Sing to me

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On the way home, Porchay was confused about his own feelings. Why was Nao so fucking friendly and good to him ?! Now he was confused about everything.
The silence distressed Anon who kept glaring furiously at his colleagues.

''We have arrived. '' said Kit simply and he parked the car in front of the huge villa.

The house was charming, large, looked like a temple with large white and golden walls.
A peaceful place made for healing people's heart.
Porchay's favorite place was the garden: there was a small courtyard, with a stone bench and a small fountain. Tankhun would have loved the fountain... But no one knew about him. Was he dead or not ? Deep down, Porchay hoped that Kinn and Kim would find their brother and talk again.

''When he learns about that guy, Khun Kim wi-...'' muttered Anon sulking.

''Shut up Anon.'' replied Boss.

"I'm just warning you !"

"Shut up Anon." Kit's mocking tone was sharp.

Porchay slipped into the gardens, oblivious to the others. Unfortunately, he was now used to bodyguards following him everywhere.
He sat on the bench, ignoring the afternoon heat. He needed peace and wanted to try something he once used to love.

"You can leave." He looked up at Kit. ''I'll be fine by myself.''

Kit often allowed Porchay quiet moments, so once again the older guard nodded and cleared his throat. ( Maybe he had a weak point for the young Nong, but Kit was a serious man and would never admit it ).

''Alright. An hour.'' Then he turned to Anon. "That should be enough for Anon to take a shower."

''What the hell man ?!'' growled the poor man.

Boss sneered, and the group left to bicker in the house. Even while being outside, Chay could still heard Anon's cries.

Stupid Anon.

Porchay could also see Kinn and Porsche's desk from the bench: those two were working hard.
Porchay put his guitar on his lap, before starting to play some chords.
A sheet in front of him and a pen in his mouth, the young boy was trying to create a new song.

'' Hmmmmm..hmm...''

He tried to hum some lyrics, but none came to his mind. Why was it so difficult now...?
He would usually go to Nao's cafe, but strangely Chay felt awkward at the thought of going there. His heart slightly quickened when he realized why he loved this place so much... The very same place where he had written his first love song, for his first love.
Porchay didn't like Nao... Ah damn. He loved the coffee shop because of his memories... His feelings for P'Ki-...


Porchay's hand stopped, he immediately recognized WIK's voice, when Kim had taught him music. He had always use his WIK's attitude while teaching him, making the young boy nervous and shy.
He looked down and pursed his lips.

''I know.''

''Then, start again.''

''No...I don't want to play anymore.''


The young boy refused to look at Kim.
His senior was telling the truth though: Porchay had played a chord wrong. However, the young boy was upset, so he preferred to rest his guitar next to him.
Kimhan sighed, he took off his white jacket, and sat next to Porchay, then he played with his rings before trying to know what to say:

''Can I...?''

''Yes. It's yours anyway.''

Kim smiled a little, he put his arm in front of the young boy and the latter gasped. Kimhan was an observant person, but not to bother Chay, he just started playing without saying anything.
The music with warm notes relaxed the young boy a little, who ended up closing his eyes and unconsciously leaning his head against Kim's shoulder.
This sweet moment was so soothing that for the first time, Porchay felt safe and secure. Kimhan had this effect on people, when he was not being an asshole. He could make you feel like even if the world was burning around you, you'll be fine.
Porchay was now struggling with his feelings, not sure if it anymore, but... He was just lying to himself. For once, he wanted it. He wanted to feel strong enough... He needed to say something:


"Hmm?" Kimhan's fingers stopped strumming the guitar strings.

"All the bad things.. I have forgotten it already."

Kimhan nodded slowly, his long hair brushing Porchay's cheek. The young boy sat up, plunging his gaze into Kim's, their noses almost touching.

"Then....Can we write a song together?" Porchay blushed but bit his cheek, trying to not show how shy he was right now.

Slowly, a light shone in Kim's eyes and a sincere smile lit up his soft face. He had been waiting for this moment since they found each other again. Slightly moving forward, Kim said with a cheerful voice :

''Of course.''

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