Top ?

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''He's really in a very bad mood!'' sighed Arm.

''Khun No is scary...'' whispered Pol.

''Okay, but why are you only wearing your underwear in the middle of the corridor?!'' wondered Anon, trying to hide the eyes of the young Porchay.

Pol began to whine like a child. The only comprehensible word was << punishment >> and that was enough to make Arm cry too.
The two idiots were pathetic, Kimhan had no time to waste with them.
Porchay grumbled that they were too loud and he wanted to go to the pool, one floor down, the one the bodyguards used for training.


''I know, I don't lose sight of him for a single second, I pay everything with your cards and I don't let anyone approach Nong Chay.''

Kim nodded, then walked around the two idiots and went back into his brother's room.
The burning smell immediately made him wrinkle his nose. Tankhun had made a big mess: there were clothes from floor to ceiling. With his foot, Kim pushed a mermaid's tail, and noticed his big brother, dressed in pajamas, against his window which was open.

''Can I know what's going on here?''

''Get out, I don't want to see anyone. Especially your rat like face. Go be noisy somewhere else !'' cried his brother, wiping away big tears.

Tankhun was burning pictures...of Macau? Kimhan frowned. Of course. This fucking Minor family. They never knew how to stay in their place. When Vegas wasn't a troublemaker, Macau was here to still make a mess.
Kim took a handkerchief and covered his nose before grumbling:

"Are you going to set the house on fire?"

''And why not huh? Pa went to a secondary house to rest, Kinn and Porsche are in China and you stole Porchay from me! I'm alone here, so I can do whatever I want! I might as well burn the whole city down like the crazy dragon princess!''

Usually, Kimhan was patient, but Tankhun tended to exasperate him... Well, in truth, no one was really able to tolerate Tankhun. No one could understand what he was saying... Just like now.

"I'm here, and so is Chay, so can you continue with your plans after we're gone, please?"

Tankhun pouted. He stopped the fire by pouring his tea water into it, before getting up, like a Hollywood diva.

''Can I know why you're here already? Are you coming to snoop around dad's office again?


Kim arched an eyebrow, and Tankhun began actively searching for music, then as if suddenly inspired by the sound of silence, Tankhun danced.
Of course he had no consistent rhythm, but that could at least wear him out.

"Why are you always so dramati...." Kim really couldn't understand his older brother.

"To forget." Tankhun replied dryly, who stopped dancing.

The man sat up, he sighed and collapsed on his couch.
A hand placed on his forehead, he began to recite various lines of movies .... Kimhan bit his lip, he really did not need to suffer that.
He cleared his throat:

"Why are you in such a state today?"

"Who cares?"

"Arm and Pol...I guess."

"Argh. They're incompetent, they're not like my Pete..." Tankhun burst into a sob, he kept fidgeting screaming Pete.

Kim was unable to reason with his brother after that, and he then walked out, once again running into the two guards.

"No, you ask him for forgiveness!"

"Why should it be me !? You're the one who doubted his great makeup skills this morning..."

"Hey stop, you also said he looked like an abstract painting with all those weird colors!"

''You are the one who said that he looked like a ghost!"

''It's unfair Pol, I just laughed and got punished too !"

Kim clicked his tongue against his teeth, it was a tic he shared with Kinn. He sighed and leaned against the door, crossing his arms:

"Why is your master being so sensitive today ?"

"Ah Khun Kim...Well, Doctor Top doesn't want to see Khun No anymore." Started Arm.

"Like for real... He said that he didn't want Khun No in his life." Pol went on. "We all don't know why, but he said it was better this way, and Khun No...his brain fried. He was already hard to deal with... But it's really worse."

Arm nodded shyly. Pol nervously waved his hands as if to apologize but Kim didn't care.

"He's crazy, I'm not going to yell at you for just telling the truth."

Arm sighed in relief.

"Anyway, this guy, I don't really feel good with his vibes... He's weird."

"Ultra weird." Bid Pol. "He was asking for informations about Porsche and Nong Chay all the time."

Kimhan immediately tilted his head then.
This Top was interested in his Nong?
It was time to find out who this guy was and why he resented the Kittisawasd brothers.

''Thank you. And please. Go wear something."


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