The talk

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"Hey guys, so can I talk to you?" Mariah asked. "Sure what's going on?" I said. "I need you guy's advice."  "On what?"  "I need you guys to helps realize what I need to do. You know with this whole bekki and Jordan wanting me back." She said. "Oh um okay." I said. Even though I knew that this was going to happen I didn't think it was going to hurt this much every time it's brought up. "So where would you like to start Mariah?" Maya asked. "I first just want to thank you." She said. "For what?"  "Taking care of Marcus while I'm gone. And for accepting us when you and sawyer are living together. I've never met a nicer person than you. Oops besides you sawyer. What I mean is you guys are the nicest boy and girl that I've ever met." She said. "Awe Mariah you don't have to thank me. I love kids. And what makes sawyer happy will always make me happy."  "Thank you so much Maya. I'll never be able to thank you enough." "Your welcome. So let's  get started. Where do you want to start?" Maya asked. "Well bekki and Jordan were the first family to adopt me and Marcus. And I thought that they were going to be my forever family. But one morning I woke up and there was a note on the counter. Marcus was still a sleep. I planned for the note just to say that they went to work early or they got called in for work. But when I read it I was devastated. It said that they didn't want me and Marcus anymore. I didn't know what to think. It just said to go away. So me and Marcus went back to the orphanage. And I put my guard up and I chose not to trust anyone. And anybody who tried to get close to me I would just keep them away from us." She said. "Okay. Then what was the difference with sawyer?" Maya asked. "Well when I met him in the park he looked really shaken up. So I went up to him and I just looked at him and I asked him if he was okay. And he told me no. I asked him why and he said that he missed you and that he wanted you to wake up from your coma. And he likes you. I asked him if he loves you and he said that he didn't know. He was just sure that he cares about you." She said. "Okay. Well how do you feel about Jordan and bekki?" Maya asked. "I loved them. I still might. But the one thing that I do know is that I just want to have the love that I get from you guys. But I want the family that I first got attached to also." She said. That really hurt me. I don't know what to do for her. "Okay. So are you saying that you want them?" I asked her. "No. I just want to see them." "Um... Okay." I said unsure. "Can I call them tomorrow?" "Sure." I said. "Okay. Thanks bro." She said. "Your welcome," I said. She smiled and hugged both me and maya. "Thank you sawyer. I don't know what I would do without you." She said. "Whatever you want is what I want for you." I said trying to fight back tears. "Don't cry." She said. She looked at me with those big blue eyes of hers. She put her hand on my face. She wiped my tears away slowly. She smiled at me and so did I. "Thanks." I said barely above a whisper. "Don't thank me. I didn't do anything."  "What did I do?" I asked. I didn't even do anything. "Everything." She said. I hugged her and kissed her cheek. She blushed. I smiled. She walked off. "Nice job." Maya said. "With what?"  "The whole if your happy then I'm happy thing."  "Oh. Thanks." I said looking down. "Hey what's the matter?"  "I'm going to miss her. I can't do this. I just got her. Maya I love her. And I don't know what to do." I said. "Awe sawyer. I know you love her. I do too. But I'm just me I can't make your decisions for you. I can always talk to you because sawyer?" "Yeah?" "I -I'm always here for you." She said. "Thank you Maya. And I'm always here for you." I said. "You sure did show it in the hospital. You never left me."  "I will never leave you until you tell me too. I hope that day never comes though." I said. "Me either." She said. I leaned in and so did she. We were inches apart and then...Marcus started to cry. I just smiled. "You better go. Sounds like your brothers calling you." Maya said. "Yeah. Let me go and get him." I said. I pecked her cheek and walked into Marcus's room. "Hey buddy. It's okay bubba's here. I got you baby. Shhhh bubba's here Marcus." I cooed. He looked up at me with his little blue eyes. His brown hair was perfect. He looks just like Mariah. "What's wrong?" He just sat the and quietly whined. "M-momma." He said. "Haha. Yeah I'm not momma. Let me go get your momma." I said and carried him in my arms and walked into Mariah's room. "Hey sis." I said knocking on the door. "Come in big bro." She said. I chuckled and walked in. She was laying on her bed in her phone. "What's up?" She asked getting off her phone and sitting up. "Someone wants his momma." I said. "Awe baby. What's up?" She said softly to Marcus. "M-momma." He said. "Yeah baby momma is here honey." She said grabbing Marcus. They were sitting there just looking at each other. Marcus was playing with Mariah's hair and Mariah was playing with his hands. "So I'll leave you too to hang out." I said. "Okay thanks." She said. Dinner will be ready in about an hour." I said and smiled before I walked out the door. "So how did that go?' Maya asked. "Great. Mariah and Marcus are just hanging out. Do you want to help me cook dinner?" I asked her. "I would love too. What do you want to fix?" "How about we ask Mariah?" I suggested. "Okay."  "Alright c'mon." I said. She grabbed my hand and we went back to her room. I knocked on her door. "Come on in." Mariah's voice called from the other side of the door. I opened the door and walked in with Maya. "Hey bro."  "Hey sis."  "What's up?"  "What do you want for dinner?" I asked. "Do we have stuff for tacos?" She asked. "Yeah." I said. "Okay then I would like that please?"  "Okay sounds good to us." Me and Maya said at the same time. We looked at each other and just laughed. Mariah was just looking at us weirdly. "What?" I asked. "Just that there's no doubt that you guys were meant to be together." She said. I just looked at Maya with eyes that said "yeah there's no doubt". "Yeah your right. There's no doubt." I said looking at Maya. She looked at me and smiled. I wasn't going to kiss her in front of the kids. "So..." Mariah said awkwardly. "Sorry. So yeah tacos. An hour. We'll be out here if you need us." I said. But when I turned around I hit my face on the door frame. "Ow." I said. "Are you okay?" Mariah asked. "Yup." I said. Okay. Well we'll be in here." Mariah said. I smiled at her as we walked out the door. "Wow." Maya said. "What?"  "That was really...nice?" Maya said. "What was?"  "That you have no doubts." She said. "I don't. Do you?" I asked. "Not 1. Never have I ever either." She said. I smiled and kissed her. I hugged her and we went back to get the stuff for tacos. Maya turned on I heart radio. She put the speakers on. The song came on to dancing in the rain:by Shane Harper.
Do do do do do do do do do do
Wake up in the morning a cup of coffee in my hand and a song in my head
Outside its pouring,
I heard the weather man say that I should stay in,
Ain't no sunshine but it feels right, ain't no blue sky's but that alright,
I hear the drip drip drip falling on my roof top the Lightning kicks in and the thunder stays to beat box,
I got a smile on my face and its a perfect day to go dancing in the rain,
Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do,
It's a perfect day to go dancing in the rain,
Maya was browning the meat so I walked up to her and I picked her up and spun her around. "Ahhh." She squealed. "What?" I asked. "Put me down!!" She squealed while laughing. I put her down and spun her around. She turned around and took my hand. I spun her around. We were dancing. Maya couldn't stop smiling. Neither could I.
Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do,
Take my umbrella,
You can keep it I don't need it soaking  up the day,ohh this is my count off,
Tip my hat back,go slaps 5678
Ain't no sunshine but it's alright, ain't  no blue sky's but it feels right,
I got it fallin down on my skin,
And it a perfect day to go dancing in the rain,
Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do
It's a perfect day to go dancing in the rain,
And I don't need no coat,
Tappin to the rhythm while the rain drops flow, but I'm not stoppin,I'm a big old kid,
I'm not stoppin til the sun breaks in like, it's a perfect day, a perfect day,
It's a perfect day,a perfect day,
Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do
It's perfect day to go dancing in the rain, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do
It's a perfect day,a perfect day.

