If Only It Was Real

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I got up to go and find my parents and my brothers. I went to the cafeteria to get a little breakfast. When I got there I found my parents. But before I went to talk to them I smelt bacon. I love bacon. So I went and got a piece and headed over to my family.

"Hey guys." I said. "Hey honey. Did you sleep good?" My mom asks. "I slept next to Maya so I guess so." "Good. You need your rest." I smiled in return. "So all your going to eat is bacon?" She asked. "I don't have much of an appetite. All that I can focus on is Maya and when is she going to wake up. I miss her beautiful brown eyes and her sarcasm. And the way she blushes is the thing that I miss most." I said. "I know honey." She said. "Hey sawyer can I talk to you alone for a moment?" My brother Aric asked. "Um sure bro." I said.

We walked out the door and into the waiting room. "Yeah Aric?" I asked. "I need some answers about Maya." "Okayyy? Your not in love with her are you?" I asked. He just looked down. "Are you serious bro!?" I asked. "I'm sorry." He said. "Really?" I asked. Aric couldn't hold it in anymore. He busted out laughing. "Nononono I promise sawyer I'm not." He said.

"Good. Then what is it?" "Just some questions." "K." "So Sawyer, as your brother I think that it is my duty to take care of you and to know what goes on in your life." "Okay Aric is there a point to this "talk" I asked with air quotes. "Yes. So I'm just going to ask you questions about you and Maya's relationship." "K." I said.

"So do you love her?" "I don't know." I said. "Okay. How romantic are ya'll?" "I don't know. We just hug often." I said. "Okay. This question is going to be a little awkward for you okay?" He told me. "Okayyyy?" "Sawyer what do you think of justin?" He asked. "He's a jerk." "Okay. And has Maya told you anything else about her past relationship with him?" "Just that he would curse at her and abuse her and rape her sometimes." I said. "Okay." "Anything else you want to "talk" to me about Aric?" I asked. "No that's all that I can think of for right now." He said.

"Good. I need to come and see Maya. Do you want to come with me?" I asked. "I would love too." "K. Follow me." I said. Aric followed me to Maya's room and what I saw lit up my world. "Maya?" I said under my breath.

I walked closer to her and I saw her laying in the bed uncomfortable. Maya?" I said. "S-sawyer right?" She said. "Um yeah Maya it's me. Don't you remember me?" I asked worried. "Kind of. Your my neighbor right?" "Um actually Maya we are kind of living together." "Are we married?" "No. No we're not." I said. "Oh I'm sorry." She said. "There's nothing to be sorry about Maya. It's not your fault you can't remember." I said. "Do I have a boyfriend?" I didn't know what to say. "No. But it is kind of complicated." I said. "What is?" "Us." "Oh I get it." "What?" I asked. "You and I aren't dating but we want to but we're both to afraid to make that jump into a relationship." She said.

"Yeah it's like that." I said. "So I like you?" She asked. "I don't know. I can't tell you how you feel." I said. "Oh." "I miss you Maya." I said. "Sawyer?" "Mhmm?" "I miss you too." She said. "Sawyer?" "Yeah Maya?" I said. "Come here."

So I walked over to her and I stood at her bed. She took my collar and pulled me down. She kissed me. "Thank you." I said. "That good huh?" She asked. "Yes. That good." She just giggled. "I better go and tell the doctor that you are awake." I said. "Wait sawyer I'll go and get him." Aric said. "Okay thanks Aric." He smiled in return. I looked back at Maya. "How do you feel?" I asked. "Sore." "I'm sorry Hun." I said. "You weren't the one that shot me. Justin is." She said. "Wait a minute. You remember Justin?!?!" I asked. "Yes." "Is there anything else that you remember?" I asked. "Yeah." She said. "Well. Justin took me after I left your parents house and he took me back to his house and he pulled me upstairs and beat me then right after he finished the beatings you showed up and then you talked to Justin then he pulled a gun on me and then you jumped in front of me and wrestled his and then the gun went off and it hit me." She said.

"Wow." I said. "Wow what?" "You actually remember what happened. I said shocked. "Yeah. Cool I guess I do." She said. "Wow. I can't wait to get you home." I said. "Me either Sawyer." She said and kissed me. "I really like you sawyer" she said. "I like you to Maya." I said. "I want to be with you." She said. "I want to be with you too." I said. "Sawyer I love you." She said. "Maya I have waited to say this for so long to you. I love you so much!! Please be mine I love you and I want to be with you." I said. "I want to be with you to sawyer. I would love to be yours. I love you so much!!" She said. I bent down and hugged her and kissed her...Then I woke up.

Sawyers P.O.V.
I woke up with the absolute worst feeling in the world. I thought she was awake. I thought she was mine. I thought I had her back. But instead I woke up with a sleeping Maya in my arms. "Oh my gosh." I said. I looked at Maya and I let a tear slip down my face. I got up and I headed into the cafeteria and I grabbed Aric without saying anything and I pulled him into the waiting room.

"What the heck dude!?!?" He said. All I could do is break down and cry. He pulled me into a hug and I just couldn't help but fall to the floor. "What's wrong?!" He asked. I couldn't make out words to speak. "Is Maya d-dead?" He asked. "N-no." I said. "Okay then what's wrong Sawyer?" He asked. "Aric I had a dream." I said. "About what!"

"About Maya waking up and me telling her that I love her and she was my girlfriend." I said. "Awe sawyer I'm so sorry!!" He said. He pulled me off the floor and carried me to my family. "Baby what's wrong?" My mom asked me. "He had a dream that Maya woke up and she said that she loved him." Aric said.

"I want her to know that she is my everything but I can't because she is in that stupid bed helpless!!" I said. Aric held me as I cried. "I miss her!!" I said. "I know Sawyer. We do too." My dad said. I didn't even eat because I was so sad that Maya is still asleep. Uncle Ryan said that she might wake up soon. But she is still helpless!! "I'm going to go take a shower." I said. "Okay. Do you want me to take you up to the room?" Aric asked. "Please?" I asked. "Sure." He said. When we got there I just looked at her...

Hey babes!! How Ya doing? So anyway it means the world that y'all pay attention to this book and criticize it when I need to work on it. It really does make me a better writer. And I can't thank you guys enough!! So keep voting and commenting. I love you guys soooooooooo much!!!!!!!! Stay lovely as always!!~Amanda.

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