First Day Of School

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Mariah's P.O.V.
Yesterday Bekki approached me about staying with her and Jordan full time. I don't know what to think of the idea just yet. I think it's to soon. I miss my son and my family I have made. I don't know what to do. But today is the first day of school for me.

I open my eyes gently only to close them again due to the bright light. I open them slowly again letting the adjust to the light. Once they were adjusted I hopped out of bed and put on my blue slippers. I turned around and made my bed so that I won't be tempted to hop back in it. Making my bed right after you get yo is what my mother taught me years before her and dad passed.

I went into the bathroom and got ready for a shower. I stripped off my clothes and hopped in. I let the water run over my back for a minute before grabbing my shampoo and lathering it into my hair. I finished up my shower and hopped out. I wrapped my body in a towel.

I headed into my room. I opened my dresser drawer to get some clothes out. I got out some underwear and a very small bra. Seeing as I don't have much but their there.

I got out a blue shirt with some black skinny jeans. I got dressed and walked into the bathroom to get ready. I brushed my teeth and hair. I braided it to the side.

I walked out of the bathroom and into my room to get my shoes. I grabbed my pair of blue converse. I grabbed my phone and backpack before heading downstairs.

"Morning Mariah!" Bekki cheered. I smiled.

"Morning bekki." I replied with a smile. She made honey buns. I sat down at the table and ate the delicious breakfast.

A few minutes later I was done and ready to head to school. Bekki grabbed her keys and purse and we left the house.

We hopped in the car and drive to school. A few minutes passed and I came upon a big red building.

"Okay, here we are, have a good day honey." Bekki said with a smile. I looked back at her with a nervous smile. She gave me a reassuring smile.

I looked back at the building and grabbed my stuff and started toward the building.

There was a mix of jocks, geeks, and all kinds of people. I felt a little uncomfortable. But I'm determined go today to be a good day.

As I entered the school, I went straight to the office to get my schedule.

"Hello." I said. An older women's face shot up.

"Why hello." She replied. I smiled warmly at her.

"I'm here to get my schedule." I informed. She nodded her head and looked through all of the papers scattered across her desk.

"Ah here it is dear." She replied and handed me the piece of paper.

"Thank you miss." I replied with a smile and walked out the door.

As I was looking at the schedule I ran into somebody...

Hey babes! I'm so sorry I haven't updates in forever. I feel awful. Me and my boyfriend have just I been trying to spend as much time as we can with each other before his surgery. So I haven't had time. But I hope this is okay for a few dad or so. I really am so sorry and I love you guys so much. Stay lovely! ~Amanda

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