Dan's party

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There was loud music, people dancing and drinking on the dance floor.
But at the back of the nightclub, there was a bar, quieter, with a soothing light.

''Oi! Cau!''

Porchay slipped between groups of people, to join his friend, seated at a round table, and he then noticed a blond head and a man with glasses.

''Oh, Nao, P'Dan! Good evening ! I am sorry to be late...''

''Oiii I thought that you would not come but there you are finally with us !'' laughed Macau, tapping his phone with a mischievous smile.

Porchay sat next to him, directly across from Dan this time, and he leaned into Macau's ear to whisper:

"What did you do...?"

''Eh eh...''

''It was a huge mess at home!''

Macau proudly puffing out his chest, before winking at his confused friend.
The meal was going well when suddenly P'Kinn got up screaming at his phone, followed by Porsche and finally Kim had to go help them too, all the bodyguards had been called in for reinforcement...

''It's just that I annoyed my brother...''

Porchay frowned.

''How did you manage to get all of them going crazy ?''

"Well...I kinda pissed P'Pete off actually...they had a fight and he went to the casino... Hia was probably slightly annoyed with other guys and you know...Anyway, you came !"

Macau looked very proud of himself, he even put his hand on Chay's shoulder:

''Don't make that face, it allowed you to come! I am genius I know... But why are you still so late ?"

''I had to wait for Aunt Vera to fall asleep before going out!'' grumbled Chay.

Macau shrugged, and he showed a succession of photos on his phone to Nao.

"Were you busy?" Dan's calm voice surprised Chay.

The young boy nodded slowly.
He was a little avoiding the man with glasses at the moment, because he knew that Kit was investigating P'Dan...
The man handed him a drink, before raising an eyebrow:

"Don't worry, I was the first one late to my own party."

"Oh..really?" Chay took a first sip that burned his throat and then his stomach and he winced.

Dan had a small smirk but his eyes were still so cold:

''Yes...I had a little trouble at home...''

''Your uncle's son?'' suddenly asked Macau, who was done bothering Nao.

''Oh did you found your uncle?'' asked the young waiter with his usual sweetness.

Dan was suddenly the center of attention, as often. He blew on a lock of hair that bothered him, crossed his arms and cleared his throat:

"Only his son, my cousin, he's a baby."

Porchay listened attentively to Dan, he was about to ask a question when a man, a stranger, came towards them.

''Bonsoir, messieurs.''


Dan held out his hand to the man.
Jules was obviously the chief Macau had been talking about. He wore a white apron with a gold star.
Dan briefly explained that he was a one of his friend he had met in France, and in charge of tonight's meal.

''Oh my...'' whispered Nao amazed. "It's the first time in my life that I'm going to eat such delicious food! I am so happy !"

The cook smiled and he left behind the bar.
While his friends were talking about food, Porchay was the only one worried.
A baby, a cook... This story was familiar to him and he didn't like it.

"Are you okay?" Dan's soft, flirtatious tone disturbed Chay.

''I... Uh...I'm going home. Sorry...''

Macau immediately turned towards Porchay sulking and very quickly Nao sulked too:

''What ? No, you've only just arrived!''

''Yeah, stay with us !''

Porchay frowned, he must have been here for an hour already!
Dan rose with grace and flexibility, he extended his hand to Chay:

''I'll take you home...''

"Hah? No it's fine, I...''

''You're my guest, that's the least I can do.''

Porchay was uncomfortable, he pursed his lips and stood up.
Macau sighed but said goodbye anyway.
Only Nao really sulked like a child.

''You promised you'd come back to the coffee shop...''

''Sorry, I didn't have time!'' apologized Chay before smiling. ''I'm coming tomorrow, I promise!''

Dan opened the door for Chay to get out and Chay checked his phone to call a taxi but a notification surprised him:

''...A building on the Port X had exploded earlier in the evening...'' read the young boy aloud.

''Maybe a fight with the mafia... I heard it's a thing here.'' answered Dan in a cold voice.

Porchay took a step outside, before throwing a strange look at his senior.
Dan looked like an ordinary man, yet he still had an incredibly imposing aura.
Sometimes he could even be scary, but when your boyfriend is Kimhan Theerapanyakul, fear doesn't really exist anymore with others...

''I'll call a taxi, thank you, P'Dan. You can go back inside...''

''I'm going to smoke, I can wait here with you.''

Dan searched his pockets for his pack of cigarettes, but his gaze kept devouring Porchay.
It was as if he was looking for the slightest flaw in the young man.

''O-okay...'' stammered Porchay who was really starting to feel bad.

A sound in his right ear was hurting him and his eyelids were heavy.
He staggered and suddenly felt his head spinning.

''Everything's good ?''

''Ye-s... y-yes...''

"Was that your first time drinking alcohol?" The amusement in Dan's voice made Porchay wince.

He had a headache now and was breathing heavily. He wanted to sit on the sidewalk, but Dan's strong arm slid against his stomach and he hugged the young boy.
Porchay felt like he was going to pass out but he heard a soft whisper :

''....I really don't see what he finds in you... My stupid brother...''

And Porchay faints.
It was as if his brain had gone offline.
Damn, P'Kim was going to be mad at him.

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