Naughty brat

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The Minor family house was large, with yellow walls and green shutters.
It was horribly ugly, from Dan's point of view, but wealthy people always had bad taste.


Macau actively sought out his brother, before calling out another guy's name.
A certain Pete.
Dan was holding Porchay's arm, his usual calm not reflecting his impatience.
He wanted to know if the young boy had broken up with his cousin.
Kimhan... Kimhan had to suffer.
Dan wasn't over until he won.

''What's the matter ?''

A man came out of a strange room with purple light.
Dan had time to see some kind of chains and lots of tools.
The man pulled off his plastic gloves, but there was a huge smear of blood running through his face.

''Hello there.'' his voice was warmer when he spoke in English.

"Hia!" Macau frowned seeing his disgusting. "Don't tell me it's P'Pete in there..."

Vegas chuckled before shaking his head negatively, and his sharp gaze fell on the passed out boy.
Dan didn't want to know neither what was happening inside this room...

"Did you broke Kim's toy?" Macau's brother was still speaking in English.

Fortunately, Dan had been raised abroad, he knew several languages.
Macau exchanged quickly the situation with his brother.

''I beg you... Can you help Chay?''

"Put him on the table."

Vegas left again in the purple room, he comes out with a thread and a needle.
As Porchay was unconscious, he simply began to sew up the young boy's arm.
He looked so calme while doing it...Dan wondered if that guy was a doctor or a butcher.

''I'm going to vomit...'' whispered Macau, who hid his face against Dan's shoulder.

"I know it's your thing to be expressionless, but please don't freak out once I'm done, Kim..."

Dan frowned and Macau corrected his brother:

"Hia, he's a friend of mine, P'Dan, he looks like Kim, but he's not. Kimhan is already...No actually he was always mad. Seriously, no wonder he was Korn's fav..."

Vegas finished healing Porchay, he was way more vicious than Macau.
His gaze fell on Dan and he analyzed him without embarrassment:

''Hm. Alright...Sorry... It must be annoying to be mistaken for such an asshole.''

''It's nothing. I don't care...''

''How funny that you have almost the same face... And that you are here, with Kim's toy...funny very funny...''

Vegas tilted his head, as if he could see right through Dan's soul.
Of them all, Vegas seemed the most mentally unstable.

''We should call Porsche...'' cried Macau, whose only worries was Porchay's health.

''I'll take care of it, Cau.'' sighed Vegas. ''Relax...I'll call Pete for you.''

The man walked past Dan, an mocking smile plastered on his lips.
Dan felt like he was in a trap. That Vegas guy wasn't easily fooled. Dan needed to get out, as soon as possible..but how ?

''Maybe we should...take him somewhere else?'' suggested Dan.

''I have to give him medicine, P'T-Top...he said that we always had to prevent an infection in case of wounds...I...I have nothing here...P'Dan! Do you have any antibiotics ?''

Dan nodded, hiding his desire to laugh. Macau was really helpful. How could such a stupid little boy help Dan so much ?

''Yes, I have medicine, I will take him home and watch over him. Don't worry anymore. You can trust me. Nong Chay also does.''

Macau frowned, he was anxious but he entrusted Chay to his senior.
He trusted Dan, yes. He was still so anxious, that he secretly send a text to Kimhan : because even if he hated his cousin, he just couldn't believe Kim being such a bastard....

When Porchay woke up, his heart skipped a beat.
He was in the damn room... The dark room. The same fucking room where Kimhan had gone mad.


He could barely see a figure near the wooden door.
Porchay screamed in terror but his voice was completely muffled.
As if someone... had strangled him. The young boy tried to move, but he was chained to the bed. Again. Kim had chained him, AGAIN.

''...You really are a naughty brat.''

''I told you I never wanted to talk to you again! SET ME FREE YOU FUCKING BASTARD !!'' roared Porchay, kicking the air.

But Kim was too far, out of reach...and so tall...Huh? Tall ? Kimhan was a lot of things but he was not tall.
Porchay's eyes widened, he got used to the darkness and he noticed a new detail: the person's long hair.
Long hair... But Kim's hair were not so long an hour ago. What the fuck ?

''P'K-Kim... This'' tried the young boy again in a sad voice.

''You removed your microchip... So this time I'm just going to keep your corpse here. Warm and safe. Don't worry, I'll still love you maybe even more once you'll die.''

Porchay frowned, slowly leaning back against the pillow.
He couldn't stop thinking and he tried to calm his breathing.
All right, he could do it.
Yes, he could play comedy and save time.

"You're obsessed with me...I h-hate you..."

''Great. Hatred and love complete each other.''

The man wanted Chay to hate Kimhan. So Porchay nodded slowly.
He didn't get why Dan's hated P'Kim so much, but Porchay was ready to give it all.
He wiped away one of his tears, before whispering:

''Are you just j-jealous...?''

''Jealous ?''

''Because I fell in love with another man....''

A silence answered him. Porchay knew right away that Dan was taking in the news.
The latter was surely looking for a way to use Porchay's feelings against Kim.
But the young boy wasn't so stupid anymore.
The room was in the dark but his mind had never been more clear.
Kimhan had shorter hair than Dan, he was also shorter and thinner. Moreover, Kim loved Chay but he was never jealous, because Kimhan Theerapanyakul was a possessive man. Jealousy was for people who envy...while Porchay's was Kim's already.

"P'Kim...I'm sorry... I don't love you anymore."

Dan approached slowly, his cold gaze fixed on Chay and this time the boy noticed the beauty mark of Dan under his left eye.

This motherfucker !

"Hate me with all your heart, naughty brat."

Dan leaned towards Chay, he was so close that Porchay felt his breath on his lips.

And Dan kissed Porchay.

That motherfucker was kissing Porchay!

The young boy was unable to react... Kimhan had never kissed him like this. It was as if Dan was trying to subdue him completely. Porchay felt like a piece of shit... He had never wanted to throw up so badly in his entire life.

''Now, I understand better...'' whispered Dan with his soft seductive voice.

Porchay was completely dumbfounded, his face went pale, very pale.
He felt a taste of blood invade his lips and slowly Chay lowered his gaze.

"W-what... what d-did you d-do...?"

Porchay spat blood.

Dan straightened himself, and he dropped a huge knife on the floor, soaked in blood.
Porchay had a huge hole in his stomach.
Dan stabbed him again. Right next to the first cut.

''I want him to know. What it's like to lose someone you love.''

Porchay shuddered, his eyes rolling back.
The last thing he saw was Dan's face filled with anger... And only a black veil invaded his mind.

"Good night, naughty brat."

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