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''It will be fine Porsche.''

Kinn's comforting voice didn't really help the man relax.
Porsche kept talking to himself, shaking and unable to react with reason :

''It's....It's all my fault, my fucking fault, I-I... should have just taken your money and ran away with him...Away from your asshole little brother...and his evil double! Damn just one was enough... Why two ?! Shia, ai hate myself...Hate...Hate...''

''Porsche...'' whispered Arm.

"Anon stop crying..."

Pol tried to comfort Anon, who obviously still had enough tears to fill a swimming pool.
Boss and Kit exchanged a single knowing look: there was nothing they could do.
Kinn rubbed Porsche's back one last time, before looking at the bodyguards:

"Where's Kim? Why did he left ?"

"With Khun Vegas." Kit answered immediately, the guard looked down. "He said he didn't need anyone but Khun Vegas insisted on attending the scene, saying it would be a fun show."

Kit felt useless and he hated it, he had seen Dan leave the hangar, from the roof, but he was already out of reach.
If only he had a gun... He would have killed that guy right away.
Kinn sighed and rubbed his temples.

"Excuse me....Are you the young boy's family?"

A doctor came out of a large white room, he wore a blue coat and a mask.
He had been working for the Theerapanyakul since a few months now.

''Yes !'' cried Porsche and Anon at the same time.

The doctor looked at them confused for a moment before sighing and taking off his gloves:

"We took care of the wounds and gave him a blood transfusion... Thank to you, Khun Porsche. Now it's up to him... There is nothing else we can do except wait."

Porsche was on edge, he started to follow the doctor to ask him questions and Kinn took a deep breath before heading for a window.

"Kim... what the hell are you doing?" Kinn huffed.

His younger brother was actually already on his way to the first address Arm had found.

Dan's home.

He was dressed entirely in black, closely followed by his cousin Vegas.

"I am impress by your calm behaviour..." Vegas sneered.

''Shut up."

Kimhan found his twin's apartment easily, he even picked the lock with a piece of scrap metal.

"Hey...?! Who are you?" a cleaning lady who was taking care of a baby cried out in fear before rolling her eyes. "Oh my...Khun Dan, hello! If you're with a friend, I'm leaving. The baby is ready for bed !"

''Thank you..'' Vegas was talking with a soft voice, leading the old lady towards the door.

Kim fixed his icy gaze on the baby.
Sniper's child.
So...Dan's cousin right ?
The same one that Kimhan had sold to a chef. Seems like that Dan guy was also a family guy.

"I understand better now."

On Dan's desk was a picture of him with a foreign chef.
He had managed to manipulate his friend into buying the baby from Kimhan.
What a smart move. Clearly, Dan had a great intelligence, just like Kim.

"He is very quiet." Noted Vegas.

Vegas approached the crib, raising a surprised eyebrow.
The baby didn't react...As if Vegas didn't impress him.

"He's mute." Kim commented, sitting down.

"A mute baby? What a wonderful quality." exclaimed Vegas cruelly.

Kimhan looked at the time, he was patiently waiting.
Vegas pulled a knife from his pocket, still staring at the baby.

"Now the game can begin."

Kim and Vegas heard footsteps, and a person with a similar face than Kim's entered.

"Hello Dan."

"Ah, see you again!" sneered Vegas, who slid his knife against the bars of the cradle.

Dan stiffened, but his face showed no expression.
Then he put down his keys and crossed his arms, staring down at the two men.


"Vegas." Added the man with the feline face before winking. "I have always loved family reunions..."

Of course, the irony in Vegas' voice was there. Vegas Theerapanyakul hated his family, except Macau.
Dan ignored the man, judging Kim's gaze, before rolling his tongue against his teeth.

"You could have choose better than....a pathetic kid."

"You.... dare say that when you're so close to Macau?" Kim replied cruelly with a mocking grin.

Vegas frowned, he immediately glared at Dan.
Macau was his little brother and no one had the right to attack him. Now, Vegas wanted to kill this man too.

''It's only fair.'' growled Dan.

Kim chuckled.
Vegas looked at him surprised, in that moment Kimhan looked way more terrifying than any monsters.
Slowly, Kim leaned over, his glare still on his twin's.

"So... Your brother and uncle's death wasn't enough for you? You thought that you could mess with me...Just because we shared a womb ?"

Dan glared at his brother, but a movement in the crib caught his attention and Kim's cruel smile grew.
He stood up and tilted his head slightly:

"Do you know why it's just me and this idiot here...?" Kim whispered as if confiding a secret.

Vegas leaned over the baby, before carrying him.
The child looked wide-eyed at Dan, he was clearly lost by so many new faces around him.

"Because you two are monsters..." Dan replied, the veins on his forehead showing.

Kim finally noticed Dan's stress.
That satisfies him, he slowly takes the knife from Vegas, his gaze still fixed on Dan's.

''I'm going to offer you a magnificent show, take a good look at me, my dear brother...''

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