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Somewhere between Thailand and China :

Kimhan Theerapanyakul was abroad. It was rare and he hated to travel.
When he was younger, he had to follow his father everywhere, and that stressed him out.
Now he was in China, searching for his older brother as well as his... Lover and brother-in-law by the way.


A motherfucker, who hated Kim. But being Chay's big brother, Kim had no choice but to save him too. To be honest, Kimhan would be fine without Porsche, but not Chay. His boy needed his big brother, a lot. Maybe slightly more than Kim.

"Hello young man !" The taxi greeted him with a broken English accent, before smiling.

Kim handed him a paper with the name of a hotel. A building in the middle of the city that belonged to his family.
But of course :
Kim and Porsche weren't there.

"Are you sure they never came?"

"Never no, sorry, sir...." The young receptionist was polite, but embarrassed.

Kimhan leaned forward slightly, smirking, hoping to seduce her like that poor nurse.

"My brother told me he was staying here...So I just came by to say hi. Could you check again ? Please..."

"Oh...well..." The young woman blushed, but she typed quickly on her keyboard before tilting her head. "It's strange...we have no reservations with your brother's name...But your father's, yes. Mr. Korn... Oh. Khun Korn Theerapanyakul. He is the owner of this place, right ? Well... He didn't came here..."

Kimhan's smile froze. He blinked, before taking a soft voice:

"Really? Thank you."

His father had set a trap. He had made his son go to China, and meanwhile, Kinn and Porsche had disappeared.
All right, then Kim had no choice, he needed to go and see other members of his damn family.
Kimhan left China that very evening, refusing to rest, his nerves on fire, he felt like his brain was going to explode.

But Porchay was safe.
Yet...yet a strange feeling came over Kim's heart.

Once landed in Thailand, he asked Kit to drop him a specific location.
A yellow house with green shutters.

"Sir ?"

"Um." Kim frowned, he was slightly drowsy, but his sense alerted him immediately.

"All the guards at House Minor have been replaced by your father's." Kit analyzed as she pulled over.

"At least they won't dare attack me." Kim exited, moving purposefully towards the entrance.

"Khun Kimhan." A first guard greeted him, blocking his way.

"I have to see my dear cousin." Kim's cold and authoritative tone didn't make the guard react.

"Sorry, he's not here."

Like that poor guy could be lying to Kim.
The young heir chuckled. He pretended to cough, and Kit appeared behind him, gun in hand.

"Hello, Ray. This is Khun Kimhan. He is from the Main Family. Let him go inside."

"...P'Kit.... Ok. Sorry..."

The guard relaxed, he let Kim pass and the latter threw a look at Kit: the order was given.
Ten seconds later, Ray's corpse was on the ground.
Kimhan took a quick look at the ground, but there was obviously no one there. So he went up to the office, before hearing a voice stop him:

"Do you think you're at your own house, you filthy rodent?"

"Here. My favorite cousin."

Macau's mischievous gaze flashed with anger. He clenched his fists.
The two men hated each other. Especially since Macau had tried to befriend Porchay.

"Leave my brother alone, he's sleeping."

"Where's Pete?"

"What the fuck ? Why should I told you ?"

Kimhan arched an eyebrow, before grabbing Macau's collar and throwing him against a wall, choking him without remorse.

"Little shit wanna join his dear daddy? Answer the damn question."

Macau paled. His body stiffened and the young boy gasped, his eyes filling with tears. He had such a rage in him that he could have killed Kim on the spot.
But Kimhan was stronger.

"I.... don't ....know." growled Macau with great effort.

Kimhan dropped him to the ground, an exasperated look on his face.

"Father should get rid of you.... The mold is spreading so fast."

"Ah yeah ?" Macau as held his throat but a mocking grin on his lips still testified to his liveliness. "So you should think about pulling out the roots first, otherwise every fruit on the tree will be rotten."

Kim was going to punch Macau again, but the door opened and Vegas glared at him:

"What is the monster doing here? In the demon's house."

Macau staggered to his feet, before hugging his brother by the shoulder, his face filled with concern.
Kim ignored his younger cousin, before stepping back:

"If Pete isn't here, I'm out."

"Yeah, you better go back to where you came."

It was like seeing a lion in front of a tiger. Two predators ready to kill each other.
Kimhan shrugged, looking like he didn't give a fuck about nothing, in order to annoy Vegas.
However, before leaving, he gave them a last look:

"Your medication... If I were you, I would stop taking it."

Under his eyes.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora