Family ?

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Porsche pointed an accusing finger at the doctor:

"Damn it ! Tankhun we tell you he's a murderer! Won't you listen !? Are you so blinded by love ?! Fuck off !"

Tankhun laughed, he was really outraged:

"That's bullshit! Everyone around this table loves a psycho! None of you are innocent! You all killed someone here! Why are you pretending that my P'Top is worse than any of you here ? He isn't Vegas ! You all killed more people than him !"

Porchay frowned, of course, he had never killed anyone.... On the other hand Korn, Kinn, Porsche, Kim...Tankhun wasn't entirely wrong.
No one was innocent. Not with the Theerapanyakul.
Top calmly pushed up his glasses and exchanged a look with Korn.

"It's a business that makes money."

"Business my ass!" Kim growled, he clenched his fist on the table, shaking with anger. "Your men almost took Porchay away!"


Porsche jumped up, Phupa took advantage of this moment to usher Korn out, whose jerky breathing indicated that he was not well.
Korn was getting too old...and sick, he couldn't handle his own family anymore.
Kinn stopped Porsche from jumping on the table to hit Top and Tankhun screamed.


"Kinn get off me!"

"Arm! Pol! Hold him!" Tankhun thundered in a high pitched voice.

Porchay hid his ears with a grimace, his whole body was shaking with fear, unable to think anymore.
He wanted to leave... He wanted to go home so badly...


He wanted to go back home, in his living room, in P'Kim's arms.

But now, Porchay was paralyzed, everyone had pulled out guns and were pointing at each other.
Kimhan served as a human shield, protecting the young boy with his whole body, his icy gaze fixed on his older brother.

Something... was too strange.
As if... Tankhun knew what was Top doing and why.

"That's enough !" Kinn hissed, sweating, pushing Porsche away.

Top was always so serene it was terrifying. You could tell that he was a doctor just by his behaviour.
Anon rushed gently behind his masters, but this idiot put a hand on the shoulder of Porchay who had closed his eyes, and surprised by this gesture, Chay screamed :


It was like a trigger, Porsche jumped like a beast on Top, and Pol intervened, the poor guard took a punch right in his chin.
It was a total mess, the food was on the floor, Pol was hurt and Arm tried to stop them :

"Have Porsche stop!" Scoffed Arm who tried to help his friend, Pol, up.

Tankhun was furious, he slapped Porsche and Kinn was dumbfounded.
Nobody...NOBODY was allowed to touch Porsche.
Only Kinn could be violent with him. Only Kinn was allowed to touch Porsche.

"Tankhun stop immediately." Kim put his hand on Kinn's shoulder.

The head of their family could have killed his older brother right now.
He was shaking with rage, and no one was holding Porsche back.
The latter was about to slam his fist into Top's face, when someone pulled the trigger.


Porchay stopped breathing, he was in Anon's protective arms, and his eyes filled with tears.
The young boy stammered incomprehensible words, and slowly, he collapsed in the arms of the bodyguard...
His legs was numb and his vision was blur. He couldn't see anymore.

"Nong...Nong Chay?"

A strange silence fell.
It was cold, as if it had started to snow.
A gray haze caused Chay to blink rapidly, and little by little he only heard an unpleasant buzz.
Quickly, someone with a warm hand hugged him, and long hair brushed his cheek.

"What did you do...?" Kinn whispered. "Porsche? Porsche! Porsche get up !"

Kinn grabbed Porsche in his arms, the man was already passed out.
Talay the young guard tried to call for help.

Blood was flowing.
Too much blood.
The whole floor was now a pretty reddish shade.

"Doctor...Doctor Top please! Could.. could you do something!?" Arm began to sob.

Pol was equally in shock, unable to understand what was happening.
Top didn't even react, merely arching a curious eyebrow.
However, he still tried to reach for Tankhun with a soft voice :


Tankhun stepped back, staring down at Pol's gun. He had grabbed the gun from the ground, and had pulled the trigger. He just wanted to protect Top.
His P'Top.
Top...Top didn't deserve to be treated like this by Porsche.
Everyone would have reacted the same way ! No way, no, no...

Top tried again to call Tankhun but the latter simply burst into a cold and cruel laugh:

"I told you not to meddle in my business! Do not try to mess with P'Top ever again."

Kinn kept whispering the name of Porsche.
He looked just as shocked as Pol.
Only Arm and Anon were crying: the two men were unable to decide where to point their guns.
Very quickly, Anon carried Porchay to gently evacuate him, on Kim's silent orders.
Then the youngest brother looked up at his eldest:

"It was you...all was you behind it all."

Top noticed Kim's gaze and smiled for the first time :

"Oh, Tan, you were right, he is really noisy, this little one."

"P'Top..." Tankhun blushed like a little boy, but he was looking at the doctor with full lovey-dovey eyes. "Do you want to leave now ? Should we go ?"

"Tankhun..." Kinn's voice was only a whisper, his hands were soaked with Porsche's blood. "You... You are the one under K&Care... You... Why ?"

Tankhun cast an annoyed look at his brother, before smiling once again at Top.

"Let's go, we still have a lot of work !"

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