The End

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Carsons P.O.V.
Maya and I just got back home from the hospital and police station. All Maya's been talking about is how excited she is to see her little girl and ideas for names that she has.

"It feels so good to be back." Maya said walking in the house and plopping herself onto the couch.

"I agree." I said plopping down next to her.

"So, names?" She asked with a sneaky smile.

"Fine. You first." I replied laying back.

"Uh, Marie?" She asked.

"After who?" I asked.

"My middle name is Marie." She said.

"No." I replied.

"Okay, Nala?" I asked.

"Not awful." I said.

"Well what do you have?" She asked sitting up and looking at me.

"Either Jubilee or Harley." I replied.

"I like Jubilee. Where's that from?" She asked.

"90's animated series X-Men? Don't tell me you've never heard of that." I said.

"Sorry but I haven't. And let me guess, Harley for Harley Davidson?" She asked.

"Of course! They make awesome bikes!" I replied.

"Well I really like Jubilee. I think it's pretty, and quite badass." She said smirking and nudging me.

"Okay, now middle name. Harley?" I asked nudging her.

"No." She replied quickly.

"Okay damn." I said.

"How about, Jubilee Claire?" She asked.

"Why Claire?" I asked.

"That's the name of my grandmother, on my dads side. She died when I was five." She said.

"I'm sorry. I love the name Jubilee Claire. I think it sounds great together." I replied.

"Then it's settled, I'll talk to Justin and see what he thinks." She said smiling.

"Congrats Maya. I'm happy for you." I smiled.

"Thank you Carson." She said kissing my cheek and walking into the guest bedroom.

She just kissed my cheek. She just kissed me. And I didn't completely hate it. I didn't love it if that's what you're thinking. I just, didn't hate it okay?

Three Hours Later...
Sawyers P.O.V.
Maya hasn't called or texted me at all. She hasn't told me if she's okay or if our baby is okay. I'm starting to really worry.

"Just go to her." Skylar said looking at me pick at my food.

"What?" I asked.

"Go to her. If you're this miserable, go to her. Why should you have to wait for her, when you should get off your ass, and go get her?" He asked.

"Because she doesn't want to see me." I replied looking at him.

"I don't care. You need to go to her. You go to her or I'm calling her. And you know how close her and I are to each other. She'll come over for me." He said threatening me.

"Is that a threat?" I asked.

"I think it sounded pretty obvious Sawyer." He replied.

"Fine, I'll go to her." I said getting up from the dining room table and going to grab my keys.

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