Peppermint Tea

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Minho's eyelids were so heavy, he had been awake for maybe a minute. He had no energy to move or to get up, he was confused, he remembered being in the dance studio. He had a complete meltdown, how embarrassing, he just wanted to hide away and die. He was getting his feeling back into his limbs, the pain pulsating from his legs and the ache in his ribs were making him more aware. He shifted only slighting, but that only made his exhaustion spike. He sighed softly, only to jump "Ah, are you finally awake Min hyung? I have some tea for you." Jisung's soft voice calmed him right down. "Mm" was all Minho could ground out. " You're gonna have to sit up Minnie hyung, I'll help." Jisung scooped Minho's upper body up to the headboard of his bed. Minho groaned, why was he still tired? How long was he out for? " Here, its peppermint since you probably have a headache." "Mm th-anks Sungie." Minho's voice cracked, he instantly cringed. Taking the mug, he soaked in all of the warmth, putting his face in to the steam. He took a sip, the sweetness bringing him back to life. Did he internally freak out because he could tell there was too much sugar? Absolutely, but he knew he needed the sugar, he can work it off later. His throat was instantly soothed, his headache was still there but he felt it fading away. Especially with Jisung's hand rubbing the back of his neck, releasing all of the tension that was left there. Wait, what time was it? Where was his phone? Oh my god his parents are going to be livid. His breath caught in his throat, he could see the mug in his hands start to shake, he started glancing around. He was in a bedroom, it was a little messy, mostly just unorganized, the room was filled with earthy tones like greens and tans, with plushies scattered from the bed, chair, and desk. There were warm toned dangly lights on the side walls, parallel to each other. Was this Jisung's room? It sure felt like it, it was so cozy. Shit the time. Frantically looking around he saw his phone on the bedside table charging, he sighed. "Oh I saw you had it in your bag, and it was only at 15% so I wanted to charge it. Its only 6:12 ish." Jisung said after noticing him looking around. Okay his parents shouldn't be home yet, Minho let out a relieved sigh. "Oh and I saw your mom texted you not to long ago." Minho froze, that's weird, she never really texts him. He reached for his phone, and opened the message. 'Minho, if you are going to be out please tell us next time. Be safe.' Minho was even more confused, it sounded like it was his mom, she was the nicer, more caring one of his parents. So they didn't mind if he went out? Since when? "Is everything okay hyungie?" Jisung said, still rubbing Minho's neck, while making sure the tea wouldn't spill. "Oh yeah, she never talks to me..." Minho didn't mean to think out loud, he was confused but happy, maybe he can hang out with them more if his parents didn't care. Like they want to even keep hanging out with you after your freak outs. Minho shook his head, texting his mom back, 'I'm sorry, I will tell you next time. I was doing something at school, but is it okay if I hang out with some friends?' Minho's hands shook, but he hit send. After seeing he was done typing, Jisung moved his hand lower to keep messaging the tension out, " Min hyung, are you feeling any better? I know we haven't known each other for that long, but you can talk to me about anything. I won't judge you, be mad, think it's burdensome, none of that. I just wanna help you." Jisung said confidently, but Minho felt the tremble in his hands, he wanted nothing else more than to open up. But even if Jisung said it wouldn't be a burden, Minho knew it would be, at the end of the year Minho was still going to go through with his plans. "I really appreciate it Sungie, I'll be okay though. I'm sorry I keep having these freak outs, I'll be better." Minho said, and took a sip of his tea. " Hyung, you have nothing to be sorry about, you also have no obligation to "be better" we just want you to be safe and happy... I just really care about you, we all seriously do." Jisung said looking away, he was tearing up. Minho's heart warmed, then he noticed the tears brimming in Jisung's eyes, he went to grab his cheek but hesitated. Was it weird to do that, maybe too personal? But Jisung already noticed his hand, and leaned in, pressing his cheek to the palm of Minho's hand. "We won't force you to talk of course, we just want you to know that you can come to us, but Channie and Jinnie hyung want to talk to you. Are you okay with that?" He asked, still leaning into Minho's hand but now placing his hand over Minho's. Minho felt his heart rate quicken, he really did not want to talk to them, this is going to be so embarrassing, they had both seen not only the blood from his cuts, but also his absolute breakdown. He didn't want to but he nodded anyway. Jisung hummed, taking Minho's hand from his cheek down to just hold it, " I'll go get them, but I wanted to ask if you wanted to stay the night, you don't have to of course! We can take you home anytime." Without hesitation, "I'd love to stay Sungie." He was so nervous, he hadn't stayed over with his friends in so long, but they all for some reason wanted him to hang out, so who was he to deny them? Especially when Jisung and Lix pouted at him. Jisung beamed, "Okay! I'll go get Channie, and Jinnie hyung." He jumped up and went out the door, so he only got a glance of Minho flinching. 'That's the sixth time' Jisung has been mentally counting all of the times Minho has flinched over small things. He was worried. When Jisung was gone, Minho checked his phone again, seeing a new message from his mom, 'Yes, just make sure to inform me or your father. Don't do anything reckless, no drinking, no drugs, no driving late.' Minho chuckled drying, that was his Mothers way of saying, "Don't do anything stupid that the public will see." Whatever, he was just happy he could finally experience hanging out with friends that seemed to actually care for him. Even if it was fake, or going to eventually fizzle out.

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