Finding Maya

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I'm on my way to find Maya. She said that she doesn't know when she is coming back so I am going to go and get her myself. I've been thinking about what Mariah said to me about Maya. I mean I really care about her but I'm afraid to tell her how I feel.
I'm about half way there when I stop for gas. I stopped at the nearest gas station because I was running on empty. And it just turns out that it is the gas station that the idiot who hit on Maya works at.

I pulled the keys out of the ignition and grabbed my phone and wallet. I walked in the store and went to get a drink and to pay for my gas. The same guy was at the counter. "Well well well. Look at who it is. Little blonde boy." He said. "Just let me pay for my stuff and let me get out." I snickered. "Did you come to beat the crap out of me?" He asked. "I can." He just put his head down. "3.99" he said. I handed him the money. "Don't spend it on weed." I snickered. "Haha. Very funny blondie. But I don't do drugs." "I couldn't tell." I said. "Where's the hottie?" He said. "First of all she's mine. Second her name is Maya. And third don't you dare talk about her like that." I warned. "She has a nice butt." He snickered. That's when I snapped.

I grabbed his collar and I pushed him up against the wall. "Id watch what you say around me. Maya is a lady therefore you WILL treat her like one am I clear?" I said. "Crystal." "Good." I put him down. "Kiss your girl for me." He said. "Mhmm." I said because I didn't know what else to say.

He just laughed and I walked out the door. I went to my car and started pumping gas. My phone started to ring so I grabbed it out of my pocket. It was from Maya. "Maya?!?!" "Sawyer help me!!!!" " Maya!! What's wrong!?!?" I started to panic. "I need your help." "Where are you?" I'm at Justin's house." That made my blood run cold. "Who the hell are you talking to?" This male voice said. "N-nothing I'm just-" I heard the sound of a slap. "Don't lie to me!!" He yelled. "Give me the phone." He said.

"Listen here Sawyer. You better say your last goodbye to Maya here because your never going to see her again." "What the hell do you mean?!?!" I asked getting mad. " I have kidnapped her. And she is going to die." He said. "Let her go or I swear I will kill you!" I yelled. "Sorry cowboy but your fun is over." "But-" the line cut off. "Oh my Gosh!" I whispered.

I hopped in my car not even caring about the gas anymore. I just put the thing back and I sped away. I started the car really fast and sped away from the gas station as fast as I could go. I got on the highway and I couldn't help but wonder if Maya was dead or alive anymore.

"Please God I need you right now. My friend is in trouble. Please don't let her die. I need to get her. I wouldn't know what to do. Please God help me please. I haven't even expressed my feelings like I want to." I prayed. I finally got to Justin's house. Maya had gave me the directions because incase she needed to come back and I needed to find her. Much like now. I shut the car off and I grabbed a gun out from my glovebox. I loaded it and I hopped out of the car and walked up to the door. I turned the knob and walked inside. I heard a voice. "Please justin don't!!" Maya yelled. "You shouldn't have left me!!" I heard a slap sound and a faint cry.

I walked up the stairs quietly and looked in the door that they were in. I opened the door. "Stop!!" I yelled. "Who the hell are you?" "I'm Sawyer. Now put the gun down." I said. "Nope. Not going to happen Sawyer. I'm going to kill Maya. And I guess it's going to have to be right in front of you." He said. He put the gun up to Maya's head. I ran over to him and jumped in front of him.

We wrestled over the gun and all of a sudden the gun went off. I looked at justin and he didn't look like he had been shot. I looked at me and I wasn't shot. And then I looked back at Maya...she got shot.

She looked at me with fear in her eyes and I saw a tear roll down her eyes. "All done." Justin laughed. "You son of a bi-" "uh uh uh." He said. "You watch your language little cowboy." He snickered.

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