Melting Point

411 21 9

TW- Vomiting in the beginning, and mentions of vomiting later in the chapter

This is bad, this is really bad. Did Minho forget to drink water literally since this morning? Yes he did. So he took sips while waiting for lunch to be over, then started walking to camp out in a stall before going to art. Thank goodness he was already in the bathroom when he got an overwhelming wave of nausea. After throwing up the little bit of water, and dry heaving, he looked down. To his shock there was...blood? I haven't been throwing up much so why is there blood? "Whatever" he grumbled, voice raspy. The only issue was that it genuinely felt impossible to get up. He felt glued to the dirty floor, legs cramped, pure exhaustion clouding his body. Fuck...the only thing he wanted right now, was to be wrapped in Jisung's arms. He sighed, rested his back on the closest wall. He whimpered, he was so thirsty now but too scared to drink more... "This fucking sucks"
Hyunjin's leg was bouncing at a rapid speed. It was five minutes into class and Minho still wasn't here. 'Maybe he got checked out?' Seungmin texted in the group chat. Hyunjin jolted when the door opened. Minho walked... no stumbled in. Luckily for Minho, it was after lunch so students seemed to wander in late to class so the teacher didn't care, simply glancing at Minho. Hyunjin saw the hesitancy in her face when she saw the state Minho was in. But he just limped his way to the back of the class to a seat with no one around. Hyunjin frowned, but was determined. He got up, grabbed his bag and art pouch and walked back to where Minho was sitting. Hyunjin's stomach clenched when Minho looked up, shocked but confused. He didn't say anything though, it seemed like he tried to scoot his chair away but gave up, slumped back in his chair. Hyunjin was beyond concerned now, Minho was clearly in pain. It completely destroyed him looking at the bruises and cuts on his face, with more that were probably on his body. He was slightly sweating, his breathing was so uneven, he was holding his stomach lightly. "Hey hyungie" "Hi" they both cringed, his voice was more than just crackling. "Hey bub, maybe we should walk you to the nurse?" Minho snapped his gaze to Hyunjin, "No I'm okay" You're literally sweating and wheezing, is what he wanted to say, but Chan and Jisung's voice chanted in his head 'be gentle, ensure he doesn't feel like a burden' Hyunjin sighed and sat down. "Minho hyung please, you don't look okay, please let me help you." Minho shook his head, "Mm I'm alright Jinnie" Minho tried to say nonchalantly, but his voice was tight, accompanied with a pin straight smile. Hyunjin just stared, tears clung to his eyelashes, he really wasn't going to let us help. Throughout class, Hyunjin kept shifting his gaze to Minho, catching him dozing off, not really doing the assignment. Until he was dozing off, arm steadying him and then his head slipped. The art room was loud with everyone talking so no one heard the bang of his head hitting the table. Hyunjin gasped, and looked over to see Minho asleep, he didn't even wake up. Minho never sleeps in class, even one he gets one hour of sleep. Hyunjin moved Minho into a more comfortable position, grabbing his hoodie and using it for his pillow. Minho didn't even stir, Hyunjin was so nervous his stomach was rolling. For now he just updated the group, and slid over Minho's sketch, since he was done with his, he wanted to help his hyung out as much as he can.


Minho was beyond confused, he never really falls asleep in class like that. But thankfully Hyunjin woke him up. He explained how he finished his assignment and already turned it in while rubbing his back made Minho's mind soar, damn he was going to miss them. After trying to shrug Hyunjin off when he said he was going to walk him to his next class, Minho felt his brain yell out in confusion. Were they mad or not? Was his brain making him look too much into things? He was so grateful Hyunjin was doing this because Minho probably would've found somewhere to sink to the ground. His legs were shaky, bone deep exhaustion was clear in his movement. They spotted Jisung, well Jisung saw them and rushed over to help, "Hi baby, I've missed you." Jisung said softly while gently taking a hold of Minho's other arm. "H-hi Sung" Minho winced out, his voice was still so scratchy, he was so so thirsty. It didn't help that his stomach was accompanying his whole body cramp. He was busy looking down trying not to throw up, missing the silent worried conversation Hyunjin and Jisung were having. He was so uncomfortable that he couldn't fight them right now, he knew he had to start distancing himself, especially from Jisung. He really just wanted them to be upset with him, but clearly that wasn't happening, they were such good people, just for Minho to taint them.

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