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[ Note : in the pic for this chapter, you have an idea of Porchay's collar. 🥺❤️ It's like a big metalic chains !]

''How come it's you...hia?''

Porchay had just finished his first day of classes, he had promised Macau that he would join him at the bar later that evening...
To his surprise, it was his older brother, not Anon, who had come to pick him up.

''Anon apparently have a sudden fever... Why the hell is he acting like he is your mother ?... The doctor says he's too stressed and so he is sick...'' rumbled Porsche, who began to honk a car in front of them.

"Oh...I hope he's okay. Poor P'Anon..."

''Poor Anon my ass ! No one asked him to be so worried !'' growled Porsche.

Porchay pursed his lips, he hated himself for inflicting so much concern on the poor bodyguard.
He sighed and took out his phone to listen to some music, but Porsche cleared his throat:

"So...How was your first day ?"

''Hum...I have to catch up on the program for the current year, but it's music and I like it so it doesn't bother me... And before you ask, no, no one bullied me, hia.'' confessed the young boy, blushing a little.

Porsche smiled, his bright, comforting smile he reserved only for the people he loved.
Proudly puffing out his chest, he ruffled his little brother's curly hair.

''Hia stop!'' laughed the young boy.

''We'll be there soon, go ahead, put on your music if you want...''

Porchay shook his head negatively, resting his phone on his lap.
Porsche certainly didn't want to listen to Chay's one and only playlist which contained around a hundred songs from Wik...
He even had an hour-long podcast recorded... He was just a normal fan okay ?! But Porsche might think that his little brother turned into some crazy fan.

''No it's OK.''

''As you wish...''

Porsche then snapped his fingers and he began to sing an old traditional song with a deep voice, Chay laughed out loud.
Once there, he jumped happily out of the car, and Chay looked around for Anon.

"Oi, P'Kit, is he very sick, P'Anon?"

Boss sneered, before placing an affectionate hand on Kit's shoulder.
The oldest soldier just crossed his arms:

''Just a little fever. Don't worry, young Chay. He'll be fine.''

''He's limping a bit, it's not a big deal...''

Boss's mysterious smile ended up annoying Kit, who pushed him a little to the right, and the man pretended to cough:

''Khun Kim is waiting for you in his office...''

''I hope it's to take his damn gift back or I'll swear I am gonna kill him.'' scolded Porchay.

The young boy had already removed a bracelet that Kim had given him, after learning that the latter had placed a spy microphone there!
Kimhan's obsession with Porchay could be really suffocating but the young boy was unable to end their relationship.
He was doomed.

''See you...'' sighed the young boy.

He walked past the two guards and up a flight of stairs.
The familiar smell of Kim in the office was pleasant, better than last time, with a bottle of booze on the floor, Porchay actually hated the smell of alcool, to be honest.


Kim was not there.
The young boy frowned, he passed the office and slipped to the back of the room, there was a second door.
Slightly open, Porchay understood that Kim must be in the small studio.
He opened the door, and a scent of Kim's perfume was stronger here.

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