Painting Date

447 22 12

Minho's mood instantly plummeted when he saw all them gathered around the coffee table, takeout containers scattered. Minho was now hyper aware of everyone's eating habits, this used to be an annoying toxic thing he used to do, but he trained himself to stop doing, but given the new knowledge he learned about Felix; Their Sunshine Felix, he simply had to pay attention. While slowly settling next to Jisung, he took note of everyone. Chan and Hyunjin seemed to be the mindless eaters, but still hardcore foodies by the way their faces lit up every few bites, accompanied by Chan shaking his fist, which was so cute. Jeongin and Seungmin were bickering over who actually won in some game they played earlier, Jeongin was shoveling heaps of food with each bite, not in a 'I'm starving' way though. While Seungmin seemed to just eat normally, with more manners compared to the others. Jisung ate each bite with absolute excitement,cheeks puffed out like a squirrel, wiggling in his place after every bite. Changbin was obviously a foodie, the passion he had about food was something he never hid, it was one of Minho's favorite quirks about the other. Then he nonchalantly honed in on Felix, Felix was fumbling with his utensils. He looked so uncomfortable and so unhappy, making Minho frown. Minho's eyebrows raised when he noticed anytime Changbin turned his focus away from Felix to talk to someone, Felix would subtly place large amounts of his food into Changbin's container. He would take a small bite, but would chew as if he had taken a larger bite. Minho frowned even more, Felix was perfect the way he was, he wasn't like Minho, and Minho did not want Felix to go through what he is going through. Of course Minho knew all eating disorders, or just disordered eating were caused by different reasons, had different side effects but at the end of the day His Lixie was probably hungry, and hating himself. Minho shifted closer, and gave Felix a stern look. Felix looked surprised, he didn't think anyone was noticing, but of course Minho would see what he was doing. 'Sorry' he mouthed, Minho could see tears well up in his eyes, so he gently shook his head 'It's okay' he mouthed back and nodded towards Felix's container. Determination filled Felix's face, he nodded his head to himself, and took a bite of his rice and soup, smiling softly at the taste. Felix knew he needed to eat, he was having a bad body image day with a slight stomach ache, his brain yearning for him to skip just a few meals. He easily started to give in, too tired to fight today, but Minho encouraging him, gave him just the amount of energy he needed. Especially seeing that particular fond smile Minho shot him. But Felix halted when he noticed Minho hadn't even had anything in front of him. He opened his mouth, but Jisung beat him to it, "Here Hyungie," he placed the salad and kimchi in front of Minho, " you're also welcome to anything here." Jisung said, scooting closer. Minho slightly scowled but began eating the vegetables, you'd think he'd be tired of salads, but not at all. It was the only thing he could eat, guilt, and stress free. He was fine eating this with them, it made them happy he was eating, he didn't want to stress them out any more than he already has. They chatted while eating, Minho occasionally glanced at Felix to make sure he was eating at least a little bit, he was relieved to see Changbin caught on and was whispering praises into Felix's ears. And by the slight blush peeking through his freckles, he was successfully distracted.

Minho had finished eating before everyone, so he started cleaning up, ignoring all of them telling him he didn't have to. It stressed him out not cleaning after things like this, it was a big rule for him to clean up after meal time, even if he didn't eat anything, his father made it very clear that the punishment if he didn't do so would leave him regretful for days after. Chan was next to start helping of course. While cleaning up, and packing things as leftovers; Hyunjin went on about how he was going to force everyone to paint later. There were playful groans, and 'yays', which made Minho giggle. "What are we painting? Something random?" Jisung asked, tilting his head. " Hmm I don't know, what do you all want to paint?" Hyunjin asked, looking around. Everyone shrugged, now all silently thinking. " Why don't we search up one of those monthly prompts, and each chooses one to do?' Minho asked while combining little bits of food into one container. " Oh hyung, that's a great idea!" Jisung tiny clapped. Minho smiled shyly at him. Missing the smug glance the two were getting from the rest of the group. "Yeah I'll find a good one to choose from!" Hyunjin said excitedly and pulled out his phone.

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