Unhappy... Until now

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"Maya hurry your butt up and get me a beer." My jerk of a boyfriend justin demanded. "Okay okay chill out." "Shut up. Don't talk to me like that." I shut my mouth and gave him his Bud Light.

"Here." I said putting it in his hand. "Good girl." I scoffed and went to "our" room. I grabbed my douful bag that I kept under my bed. Justin came into the room barely able to standup straight.

"Stupid drunk." I mumbled but unfortunately he heard me. "What the hell did you just say to me?" N-nothing." He asked. "Don't you ever lie to me!!" He yelled in my face. He shoved me up to the door and held me by my hair and punched me in my stomach. And slapped me on my cheek.

"Ugh." I sobbed. He left me crying on the floor and with a bruise forming on my stomach and a red mark on my cheek. That was the moment of clarity for me. "I need to leave." I mumbled.

I grabbed the bag and my phone, charger, and my photo of my parents that died in a wreck 2 years ago.

Omg I'm sorry I guess I should introduce myself.

Hi my names Maya and I'm 16 years old. I live with my jerk of a boyfriend Justin. He is an alcoholic and he abuses me. I hate him. I have medium length brown hair brown eyes I'm not skinny but I'm not "fat" I'm kinda skinny but not to skinny. I'm 5'2. But I'm to afraid to run away from him. Until now. This is the last straw. I need to get out of here. I'm going to uptown New York. That's always been my dream is to move back there. I love the country life. I lived on a farm as a little girl. I had a cow named maisy and I loved her so much!! I live in Colorado. For now. Or at least for the next few minutes I do. I grabbed all my stuff and my bag and I jumped out my window trying to be as quiet as possible. I finally got to the ground and I ran as fast as I could to down my driveway to the road to get a cab.

"Bus stop please." I said. The cab driver nodded his head and drove me to the nearest bus stop and I paid him and got out with everything that I had and I waited for the next bus to come and pick me up. I had some money on me for a plane to New York. After 10 minutes of waiting the bus finally showed up and I got a back seat because I've always been more comfortable in the back then in the front of buses. It made me feel like I wasn't being stared at.

"Here I go." I said to myself. "Excuse me miss." This little girl came up to me and she looked like she was crying so hard. "Oh my gosh honey what's wrong." I asked worriedly. "I lost my mommy and da-daddy." She said in between sobs. "Oh sweety I said while I hugged her. What do they look like?" I asked her.

"My mommy is beautiful!! She has long blonde hair and white skin and she is really tall. Her name is Charlotte. And my daddy is tall too. He has brown hair and white skin and his name is John." She said. "Okay baby girl. I'm going to help you find your parents." I said reassuring her. "Thank you miss?" "Maya Marie. But you can call me Maya." I said "Thank you miss Maya." She said. Wow this girl had really good manners. And she only looked like 5 or 6.

"What's your name baby?" I asked her. "Nikki." "That's a beautiful name sweet heart." Thank you. My daddy named me with my first name and my mommy named my middle name. "Well what's your middle name?" "Renee." She said. "That's lovely." "Thanks." We walked a little further and after a while of calling Nikki's parents names we finally found her parents.

"Mamma daddy!!" She yelled and went up to hug them. I walked up to her parents and said who I was and that I helped her get back to them. "Oh my gosh thank you so much!! We were so worried that we lost our precious baby girl." Her dad John said. "It was no problem really. No child should ever have to go through that ever." I said with sympathy.

"How can I ever repay you for helping my family?" Her mom asked. "You don't have to repay me in any way I promise!!" I protested. "Nonsense." The mom said. "How about 200$." She said. "No way!!" "Yes please!! "Fine." I said finally giving in. "Thank you for letting me do this!!" She said. "Thank you." I said great fully. "I'm going to use this money incase I don't have enough for my plane ticket." "Why do you need a plane ticket." She asked.

"Oh well my boyfriend is a drunken jerk and he abuses me and would sometimes he would r-rape me. so I decided to run away." I said. "Oh sweet heart!!" She said. "May I please hug you?" She asked me. "Of course I'm a huge hugger." I said. She hugged me and she was tearing up. "Well I better get going." I said. "Yes of course." She said. "Here is my phone number." She said and put her number into my phone. "Thank you." I said. "Don't thank me. I need to be the one to thank you. I will be forever great full to you for helping me find my baby girl." She said.

"Your very welcome. "Thank you miss Maya." Nikki said. "Awe baby girl you are so welcome!!" I said and I bent down to her level and hugged her. She squeezed me and kissed my cheek. "You be a great mommy one day." She said. That made my heart melt in two. "Awe honey that's so sweet thank you so much." I said. "Bye guys and I have your number so I will be in touch with you." I said. "Thank you again." Charlotte her mom said.

I walked to another cab and I said to go to the airport. He nodded and he drove me there safely. "Here we are." He said. "Thank you so much." I said. I got out of the cab and I walked up to the airport and walked through the doors. "I want to go to Foultonville New York." I said. "Okay." I got my ticket and I went to sit down and waited for my flight to board. "1:30 am flight to foultonville New York now boarding." I heard the lady say. I got up with everything and got on the plane. As I was sitting down I got a text. I sat down for ten minutes when I got a text from someone. I checked the caller id and it was from...justin.

"Where the hell did you go?" He asked. "I left Justin. I'm tired of being pushed around by you and being abused and raped by you." I sent. "I swear to you that I will find you and I will beat you." He sent. "That's to late." I said. "What do you mean?" "I'm long gone. Take care of yourself from now on." I sent. "Whatever." I closed my phone.

The plane finally ended and I was in my hometown of Fultonville. I sighed a sigh of relief and I was so happy to be safe now. I went to get a hotel because I wanted to go and look for a house and job. I got to the hotel and I checked in. I turned on the tv and The Voice was on.

I heard about this show but I barely ever got to watch tv because I was always taking care of Justin. This boy named Sawyer was performing Have You Ever Seen The Rain and he was so good. And he is super cute!! He's from Fultonville also. He lives on a farm near where I grew up. I always wanted to be back there.

"I think I'm going to go back and live there." I said to myself. I unpacked and got ready for bed. I crawled into the comfy sheets and I thought about what tomorrow was going to bring.

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