The song ended and me and Maya just looked at each other. "That was fun." Maya said. "Yeah it was." I said. We finished up dinner and I went to get the kids while Maya fixed plates. "I knocked on Mariah's door and she said to come in. "Hey it's time for dinner."I said. "Okay." She said. She grabbed Marcus and we went to the kitchen. The plates were on the table and everything was ready. Mariah put Marcus in his highchair and a bib on him. We all sat at the table. "Okay who's turn is it to pray?" I asked. "I believe it's Mariah's." Maya said. "Okay go ahead Mariah." I said. She smiled. We all grabbed hands and bowed our heads. "Dear lord thank you for this food that you have prepared for us. Thank you for the blessings you have blessed this family with. But most importantly thank you for putting me and Marcus just where we belong. Here with my brother... And Maya. In your name we pray amen." She said. "Amen." We all said at the same time. We let go of hands and started to eat. "this is really good Maya." Mariah said. "Thank you Mariah. I'm glad you like this." She said. I grabbed Maya's hand and smiled. "Dinners really good. I said. "Thank you. Glad you like this." She said. We smiled at each other and went back to eating. We soon after finished eating and we all cleaned up the kitchen together. Besides Marcus of course. We all finished up cleaning the kitchen. We got in our pajamas and me and Maya went to tuck in the kiddos. Marcus was first. I carried him into his room and put him in his bed carefully. "Goodnight baby boy. I love you. I really really do love you. Sweet dreams. See you in the morning." I said. I kissed  his cheek. Maya kissed his cheek too. "Good night." She said. We left his room and went to Mariah's. "Hey sis." I said from the doorway. "Hey bro. You can come in." She said. Me and Maya walked in and went to sit on her bed. "We came to say good night." I said. She smiled. "Okay." "So goodnight Mariah." I said. "Goodnight sawyer." She said. She gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Sweet dreams." She said. "Sweet dreams honey." I said. We let go of the hug and I smiled. Maya's turn. "Goodnight Mariah." "Good night Maya." She said. Mariah hugged Maya and kisses her on the cheek. They let go of the hug and we walked out the room. "Sawyer?" I heard Mariah say. "Yeah?" "Thank you."  "For what?"  "Everything."  "Your my sister. I'd do anything for you." I said. We left the room and me and Maya went to our room. Maya went to the bathroom to get dressed for bed. She finished and then I went. I got dressed in some pajamas pants and no shirt. "Goodnight." I said. "Night." She said. We kissed goodnight and headed off to dream town.

Hey babes!! So this is one of my longer chapters. I hope you guys liked it. I love you guys soooooo much!!!! Stay lovely as you guys always will. ~Amanda.

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