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"Why are you so nervous, dear Nong ??"

Tankhun wore for once, a simple elegant gray suit, but he had chosen a huge pair of red glasses, which were way too big for his face.

''It's nothing.'' answered in a small polite voice, the young Chay.

He sat wisely next to Porsche.
The whole group was at the restaurant, and Korn arrived a little late. Kinn stood up to greet his father.

''Good evening, children, we should start eating. Make yourself at ease, eat a lot.''

Tankhun then nodded briskly, and he filled Porchay's plate with all kinds of raw vegetables.
Porsche arched a curious eyebrow at him, noticing a guy he'd only seen once: he thought he was just some random bodyguard...Before Pete told him it was Kimhan, the third son. Why was he looking at his little brother?!

"Does he have a sight problem?" Porsche hissed, leaning towards Kinn.

''Forget it, he's a mystery to everyone.'' replied Kinn whispering.

Kimhan immediately cast a disapproving look at his big brother.
The kind of look that would normally intimidate anyone but the people around this table weren't normal.
Tankhun smirked, before leaning closer to Nong Chay:

''You're enjoying your vacation ?''

''Ye-yeah... thanks.''

"Try this dish, it's delicious... You will feel fresh, like in a hot summer !" Tankhun grabbed a fork and tried to feed Porchay like he was a baby.

Porsche immediately threatened to hit Tankhun, and Kinn struggled to hide his smile, preferring instead towards his father.
They then started talking about clients, and only Kimhan remained silent.
He kept lowering his head towards his plate, of which he had not touched a single food. His gaze remained impassive, but his ears were focused on Tankhun and Chay's conversation.

"....If you keep pissing him off, I promise next time I'll grill your fucking fish."

"Hia!" Porchay's small, outraged voice nearly made Kim smile, who pretended to have a sudden cough.

"Are you okay, luk?" asked the voice of Korn, who had been watching his son.

Kim turned his attention away from the argument between Porsche and Tankhun, nodding slowly at his father.

''Yes, Pa.''

''Pa is happy that you are present, it's rare.''

''Kim surely has other things to do. We are all busy, father. This is why I was wondering if I should call them or not...'' declared simply Kinn, as if to help his little brother discreetly.

The head of the family then offered a cigar on the terrace, and he invited Kinn and Porsche, despite a little tension between Porsche and Korn, the latter accompanied Kinn without flinching.
Between the couple, a kind of rather impressive harmony had settled, Kinn having taken on a role of mentor for Porsche, the two trying to build one and the same family, despite the difficulty of facing Vegas.
Porchay looked so uncomfortable without his big brother, that he dared for the second time, looked at Kim.
His quick glance didn't escape the piercing gaze of Tankhun, who folded his hands under his chin.

"Tell me, dear Kimmy, I didn't know you were coming. Does someone here made you...?"

"Don't call me that." A slap would have been sweeter than Kim's voice.

Although the younger one froze in place, the older one had a big stupid smile on his pretty face :

"I must have been wrong, I thought you two were...friends." He rolled the word friends with such intensity that Porchay pursed his lips, before shaking his pretty curls.

"Tankhun." The growl in Kim's voice was almost venomous.

Tankhun laughed, he threw his head back, and even meaner, he slid his arm around Chay's shoulders, brought him closer to him, and rubbed their cheeks together:

"So cute, Nong Chay, you have such soft cheeks! I wonder how it feel if someone kiss it..."

''Phi!'' cried Porchay embarrassed.

Kimhan was about to get up, his nerves were strained, fortunately Porsche and Kinn were back. Obviously a problem with a shipment made them leave sooner. Porsche asked for someone to take care of his little brother, and ran after Kinn.

Tankhun then rubbed his hands, with a devil grin, he cleared his throat:

"Pa I'm going to the bar tonight, Nong Chay, do you want to go home with my dad or come with me?"

"Hey? No, I can go home alone... Do not bother..."

"I'll bring him back." Kimhan snapped, ignoring his father's curious gaze.

He grabbed his jacket and almost ran out, without looking back.
After only five minutes in front of his car, Kim had a doubt... did Chay leave without him or was he coming back home with Kim ?

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