"....ARGH...Damn it, it's painful...."

The cool night air rushed into his lungs.
He spat on the ground before noticing a dark alley and didn't hesitate for a second.


The young boy was crouched behind a trash can and Macau was holding a gun:

"AHHHH ....Have you lost your mind Kim? I almost shot you to death !" yelled Macau.

"WATCH OUT !" Porchay cried, noticing a guy in front of them.

The man as tall as Kit, threw an ax in their direction and Porchay narrowly avoided him, he fell backwards and Macau threw himself on his friend, protecting him with his body.

"MOTHERFUCKER !" Kim yelled while pulling the trigger but it was too late.

The man had thrown a second axe... The blade was planted in the back of Macau.
The young boy hugged Porchay and he whispered:

"I h-had to...C-Chay...I'm s-sorry for eve-rything..I..Could.only..do..this...Please forgive me..."

"What...? Cau..? what's the...? Why are you saying this...?"

Slowly Porchay raised his hand which was behind Macau's back and it was covered in blood.

Macau's blood...Macau was bleeding...Macau was dying on top of Porchay...He had protected him...
Macau was dying trying to protect his friend.

Porchay screamed in fear and Kim shot the man down in a howl of rage.

"P'K-Kim..HELP US..help.help.help..." Porchay whispered as tears started to flow.

Kim raised Macau, but the young Theerapanyakul was already cold...and still.
He watched Porchay's face pale, and the young boy put a hand on his friend's face.

"It's a-all m-my fault... What did I do P'Kim..?"

Kim was in so much pain but seeing Porchay's sadness was too much, he closed his eyes for a moment.
He couldn't... He couldn't stand it.
A single tear rolled on his cheek.

Porchay was in pain.
A type of pain that would not heal.
They both cried.

The thunder rumbled one last time and the rain stopped.
It had wiped off a lot of the blood on the floor but the smell of death was still in the air.

"Let's go home, my angel.. It's over."

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