KinnPorsche 2

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When Kimhan finished surveying the hospital area to once again confirm the presence of the white K&Care trucks, he decided to return to the studio.
His phone was out of power and he couldn't communicate with Kit who was to provide him with a report on Porchay's actions.
He was feeling anxious, especially when he couldn't know about Porchay's being. He knew the young boy could be really hard to deal with...
He then took his key before realizing that his door was already open...

"...Babe...Why are you making that face,na ?"

"It's nothing."

"Kinn...?" Kim called for his brother.

His big brother, who had been missing for two weeks now, was obviously in the middle of a dispute with Porsche, and obviously, Kim's young cleaning lady, was the cause.

"Oh stop your jealousy! I didn't even look at her once !"

"Do not lie !" Porsche barked with his usual good humor, then turned to Kimhan. "...And why are you here, you jerk ??"

"Porsche, it's his own studio.." Kinn replied.

Porsche punched him, and Kinn immediately grumbled.
Under the puzzled gaze of the youngest, the mafia couple quarreled once again.

"...No,no, you started it!"

"Are you joking ?! You are always the one who..."

"Oh ?! Of course, bastard, it wasn't me who was already calling whores when I felt lonely..."



An icy silence reigned in the rehearsal room.
Kim looked around nervously: no sign of his bodyguards or Porchay.
He moved forward uncertainly, but Porsche's sharp gaze stopped him:

"Where is my brother?" This time, the tall and handsome man was very serious.

"...Where were you? You didn't answer my calls !" Kim replied dryly.

He had literally been looking for Kinn in China!
How can the latter come back as if nothing had happened?! Kinn arched an eyebrow before glancing accusingly at Porsche:

"Sorry, my wife smashed my phone against a wall. But she is not jealous at"

"Liar! It was Tankhun who said you were..."


Kim crossed his arms, already tired of the couple's arguments, he wanted to be able to talk seriously with Kinn and look for Chay.
But where had he gone? If anything had happened to the young angel... Fuck. Porsche was there, in his studio, and surely ready to destroy all his musical instruments which were worth a fortune!

"...Anyway...Then we came back from the meeting, and we were too far into the countryside..."

"Yeah, and Kinn is an asshole."


"You have to conclude, no? You're the one who told me in a speech, we start with an introduction, arguments and then a conclusion! See, I am listening to your advice right now and you are still mad at me !"

Kinn put his hands on his hips, his look of disapproval was hilarious, but Kim's stress was way too high to laugh.
The young boy discreetly put away one of his favorite white guitars from Porsche before coughing:

"Okay, but do you know about the white trucks...?"

Kinn finally paid attention to his little brother, but again Porsche frowned.

"Hey, you can have your bro chat afterwards, where is my own little brother?!"

Kim took a step back, pursing his lips, and at that moment, Kinn's curious gaze and Porsche's furious one were too oppressive.
Luckily, a small shadow passed by the door and of course Kinn smiled at the young cleaning lady....

"What the fuck ? Are you kidding me?!"

"W-what ? No, I did not look ! Porsche!"

"Flirt with the whole earth, you little asshole!"

Kim sighed, Porsche's jealousy was really… Wow. Kinn had been gay for 23 years already... It was not a pretty cleaning lady who was going to change things.
As Porsche screamed again, someone entered the room, with wide, wide eyes and curly black hair.

"Hia!" Porchay exclaimed happily, he rushed into Porsche's arms.

However, Kinn had annoyed Porsche so much that the latter immediately dragged him into another room.

"Wow... Porsche is... is Porsche."

"Why? Nong Chay isn't harder?"

Kinn's shy remark made Kim smile sadly, in truth, they only spent very little time together... At least Kinn and Porsche had some love moments sometimes.

"You were saying something about..the trucks ?" Kinn asked, frowning, resuming his seriousness. "Are you talking about K&Care?"

Kimhan nodded, before judging his older brother's expression: obviously Kinn knew about the human trafficking.

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